Meg (Summer)/Lore

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Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain)! Today's your birthday, right?
You're so much more mature than your age would suggest. Is it because you have so much to protect?
I can relate, because that was my entire reason for getting stronger.
It's strange. Once you realise what matters to you in life, you're suddenly able to do so much more.
Of course, I'm sure you've gone through a lot more than me to get where you are.
Meeting you has strengthened my resolve to protect what matters to me as best I can.
I hope you'll continue to be my goalpost, (Captain). Happy birthday.


Hey, it's your birthday today, isn't it?
Time goes by so fast. It's already been a year, huh?
This year passed by in the blink of an eye. But I guess that just means I'm having a lot of fun traveling with you!
When I first met you, I never thought we'd eventually get this close to each other.
To me, this crew is my second Auguste.
I hope we can continue making a lot of memories together, (Captain)!


Past Meg: Happy birthday, (Captain).
Me? I'm Meg. The Meg you met in Auguste and joined your crew.
I look different from the Meg you know?
Ah... So you realized. I'm a memory from the ocean.
My love for Auguste from back in the day drifted through the ocean, and now they've manifested in front of you.
How is Auguste now? Is everyone still going on holiday there? How's Mari?
I'm probably still crazy about Auguste, right?
I might be a bit of a bother sometimes, but it'd be great if you could stick with me.

Present-day Meg: Hey! (Captain)! Can you hear me? Hang in there!
Phew, thank goodness... You scared me when you suddenly zoned out during our training session...
Huh? You saw the past me? My... appearance was different?
Ahaha! What are you talking about? Sounds like one crazy dream to me!
I mean, I can't possibly look that different! Pretty sure I'm practically the same as I was back then!


Past Meg: (Captain), it's your special day again. Happy birthday.
This is Imaginary Auguste, an illusory sea that doesn't really exist.
Is the current me doing okay? Has she matured any?
Huh? She has nice muscles?
What do you mean? Muscles? Did something happen to me? Now I'm curious... Tell me more.
Hey, don't wake up just yet! We're not done talking!
What did you mean by muscles? Is the other me a macho? I have to know—
Present-day Meg: (Captain)! You'll catch a cold by sleeping out here.
Huh? You met a younger me?
Ahahaha! I was "elegant"? What a funny thing to say.
I've always been elegant. Nothing's changed there.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Ursula! Make sure you don't go biting anyone else's kite!
Oh, (Captain). Happy New Year.
Ursula got so excited seeing those kites blowing in the wind. She probably mistook them for other flying sharks.
I tied a string to Ursula's tail fin so she could pretend to be a kite. It also works as a leash just in case anything happens.
Ursula's an important friend, so I try to share in some of her interests.
I hope you can become good friends with Ursula too, (Captain). I'm looking forward to another great year with the crew.


Great timing, (Captain)! I was just making some treats for New Year's. Think you could taste this for me?
As requested, (Captain) gives the food a taste.
How is it? I'm pretty confident that it turned out well.
The taste's plainer than you'd expected? Then that's perfect!
Oh, did I not tell you? This is for Ursula.
I'm not sure what Ursula likes exactly, but lighter seasoning is probably better health-wise.
Sorry for not explaining! But don't worry, I've got something prepared for you too!
Here, this one's yours! Dig in!


No, no, no! I'm gonna be late!
Meg here! Just an ordinary girl you'll find anywhere!
Or that's what I thought, until I found myself in a skyfaring crew and suddenly everything changed! There's still a lot I have to learn, but I'm doing my best!
Ouch.. Geez, watch where you're going!

  • Choose: No, you!
    What'd you say!
  • Choose: Are you all right, my little kitten?

Huh? Wait... (Captain)?
S-sorry about that... I'm supposed to be getting a New Year's card from Mari in the mail, so I got ahead of myself and just started running...
H-happy New Year! I-I-I'll see you around! Sorry about what happened!
Ack, I went and bumped into (Captain) of all people, right from New Year's! I'm so clumsy... Talk about a crazy start!
Just what's gonna happen to me this year!


No, no, no! I'm gonna be late!
Meg here! Just an ordinary girl you'll find anywhere!
I'm an eighteen-year-old plain Jane member of (Captain)'s crew who definitely doesn't stand out.
Everyone else on the crew though is amazing. I have my hands full just trying not to get in their way...
Ouch... Watch where you're going, Meg!

  • Choose: Silly girl.
  • Choose: A sea urkin's stuck in your hair.

Urk... (Captain)!
I'm s-so, so sorry! I was afraid I'd be late for my meetup with Mari at the shrine, and...
Gah! Meg, you big dum-dum! Is vacationing the only thing in your head? Goofing up already on the first day of the new year?
Here's hoping this is not a sign of things to come!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain)! Won't you accept my chocolates?
They might look generic, but I promise you they taste great!
At first I wanted to surprise you with something fancy.
But I ended up going with something I knew would come out tasting delicious. Figured my feelings would come across better that way!
Besides, I can work on making them look better over time.
Give me a few years, and I'll give you tasty chocolates tailored to your senses, (Captain)!


Oh, (Captain)! Here are your chocolates for this Valentine's!
They turned out nicely this year, so I'm pretty proud of them! I asked Mari to teach me a few things!
When I gave her some of these, she said they were really good! Here, have some too, (Captain)!
Let me know how you like it later. Since I've gotten better at making them, next I want to make ones that suit different people's tastes.
You can always count on a girl to do her best for the people she loves.
I may be average, but I don't want to make just average Valentine's chocolates!
So look forward to next year's, (Captain)!


Happy Valentine's, (Captain)!
What? Chocolate? Oh, um, I just wanted to wish you a happy Valentine's... That's it...
Oh, no! I actually have some! I did make chocolate and everything. It's just that...
You see, I used the salt I brought back from Auguste and tried making some salted chocolates.
But then when I got everyone to try them, they didn't look like they were enjoying it, so I thought maybe I should just throw them out...
Huh? You don't mind? You still... want to eat them?
Wow, thanks, (Captain)! You're really great, you know that?
I tried replacing all the sugar in the recipe with salt 'cause I thought, why not!
Enjoy the full taste of Auguste!


Happy Valentine's! This chocolate's for you, (Captain)! Go ahead and have a bite!
(Captain) makes an earnest attempt, but the chocolate is too hard to bite into.
Sorry about last year. I'll admit replacing all the sugar in the recipe with Auguste salt was going a bit too far...
To make up for it, I put in plenty of nuts harvested from the forest I used to train at!
I realize they're a bit hard, which kind of works out, because then you'll only want to eat it when you're really hungry.
Never mind the taste. It's jam-packed with nutrition, and that's what matters in the end!

Raspberry Chocolate Cake
4th year: Nutty Chocolate Pastry
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Meg: (Captain)... This is thanks for Valentine's?
Meg: Two boxes? I gave you pretty standard chocolates, but you're giving me so much more in return...
Meg: Huh? One box is for Ursula? Wow, you really went all the way.
Ursula: Sharrrk! Sharrrk!
Meg: Ahaha, you've made Ursula one happy shark. Thanks, we'll take it.
Meg: Where I'm from, all the chocolate-giving happened only on Valentine's. Having a separate White Day is an interesting change for me.
Meg: I'm starting to see why people gather around you, (Captain).
Meg: I hope some of your kindness rubs off on me.


Is this a present in return for Valentine's? Thanks!
Ahaha, two boxes again? Gotcha—I'll be sure to pass this one over to Ursula!
Your kindness really is what makes this crew what it is.
I feel just spending time with you has helped me grow softer as a person, compared to how I was before for a period of time.
It's strange. I never thought I'd change this much as a person.
But now that I think about it... Maybe if we'd never met, I wouldn't have changed from how I'd been in the first place...
Oh well! Let's not think too deeply about it!


Ursula: Sharrrk!
Meg: Wh-whoa, hey! Ursula! Stop pushing!
Ursula: Sharrrk!
Meg: Sigh... Geez!
Oh, (Captain)... Sorry for the ruckus.
Um, Ursula wanted me to come find you and kept pushing me around.
Ursula: Sharrrk!
Meg: Er, this is kind of awkward, but... Ursula's waiting for your return gift for Valentine's.
You always give us two, so Ursula's been wanting you to hurry it up... Haha. Talk about a greedy shark, right?
Wow... thanks!
Look, Ursula! You got one this year too!
Ursula: Sharrrk! Sharrrk!
Meg: At least now Ursula's happy. Sorry we were so demanding... Ahaha...
But I'm really happy for the present too, (Captain). Thanks!


Meg: Ah, (Captain)! Is this thanks for Valentine's?
Aw, how sweet! I really appreciate this—
At that very moment...
Ursula: Sharrrk!
Meg: Ah! I can't believe Ursula just took the present!
Wait up, Ursula.
Ursula! Come back!

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Meg: (Captain), happy Halloween!
Ahaha, I seem a lot more upbeat than usual? Well, something really neat happened.
I got to talking with some of the kids in the crew, and they became fast friends with Ursula.
They probably mistook her for a very well-made doll.
I'm sure they would've run away if they knew Ursula was a bona fide shark, so I kept mum about that.
Even if it was the result of a misunderstanding, I'm glad they were able to have a fun time together.
Ursula: Sharrrk! Sharrrk!
Meg: And most of all, I'm thankful to you, (Captain), for inviting us to join the crew.


Ursula: Sharrrk! Sharrrk!
Meg: Ahaha, it's okay, Ursula!
Oh, (Captain)! Listen to this!
I was dressing myself up for Halloween and stuck a toy knife to my stomach as part of my costume...
But Ursula thought it was a real knife and got really worried!
I guess Ursula's never seen anything like this before, so it must've been surprising.
Anyway, it's kind of nice to have a friend worry about you, huh? It means they care.
I'm super average and people don't usually look twice at me, so this makes me happy.
Ursula's a very important friend to me and always will be! Hehe.


Meg: Sharrrk!
Whew... (Captain), Happy Halloween!
How was that? Did I look like the real Ursula? I made this costume myself! Looks pretty good, right?
I saw that there was a correspondence course on how to make character costumes, so I tried taking it.
I'll be wearing this around town for this year's Halloween! Doesn't it seem fun?
Anyway, correspondence courses really are amazing! You can learn to do pretty much anything!
Whoops, it's about time. Let's head out to town!
Hm? For some reason, I get the feeling I'm forgetting something...
Ursula: Sharrrk...


Ursula: Sharrrk!
Meg: Sharrrk!
Ursula: Sharrrk!
Meg: Teehee... Well, (Captain)? Surprised?
I'm wearing an Ursula costume just like last year, except I'm also tag-teaming with the real Ursula this time around.
Being cornered by a pair of sharks is bound to startle anyone.
Okay, off we go!
Ursula: Sharrrk!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Wow, look at all the pretty illuminations in town!
What a special night this is. Wouldn't you say so, (Captain)?
It was always incredibly busy at the cafe back home around this time of year, so I could never really enjoy the festivities.
Not like I had anyone to enjoy the festivities with anyway. Ahaha...
Hey, (Captain). When we're walking together, doesn't it feel like...
Like we're a couple?
Pfft! Sorry about that! Lost myself for a second...
I was trying to make you laugh with a joke, but I guess it backfired!
I'm serious though when I say that I'm having a lot of fun just walking around with you, (Captain).


Hey (Captain), do you believe in Santa Claus?
I do. I got a present from him when I was little, you know.
If you could wish for anything right now, what would you wish for? Lemme guess—peace for everyone in the crew?
As for me, hmm... I don't know. Maybe nothing in particular.
What, were you expecting me to say "peace in Auguste" or something? It's true that I do wish for that, but...
I want to protect the things important to me myself!
But I guess it'd be a waste if I didn't wish for anything when I could.
I know! I'll wish for Mari's happiness!
Oh, and yours too, of course!


Oh, (Captain)... Happy holidays...
Huh? I look kind of down? Yeah, I guess you could say something happened... Will you hear me out?
I just got a letter from Mari. I'll read a bit of it out.
"Dear Meg. It's almost the holy night, and the illuminations are just crazy here."
"It's literally the best. Why don't you come over for a visit?"
"Come to Auguste and let's spend a nice and cozy winterguste together."
The letter ended up arriving late and I just saw this... It's already the holy night.
Ahh, this isn't fair! I bet a winterguste with Mari would've been super nice!
I wanted to see the illuminations and eat some delicious seafood!
What do you think a "winterguste" is anyway?


Ursula: ...
Alerted to a presence, (Captain) awakens in the middle of the night.
Ursula: Sharrrk!
Meg: Aw, we goofed. you were supposed to stay nice and quiet...
Sorry, (Captain)! I asked Ursula to place my holiday present to you by your pillow...
She was convinced she could do it without waking you, but ah well...
Really sorry! You can go back to bed now!
I'll leave the present here! You can check it out in the morning!
Good night!
Ursula: Sharrrk!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Operation: Be Sneaky

Although peace has returned to Auguste after the zombie incident, Meg is worried about Mari acting as the new chairperson of the Auguste Tourism Association. Meg and the others revisit the island and secretly tail Mari to watch her work, but Mari knows she is being followed all along. While watching the sun set later that night, the two young women promise to keep protecting their beloved Auguste.

Meg: Meg here! I'm just an ordinary girl like any other!
Meg: Through a series of wacky misadventures, I ended up joining a skyfaring crew. Even while traveling with those wonderful people, I still found time to keep the peace in Auguste.
Meg: But after a long hiatus away from that tropical wonderland, I stopped by for a visit, only to find out that a zombie brigade was dying to welcome me back!
Meg: The evil mastermind behind the curtains had some nasty plans for the isles.
Meg: Before I knew it, I was getting my butt handed to me! Whoops!
Meg: But it worked out in the end. I made sure peace was back in Auguste before setting off again on my long, long journey.
Meg: Wait a minute. Stop everything. Hold up.
Meg: Hm... Not sure I like this...
Monster: Grooar!
Vyrn: Look out, Meg!
Meg: Eep!
Monster: Grrrgh...
Meg: M-my bad, (Captain)! My mind was somewhere else!
Vyrn: That ain't like you at all. You're usually pumped up and ready to rumble.
Meg: Yeah, about that...
Meg: You remember how Mari got picked to be the new chairperson of the Auguste Tourism Association?
Meg: She's definitely got a responsible-leader type of personality, so I wasn't that worried about how she'd do at first.
Meg: But we're talking about the holy grail of getaways, Auguste. And now she's the top banana of the organization handling its tourism.
Meg: Now, I'm just your average, workaday person, so I can't imagine that kind of pressure—
Meg: Oh no! Do you think she was guilt-tripped into taking the position? Is she gonna survive?
Vyrn: No wonder you had your head in the clouds. I feel ya.
Lyria: We could always go check on her. How about it?
Meg: Is that all right with you?
Meg: I originally didn't bring it up because of how self-centered I'd seem...
Vyrn: Nah, sounds fine to me. We're curious what Auguste's like after the zombie crisis too.
Vyrn: Hard to keep travelin' when you leave a job half-finished. Who knows; the island might be in trouble again.
Meg: A-are you super sure?
  1. No such thing as too many vacations.
  2. I'd love to see Mari again.

Choose: No such thing as too many vacations.
Meg: Geez, (Captain), could it be any more obvious that you're thinking about fun in the sun!
Meg: (Wait... Is the captain trying to settle my nerves? If so, I appreciate the gesture.)
Meg: All right then. I don't wanna be a wet blanket after (Captain)'s given the okay.

Choose: I'd love to see Mari again.
Meg: Bwuh? Wh-what's that supposed to mean!
Lyria: Ahaha... I'm sure (Captain) doesn't mean anything weird by it. I want to see Mari again too.
Meg: All right then. I don't wanna be a wet blanket after (Captain)'s given the okay.
Continue 1
Meg: Count me in! Thanks, (Captain)!
Meg: Oh, but let's keep this a secret from Mari, 'kay? Wouldn't want to screw up her work by popping in uninvited.
The crew accepts Meg's request, and they keep a low profile flying into Auguste.
???: Please arrange your stalls according to the layout designated on the handout.
???: If you run into any problems, contact the main office of the concessions union. They'll get back to you as soon as possible.
???: Lastly, you're each responsible for observing clean and sanitary business practices. Thanks for your time, everyone. Happy sales.
???: Phew... That takes care of one of my duties.
Meg: Say hello to Mari, who looks fantabulous as always even while juggling a billion things at once! She's been my BFF since we were kids!
Meg: We grew up in the same neighborhood, but years later she ended moving to my beloved Auguste.
Meg: While in Auguste, all sorts of hijinks ensued. Thankfully that made her come to love the isles. And then, and then!
Meg: She made a huge, huge, huuuuge impression and got picked to be the next tourism association chairperson. She's so awesome!
Meg: Her campaign to ensure harmony for Auguste never skips a day! Fight on, Mari! Fight on!
Vyrn: Psst! Hey, Meg! Who the heck are you talkin' to? She's gonna see you out in the open!
Meg: Oops, can't have that!
Thanks to Vyrn's warning, Meg hastily scrambles behind a stack of boxes.
From the moment the crew arrived in Auguste, they've been tailing Mari and watching her from the shadows while she works.
Vyrn: I figured bringin' a shark into town would cause people to freak...
Vyrn: But so far we haven't heard a peep. Where'd your shark buddy go?
Meg: Like you said, Ursula stands out too much. I feel bad, but I asked her to stay out of sight.
Meg: If I call her name though, she'll come out lickety-split.
Meg: Wait, I think Mari's on the move.
Mari: Okay, on to the next stop. Hm, where am I going again?
Mari walks off, her eyes glued to the schedule written in her personal organizer.
Lyria: Mari really does seem super busy.
Meg: She's got her nose to the grindstone, and here I am running around like a kid on the playground...
Meg: Okay, no more screwing around! I gotta do my part too!
Vyrn: Hey! Where're you goin'!
Meg: Excuse me, sir! You have a customer!
Stall Owner: Yep, yep. I see ya. Welcome!
Stall Owner: Oh, I like your style, cutie! I think I'll toss in a freebie of your choice!
Meg: Give me everything please!
Stall Owner: E-everything? I think you're taking advantage of my generous offer here...
Meg: No, no, I'll pay of course! I'll buy everything you have, including all your raw ingredients!
Stall Owner: What am I, a grocer? You meant that as a joke, right?
Meg: I most certainly did not! Our dream is the real deal!
Meg: If I can help increase everyone's sales, that'll get us a little closer to our dream!
Stall Owner: Your... dream? Lady, you've lost me...
Vyrn: Hey, cut that out, will ya? Can't you see you're puttin' the guy in a tight spot?
Meg: Oh! S-sorry! I must sound like a madwoman!
Stall Owner: Uh, nah. No big deal. A bit of excitement is good for business.
Lyria: Ahaha... When Meg sets her mind to something, she gives it 110 percent.
Lyria: Speaking of having your mind on something, everything here looks real yummy!
Stall Owner: Can't go wrong with any of these fine items. My stall just opened, so I only had time to make one serving of each item for now.
Lyria: I want to try them all!
Vyrn: With ten items on the menu, that's enough to feed ten people. Hah, pretty sure Lyria could easily finish that much by herself!
Stall Owner: Uh, but she's so small...
  1. We'll take the whole menu!

Choose: We'll take the whole menu!
Stall Owner: S-sure... It's been a pleasure serving you. (Is it a new fad to buy out entire stalls or something?)
The crew continues to shop the stalls Mari has helped to set up in order to boost their sales.
Soon, food and souvenirs are practically spilling from their overstuffed arms.
Lyria: Hehe, what a shopping spree!
Vyrn: Woowoo! I love me a good vacay!
Vyrn: ...
Um, someone remind me why we're throwin' rupies around again?
Meg: Mari's trying to get a bunch of stalls off the ground, so we're boosting their sales figures!
Meg: More sales mean more popularity! Yep, that's definitely how it works!
Vyrn: Oh, right! We were supposed to be seein' how Mari was doin'!
Lyria: Uh-oh... I don't see her anywhere...
Meg: Crap! Did we lose her?
Meg: Great, what now? I've barely scratched the surface of helping her out with her job...
While Meg stands there feeling lost, someone creeps up behind her.
Mari: It's not nice to sneak around, Meg.
Meg: Ack!
Mari: Surprise! Did I shake you outta your boots?
Meg: When did you show up!
Mari: That's what I'd like to know. You could've just come say hi instead of forcing me to play a game of hide-and-seek.
Meg: Sorry, Mari. You looked really busy, and I didn't want to muck things up for you—
Meg: Hang on! Don't tell me you figured out we were following you!
Mari: Oh, please. I knew from the start.
Mari: I can easily pick you out from a crowd of a hundred.
Mari: And come on. Hanging out with you is never going to be an issue!
Meg: Mari...
Mari: Speaking of, are you free right now? I got loads to tell you about.
Meg: My schedule's open, but what about yours? I thought you had work.
Mari: I already checked off everything on my list for today. Got it done in record time under your watchful eye!
Mari: Let's get outta here, Meg!
Meg: Sure!
Mari and Meg split off from the crew and head down to the beach to watch the sun set.
Meg: Sigh... It's so beautiful...
Meg: Auguste just wouldn't be as fun without its picturesque red dusky seas.
Mari: I couldn't agree more. Plus, having you here is icing on the cake.
Meg: Cut it out, Mari.
Mari: Haha.
Mari: Ever since I took over as the new chairperson, I've been trying out different ways to increase tourism.
Mari: At first I thought about making Auguste the go-to place for couples, and I still think it's a good idea.
Mari: But there has to be more to it than that. Once I got over the adrenaline rush and settled into my new role, I had time to sit and think.
Mari: Have you heard of ecotourism? It's where a local area gets to show off cool features about the region, like its natural environment and history.
Mari: That way tourists can learn the importance of the region, and that'll hopefully encourage them to think about conservation.
Meg: Nature, history, conservation... Sounds like you're tackling some complicated stuff.
Mari: All in a day's work for a chairperson.
Mari: Have you heard how resorts like Alohas are exploding in popularity lately?
Mari: Well, lots of Auguste regulars have started going there instead. Other managers have made proposals to build a new resort to funnel in a steady stream of customers.
Mari: But I'm totally against doing things that hurt the environment!
Mari: You and I both love Auguste's stunning natural bounty.
Mari: I'll do everything possible to protect that treasure into the future.
Meg: Wow... That's... That's incredible, Mari! You've really put a ton of thought into this!
Mari: Aw, way to make a gal blush.
Mari: Look, I made a promise. I wasn't setting out to make Auguste a place for you to protect. I want it to be a place where you can find solace.
Meg: I can't wait to see what you come up with! And you won't have to do it alone!
Mari: Thanks! As long as you've got my back, I'll never run out of energy!
Mari: I know you just got here, but wanna tour Auguste with me? See if we can drum up more ideas?
Mari: We don't get to see each other that often. Since you've already made the trip, you might as well kick off your heels and take it easy!
Mari: I finally get a much-needed day off tomorrow. Sound good?
Meg: As if you had to ask!
With a promise to meet up again in the morning, they smile at each other as the water laps at the sand in front of them.

The Trouble with Being Normal

The next day, Meg and Mari have fun at the beach, the shops, and a cafe. However, just as their vacation is getting started, Meg suddenly faints. Mari frantically carries her to the nearest clinic.

Mari: Splash fight!
Meg: Aaah! It's freezing!
Meg: You asked for it, Mari! It's payback time!
Mari: Yeee!
Mari: Ugh, thanks for making me scream all weird!
Meg: Hahaha! Sorry, Mari!
Their gleeful yelps and laughs ring out under the beaming sun.
They're mingling with other tourists down by the shore, enjoying the day off like they'd promised each other yesterday.
Meg: This rocks, Mari! Nothing beats a regular old day of fun during the prime days of our youth!
Meg: Thanks for inviting me out! I'm so amped right now!
Mari: It's all good. I'm at my happiest when you're having a great time!
Meg: Haha...
Mari: Wanna get outta the water for a bit? I don't know about you, but I need a drink after all this swimming.
Mari: I know a nearby cafe we can chill at.
Meg: Nice! Let's do it!
Meg: Mmm! This tropical juice hits the spot! I can feel the fruitiness powering me back up!
Mari: This ice cream is to die for. It's perfect for beating the heat.
Meg: That does look good. Maybe I should've gotten one too.
Mari: Wanna bite?
Meg: I'd love one! Can I?
Mari: Sure. Shut your eyes and say "ah."
Meg: You're kidding, right? C'mon... That's embarrassing...
Mari: Says who! It's totally normal. I mean, we're besties, aren't we?
Meg: Y-yeah! I think I've read something similar in illustrated storybooks before, so...
Meg: The heck with it! Aah!
Mari scoops up a spoonful of ice cream and holds it out like a fishing lure. Meg takes the bait.
Meg: You're right—this is amazing! I can feel my body cooling off as the ice cream melts in my mouth!
Mari: I know, right?
Meg: I'm in heaven! Nothing can top this!
Mari: Haha, I love it.
Meg: Sigh... Just leave me here. I'm done moving for the day.
Mari: Too bad. We've got a long day of research ahead of us.
Meg: It was a joke. I'm not gonna break my promise to help—
Meg: Ngh!
Mari had gotten up to leave, but when Meg tries to follow her lead, she reels from a sudden intense throbbing in her head.
Mari: What's wrong, Meg? Are you okay?
Meg: Uh-huh, I'm fine! Wow, that was weird.
Meg: I think I stood up too fast and got dizzy. Don't worry about it.
Mari: If you say so...
Meg: Auguste is pretty big. We won't make it around the island if we don't leave now!
Mari: Got that right. But if you start feeling sick or anything, let me know, okay?
Meg: Yep. Thanks, Mari!
The pair pay their checks and head out.
???: ...
Unbeknownst to the two girls, a mysterious creature breathlessly watches them from afar.
Having finished with the sea, the girls stay ashore and shop till they drop.
However, the excursion won't turn out the way they expected.
Mari: Whew, I swear I just bought enough for three new wardrobes.
Mari: Can we stop by my place to drop off these bags? Besides, I can't wait to slip into a new outfit.
Mari: After that, I'll show you this perfect spot I found while I was doing surveys for the association. What do you think?
Meg: Okay...
Mari: Meg? You look pale...
Meg: Hm? Mm-mm, I'm good!
Meg: No, really. Don't worry about me. Yeah, don't—
Mari is at Meg's side at once, catching the unconscious girl before she hits the ground.
Mari: Meg! Meg!
Clutching the suddenly ill Meg, a panicking Mari carries her off to the nearest clinic.

The Trouble with Being Normal: Scene 2

The next day, Meg and Mari have fun at the beach, the shops, and a cafe. However, just as their vacation is getting started, Meg suddenly faints. Mari frantically carries her to the nearest clinic.

Mari: Splash fight!
Meg: Aaah! It's freezing!
Meg: You asked for it, Mari! It's payback time!
Mari: Yeee!
Mari: Ugh, thanks for making me scream all weird!
Meg: Hahaha! Sorry, Mari!
Their gleeful yelps and laughs ring out under the beaming sun.
They're mingling with other tourists down by the shore, enjoying the day off like they'd promised each other yesterday.
Meg: This rocks, Mari! Nothing beats a regular old day of fun during the prime days of our youth!
Meg: Thanks for inviting me out! I'm so amped right now!
Mari: It's all good. I'm at my happiest when you're having a great time!
Meg: Haha...
Mari: Wanna get outta the water for a bit? I don't know about you, but I need a drink after all this swimming.
Mari: I know a nearby cafe we can chill at.
Meg: Nice! Let's do it!
Meg: Mmm! This tropical juice hits the spot! I can feel the fruitiness powering me back up!
Mari: This ice cream is to die for. It's perfect for beating the heat.
Meg: That does look good. Maybe I should've gotten one too.
Mari: Wanna bite?
Meg: I'd love one! Can I?
Mari: Sure. Shut your eyes and say "ah."
Meg: You're kidding, right? C'mon... That's embarrassing...
Mari: Says who! It's totally normal. I mean, we're besties, aren't we?
Meg: Y-yeah! I think I've read something similar in illustrated storybooks before, so...
Meg: The heck with it! Aah!
Mari scoops up a spoonful of ice cream and holds it out like a fishing lure. Meg takes the bait.
Meg: You're right—this is amazing! I can feel my body cooling off as the ice cream melts in my mouth!
Mari: I know, right?
Meg: I'm in heaven! Nothing can top this!
Mari: Haha, I love it.
Meg: Sigh... Just leave me here. I'm done moving for the day.
Mari: Too bad. We've got a long day of research ahead of us.
Meg: It was a joke. I'm not gonna break my promise to help—
Meg: Ngh!
Mari had gotten up to leave, but when Meg tries to follow her lead, she reels from a sudden intense throbbing in her head.
Mari: What's wrong, Meg? Are you okay?
Meg: Uh-huh, I'm fine! Wow, that was weird.
Meg: I think I stood up too fast and got dizzy. Don't worry about it.
Mari: If you say so...
Meg: Auguste is pretty big. We won't make it around the island if we don't leave now!
Mari: Got that right. But if you start feeling sick or anything, let me know, okay?
Meg: Yep. Thanks, Mari!
The pair pay their checks and head out.
???: ...
Unbeknownst to the two girls, a mysterious creature breathlessly watches them from afar.
Having finished with the sea, the girls stay ashore and shop till they drop.
However, the excursion won't turn out the way they expected.
Mari: Whew, I swear I just bought enough for three new wardrobes.
Mari: Can we stop by my place to drop off these bags? Besides, I can't wait to slip into a new outfit.
Mari: After that, I'll show you this perfect spot I found while I was doing surveys for the association. What do you think?
Meg: Okay...
Mari: Meg? You look pale...
Meg: Hm? Mm-mm, I'm good!
Meg: No, really. Don't worry about me. Yeah, don't—
Mari is at Meg's side at once, catching the unconscious girl before she hits the ground.
Mari: Meg! Meg!
Clutching the suddenly ill Meg, a panicking Mari carries her off to the nearest clinic.

The Trouble with Being Normal: Scene 3

Mari tries to keep Meg on a strict regimen of normality until they run into the former chairman of the tourism association, who has become a zombie. Watching Meg fight the zombie, Mari is reminded that Meg is fine the way she is. After visiting a different doctor, it turns out Meg only had a common cold, further solidifying her mindset that she's just an ordinary girl.

After leaving the clinic, Meg and Mari walk through town in search of normalcy.
Meg: So... What am I supposed to do exactly?
Mari: Good question...
Mari: I was all gung ho about jumping right in, but I've never looked for things to do just because they were "normal."
Mari: Apparently the stuff we were doing before you fainted caused your obsessive-normative disorder.
Mari: According to the doc, repeating the same activities should build up your tolerance and cure it.
Meg: So basically I have to keep shopping, is that it?
Meg: Call me crazy, but me getting sick halfway through shopping doesn't seem like fun for either of us.
Mari: It'll be fine! This time just tell me when you're starting to feel bad.
Meg: Got it. I promise.
They pick up where they left off shopping and happily browse the many goods on display.
Mari: Oooh, check out this plate! It's got a picture of Auguste's sea painted on it!
Meg: Aah, that's cute! What a perfect souvenir!
Meg: Gasp!
Mari: What's up? Found something good?
Meg: Heck yeah! It's a survival knife!
Mari: Huh?
Meg: I've had my eye on this knife ever since I first saw it! Oh, wow, and it's half off too!
Mari: What, um... What are you gonna do with it?
Meg: Field dress deer and boars, duh!
Meg: If I ever get the urge to hole up in the mountains, having one of these babies at my side will make my life way easier!
Meg: The one I have now is all rusted from blood. It literally won't cut it anymore. Am I lucky or what!
Mari: ...
Meg: Why are you staring at me like that?
Mari: Oh, sorry. It's nothing. I had a few wisecracks lined up in my head, but they all fell flat.
Mari: So I'll only say one thing...
Mari: Back away from the knife, Meg!
Meg: Huh? Give me one good reason why!
Mari: I know this is going to hurt, but ordinary girls do not go into the mountains to hunt wild animals and gut them!
Mari: Look, if people are into that sort of thing, then cool. More power to them. But I wouldn't put it under the ordinary category!
Meg: Really? Didn't it used to be all the rage to be a mountain girl?
Meg: You know, climbing up mountains, training, eating wild animals, and appreciating the great outdoors?
Mari: Mountain climbing is cool, and appreciating nature is great too, but everything else is plain old wrong!
Meg: Seriously? My world's been flipped upside down...
Mari: Hey, don't get me wrong! I'm not trying to be a buzzkill!
Mari: I just want you and me to have fun doing stuff together!
Meg: Okay, okay. You've made your point—
Meg: Guh!
The instant Meg reluctantly places the knife back on the shelf, her headache strikes again.
Mari: See! It's normal not to ogle a knife, and that's why your body's reacting the way it is!
Mari: I know it's tough, but you gotta fight it, Meg!
From here on out, Mari takes it upon herself to push Meg hard.
Whenever Meg displays behavior that isn't ordinary, Mari grits her teeth and steps in.
This style of shopping quickly drains the life out of both of them.
Meg: M-Mari... How long do I need to keep this up?
Meg: My headache is getting worse. Can we take a quick break?
Mari: Y-yeah... Don't wanna go past our limits...
Mari: Tell you what. I know a nice spot we can go to for a change of pace.
Mari: It's the same spot I was telling you about before you fainted.
Mari: Not even the locals know about it, making it the perfect place to rest. You in?
Meg: A secret spot no one else has found? You bet I'm in!
Meg: Aaah! Now this is refreshing!
Meg: No people running around or anything to spoil the calm!
Mari: These huge boulders create a natural ring of privacy and provide shade. Does it get any better than this?
Meg: Nope! And I think it chased away my headache!
Mari: Glad to hear it.
Mari: ...
Meg: What's wrong, Mari? You've gone quiet.
Mari: Oh... Well, I feel a lot better when I see you bursting with energy.
Mari: This hasn't been easy on me. You think I like forcing you to do things you don't want to?
Meg: I don't see it that way. I know you just want what's best for me.
Meg: It doesn't make sense to complain about someone who's trying to help. I appreciate what you're doing.
Mari: Meg... Thank you.
Mari wipes a small tear from her eye and smiles.
Mari: You know what? I can't stand to see you suffer. Let's go chat with the doc again and see if there's another way.
Mari: Come on, Meg.
Meg: Yeah, I think you're—
Meg: ...!
Meg suddenly bristles, sensing that they're not alone.
Mari: What is it?
Meg: Something's here... Careful!
Former Chairman: Urrrgh...
Meg: There are still zombies around?
Mari: No way! What's a zombie doing here!
Meg: There's no people here, and it's shaded from the sun. Sounds like the perfect hideout to me!
Meg: Come on out, Ursula!
Ursula: Sharrrk!
Ursula comes flying out of nowhere and fuses with Meg. They both set their sights on the zombie.
Meg: Prepare yourself, villain of Auguste!
Meg: Yaaaah!
Former Chairman: Urrrgh...
Former Chairman: What the! Where am I? What am I doing?
Meg: You're the former chairman!
Former Chairman: It's you two! Why are you—
Former Chairman: Wait, it's coming back to me now. I was bitten by a zombie fish and turned into a zombie myself...
Former Chairman: I can't believe it... You still rescued me despite my despicable schemes... Could I be any more pathetic?
Mari: I heard you'd gone missing after the incident, but becoming a zombie is pretty ironic.
Former Chairman: Believe it or not, I didn't want to attack you.
Meg: I wasn't blaming you. You probably aren't aware of your actions as a zombie. Besides, no one was hurt anyway.
Former Chairman: I see... Not only are you physically strong, but your sense of compassion is strong as well.
Former Chairman: I've lost in every way possible. I'm probably cursed, and I'll only bring trouble to Auguste if I stay here.
Former Chairman: Do what you want with me. I'm tired of it all.
Meg: ...
Meg: That's it? You're throwing in the towel?
Former Chairman: So what if I am?
Meg: If you really love Auguste like I think you do, you'd clean up your act and try again.
Former Chairman: It's too late. After what I've done, I'd never be let back in to the community.
Former Chairman: I can have a change of heart and work my tail off to make amends, but no one will accept it.
Mari: They will if the new chairperson personally takes it upon herself to keep tabs on you.
Meg: Mari?
Mari: Truth is we're short-staffed. The handover from the old administration wasn't exactly what I'd call smooth.
Former Chairman: Why would you go that far to cover for me? I exposed Auguste, as well as you two, to great danger.
Mari: Hey, I'm not saying I forgive you. Honestly I wanna sock you for attacking Meg!
Mari: Which, to be fair, I already got my fair share of licks in.
Mari: In any case, Meg thinks it's okay to trust you, so I'd like to follow her example and believe in you too.
Former Chairman: ...
Former Chairman: Haha... Talk about strong-arm tactics.
Former Chairman: But assertiveness is an important quality for any leader. You're cut out for this position.
Mari: You said we could do what we wanted with you. Well, I'm gonna work you like a dog.
Former Chairman: Very well. If you think I'll be useful in some way, then have at it.
Meg: Awesome. Case closed.
Mari: Hey, Meg, I forgot to thank you for saving me back there.
Meg: No biggie. It was a no-brainer.
Mari: And... I'm sorry too.
Meg: Sorry for what?
Mari: Watching you fight got me thinking again.
Mari: I really don't care if you're ordinary or not. The way you kick ass doing Meg stuff is the coolest part about you.
Mari: When I stop and tear apart what the doc said, he sounds full of crap.
Mari: I think what it boils down to is I wanted to prove to you that I was pulling my weight as the new chairperson, and I ended up overcompensating in other ways.
Mari: It's my fault I put you through this garbage. I feel so guilty...
Mari: I'm so sorry, Meg!
Meg: C-cut it out, Mari! Stop apologizing!
Meg: I've said it again and again—I appreciate everything you've done for me! I don't resent you at all!
Mari: I know...
Mari: I'm gonna step up my game and make Auguste an island where you can feel at home, Meg.
Mari: Your sudden illness is still a mystery to us, but I think you're also feeling the effects of emotional strain.
Mari: Once we get the illness cured, next time we'll have an ordinary, fun-filled vacation for sure.
Meg: You said it.
Meg: I'm gonna keep living the ordinary life just like I always have!
Mari: Y-yeah... Exactly... (I think that ship sailed a long time ago...)
Days later.
Vyrn: After all that, it turned out to be a common cold?
Meg: Yep. We went to a different doctor. They said my immune system took a tumble because I overextended myself.
Vyrn: So all that stuff the first doc said about the ob-whatever disorder was gobbledygook.
Meg: That doctor was a quack. When Mari learned it was just a cold, she fell to the floor apologizing to me.
Meg: She kept going on and on about how it was her fault for bringing me to him in the first place, but, like, I'm not even mad.
Lyria: Well, I'm glad it's nothing serious! That means you can keep traveling with us!
Meg: Happy to be flying with you guys.
Meg: But you know what the best part is? Catching a cold happens to everyone!
Meg: That means I'm ordinary after all! Feels great getting confirmation after days of uncertainty.
Vyrn: Uh... Doesn't that raise it's own questions?
Lyria: Ahaha... That's Meg for you.
Vyrn: Yeah... Sure...
Further entrenched in her own way of thinking, Meg returns to her lovable, cheery self.
Her fellow crew members can only smile in vexation, but they reason that's just part of Meg's charm.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
(主人公)って、ノリで生きてるとこあるよね (Captain)'s all about grabbing life by the horns.
もうゾンビはいないよね? The zombies are finally gone, right? Please tell me yes.
どこにいても、蒼い空でまりっぺと繋がってるから Doesn't matter where we are; Mari and I are bound by the sky.
もう風邪を引かないようにもっと鍛えないと! I need to train harder so I don't catch any more colds!
(主人公)の足手まといにはならないから! I won't slow (Captain) down!
今回のバカンスで結構散財しちゃった…… Oof... This vacation crushed my wallet...
ウルスラって日焼けしないのかな? Can sharks get sunburned? I hope Ursula's okay.
想いが本物なら、何度だってやり直せるよね If your feelings are genuine, it's never too late to start over.
山籠もり、流行ると思うんだけどなぁ…… I could've sworn secluding yourself in the mountains was popular...
あっ! タピオカジュース飲み忘れてた! Aaah! I forgot to drink my bubble tea!
