Imagination Overdrive/Story

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These tabs contain full Event cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the plot and characters. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Imagination Overdrive - Opening

Popol Castile, younger brother of Castile's current emperor, Lopop, stands on open plains overlooking his homeland as it is ravaged by the flames of war. After traveling the skies for the past decade, he's returned to set things right in the empire.

Certain scenes in this event have voiced lines that vary from the text on screen.
A young man stands on open plains.
The horrors of war lie before him, with smoke rising from the ashes and fallen soldiers dotting the bloodstained landscape.
???: How foolish of us to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors and lead our countrymen to war... Forgive me, my beloved people...
He lowers his gaze as if in repentance, his wavy black hair concealing the melancholy in his expression.
His name is Popol Castile. He is the second prince of the war-torn Castile Empire.
Having spent the last ten years traveling the skies to broaden his horizons and see the world, he has now returned home after hearing of the crisis that endangers his homeland.
Popol: Blood spills across the land and people live their lives in abject fear, filled with a bitter hatred for the emperor—a situation no different from the previous emperor's reign.
Popol: You hated him more than anyone, Brother, yet you ended up following in his footsteps...
Popol imagines his brother, Lopop, as he last saw him a decade ago.
Popol: (Lopop... Something within you changed when the previous emperor died ten years ago.)
Popol: (I don't know what's happened to you, but one thing's for certain: I should have stayed in Castile.)
Popol: (If I had never left, perhaps the empire's current situation could have been avoided.)
Popol: (Or maybe...)
Popol: Hm, no use dwelling on it now. Future generations will decide the consequences of our actions.
Popol: My job now is to put an end to the unrest that plagues the empire.
Muttering to himself, Popol continues on his way to the imperial palace, where the air is thick with rising smoke.
The spark to set off the final battle is about to be ignited.

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 1: Fragrance of Roses - Episode 1

Lunalu receives Popol Saga Revised Edition Volume One from Sierokarte on its release date. Wanting to try her hand at the lottery by sending in her impressions on the postcard that came as a preorder bonus, Lunalu asks Melissabelle for her help. Mahira joins in on the conversation, and she and Melissabelle begin reading Popol Saga together under the kotatsu.

The golden rays of the morning sun come as an invitation to a new day.
A day that is sure to be like any other for the crew.
For the romantic storybook artist standing by the windowsill, however, this is already turning out to be a very special day.
Lunalu: Whoo!
Lunalu: Whoo-hoo-hoo! It's gotta be Siero in that skyskimmer!
Lunalu: She wasn't kidding when she said she'd be here with the goods on the morning of the release date!
Lunalu: She's landed on the deck! I'd better go say hello.
Lunalu: Wait a sec... In the publishing world, the "delivery date" is ultimately just a tentative delivery date... I'd better keep my expectations in check or risk a breakdown.
Lunalu: Calm yourself, Lunalu... Death by disappointment is no joke...
Lunalu: Ack! She's headed this way!
Lunalu: Tell me, Siero! Is it really okay for me to get my hopes up?
Lunalu: Actually, no—don't tell me! I don't want to crash and burn! But if it should come to that, will you be able to catch me before I fall?
Lunalu: Gah!
Lunalu: Huff... Huff...
Lunalu: Wha? I don't hear her footsteps anymore...
Lunalu: Eek!
Sierokarte's Voice: Good morning. Siero's postal delivery, at your service.
Lunalu: Ah, thank you for coming!
Sierokarte: Why, hello. How have you been, Lunalu?
Lunalu: Siero... I've been great!
Sierokarte: Oh my, are those bags I see under your eyes? Please tell me you didn't wait all night for me...
Lunalu: Huh... You can tell? I just couldn't bring myself to sleep...
Sierokarte: I have a little something that should make you feel better.
Sierokarte: Dun-da-da-duuunnn! Popol Saga Revised Edition Vol. 1!
Lunalu: ...!
Sierokarte: Here you go! It's a good thing I was on time for the first shipment!
Lunalu: Sniff... It's finally here... I've waited for this since it was first announced half a year ago—
Lunalu: Whoa!
Lunalu: That's the emblem of the Castile Empire! They must've cleared the copyright issue...
Lunalu: Way cool... The old-school touch is sure to please fans old and new alike, and the embossing work gives it such a classy feel!
Lunalu: The new font size is better for the eyes... And they've provided a pronunciation key for more difficult words, making it an easier recommendation for parents to buy for their children.
Lunalu: Whoa! Look at all the info in the appendix! This is kind of overkill...
Lunalu: Hm, they're really going all out in attracting new fans with this.
Lunalu: Very well! Sally forth, Popol! For no matter where you go, I promise to follow you through to the journey's end!
Sierokarte: Well then, I'm off to make deliveries elsewhere.
Lunalu: Ah... Sorry if I got carried away all by myself there.
Lunalu: Thank you so much for getting this to me! Be sure to drop by again later. I should be able to get the kotatsu working soon.
Sierokarte: Sounds great! See you later then.
Lunalu: Hm, the binding is really well done too...
Lunalu: Ooh, I can tell the editor put a lot of work into these annotations.
Lunalu: They really did their research on the culture of the time.
Lunalu: Oo-la-la! And here's the pre-order bonus postcard!
Melissabelle's Voice: Knock, knock.
Melissabelle: Morning. I heard from Siero that the rebuys edition came in?
Lunalu: Hey, Melissa! What do you mean by "rebuys edition"?
Lunalu: Oh, I get it. It's true that fans will have to rebuy what's essentially the same thing, but it's pronounced "revised."
Melissabelle: I'm happy for you. You were really looking forward to it. Can I take a look?
Lunalu: Of course. And don't worry too much about keeping it in pristine condition. I'll get another copy later for preservation purposes.
Melissabelle: Wow... It's heavier than I thought it'd be.
Melissabelle: Ooh... Let's see what's changed in this edition.
Lunalu: You won't find much difference in the story content. After all, this new edition is marketed towards people who've never read the original work.
Melissabelle: You bought it just to complete your collection then?
Lunalu: Hehe, that's definitely part of it. But more than that...
Lunalu: I really, really, really wanted this exclusive postcard!
Lunalu: If you write your impressions of the story on the postcard and send it in... you get the chance to win a deluxe commemorative item that's not for sale anywhere!
Lunalu: The original draft of Popol Saga!
Melissabelle: Wha...
Melissabelle: Um...
Melissabelle: The original draft is just the same content but old and handwritten, right? Why would you want that?
Lunalu: Hm... I guess you haven't reached my levels of fangirlism yet, Melissa. We real fans know the true worth of something so valuable.
Lunalu: Aaanyway, I had a favor to ask of you.
Lunalu: Are you free today? I was hoping you could help me with writing my impressions.
Lunalu: Regardless if I win the prize or not, I want to express my gratitude to the publishing company for spreading the Popol love.
Lunalu: Please!
Melissabelle: An impressions piece, huh...
Lunalu: You have something else to do?
Melissabelle: Nuh-uh, I'm happy to help. Except I've never actually read Popol Saga.
Lunalu: Eh?
Melissabelle: I don't read novels in general. There's a lot of blanks you have to fill in with your imagination, and I have trouble with that.
Melissabelle: Either I get a case of the jitters or just get real sleepy from my head trying to take it all in.
Lunalu: Oh yeah? Is it the same with popular fiction?
Melissabelle: Maybe, maybe not. But I'm definitely inter—
Mahira: Kotatsu maintenance completed!
Melissabelle: Ah... Mahira. You were down there the whole time?
Mahira: Uh-huh. I was fiddling around with the heat source.
Lunalu: Thanks, Mahira! Now we're all set for winter.
Mahira: No problem. I've grown fond of this kotatsu, so it was a pleasure to work on.
Mahira: Melissa. Why don't you take this chance to read Popol Saga's revised edition by the kotatsu?
Melissabelle: Reading under the kotatsu?
Lunalu: Mm-hm. I think it'd be really comfy. In fact, I'd die happy if I could spend the rest of my life doing that.
Melissabelle: Oh yeah?
Melissabelle: Hm, let me give it a try. I'm going to borrow your copy of Popol Saga.
Lunalu: Sure thing. I'll be working on my impressions piece in the meantime.
Mahira: Come join me under the kotatsu!
Mahira: I've read some Popol Saga before, but not much. Do you mind if I look on beside you?
Melissabelle: Not at all. Let's read together.
Melissabelle: Let's see... The story starts here.

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 1: Fragrance of Roses - Episode 2

Popol Saga Volume One Chapter One: Fragrance of Roses

Having just completed his first administrative tour as a member of the imperial family, Popol spends a quiet moment with his brother. The air grows tense as their discussion turns to politics.

Melissabelle (Nar.): Roses bloom beautifully in the imperial palace's garden. They almost seem artificial with how each one's petals form a perfectly shaped spiral.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Popol Castile, second prince of the Castile Empire, briskly makes his way to the fountain at the center of the garden.
Melissabelle (Nar.): The entire length of the hedgerows sporting only a single shade of red feels strangely suffocating.
Popol (Melissa): "..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Possessing a small yet limber body and a headful of rich, black hair, Popol's shapely nasal bridge gives the impression of a woman from a distance. His downcast gaze only adds to his mysterious aura.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Shriveled-up garden weeds are reflected off his eyes. The massive overgrowth of roses is blocking the sunlight, preventing water and nutrition from reaching the weeds.
Popol (Melissa): "Like a microcosm of the empire itself..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Popol stops to bend down and admire the weeds, thinking back to everyday life for the citizenry as he saw it during his administrative tour.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Those in the imperial family who reach eighteen years of age must go on an administrative tour as their first official duty, as both a show of authority and to expand their horizons.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Just as Popol rises to his feet as if to lift his sunken heart, someone calls out to him from behind.
Lopop (Melissa): "Welcome back, Raven-Haired Prince."
Popol (Melissa): "Brother!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): Popol turns around to find his older brother, Lopop, first prince of Castile Empire, who was born of a different mother.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Lopop's lucid silver hair accentuates his taut, well-defined body, resembling that of a sculpture. His eyes denote a subtle intelligence, and his lips suggest tender compassion.
Lopop (Melissa): "Have you reported your return yet?"
Popol (Melissa): "No. I wished to see you first, Brother. I thought you might be in front of the fountain at this hour."
Lopop (Melissa): "I can tell you have a lot on your mind as usual. Of course, I wished to see you as well. But first, allow me to congratulate you on completing your first official duty."
Popol (Melissa): "Thank you!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): Lopop offers his brother praise, a smile playing on his lips. Popol, feeling a glowing sense of accomplishment, is suddenly aware of his flushing cheeks.
Lopop (Melissa): "Something's changed about you. I suppose a boy becomes a man once he's gone on a journey."
Popol (Melissa): "A journey, you say? I was gone for but two weeks."
Lopop (Melissa): "It felt much longer than that to me. Having to eat dinner alone felt like I was chewing on sand. Just imagine it."
Popol (Melissa): "You overstate things, Brother. I ate dinner alone too when you went on your tour two years ago."
Lopop (Melissa): "The difference being that even in my travels, I made time to write you a letter every day."
Popol (Melissa): "That, you did..."
Lopop (Melissa): "You, on the other hand, didn't write me a single letter."
Popol (Melissa): "You're right. I'm sorry..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): After a moment of silence, their eyes meet, and the two exceptional young men laugh like the children they once were—a scene fit for a painting.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Unfortunately, the carefree atmosphere is short-lived. As the topic changes to the sights Popol saw on his administrative tour, Lopop, too, quickly changes his tune.
Melissabelle (Nar.): The brothers get closer to the fountain, a useful deterrent against prying eyes and ears.

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 1: Fragrance of Roses - Episode 3

Melissabelle tries too hard to visualize every little detail and falls asleep shortly after she starts reading. Sahli Lao and Milleore wake her up, and the group agrees to try a visualization technique called imagination tuning using Lunalu's artwork of the Popol Saga characters as a base to see if it helps. Once Sierokarte joins, they begin a dramatic reading of the story.

Melissabelle: Zzz...
Milleore: Melissa. Wake up, Melissa.
Sahli Lao: If you doze off now, you'll be wide awake at night.
Melissabelle: Mngh... Millao...
A half hour has passed since the long-haired princess began reading. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep under the kotatsu.
Milleore and Sahli Lao, having never read Popol Saga either, have come to get a peek at the revised edition.
Lunalu: Oh, you're awake. You fell asleep so fast earlier.
Mahira: Good morning. Was it difficult imagining all the background details for Popol Saga?
Melissabelle: Mm-hm, it sure was. Working my brain so hard makes me nod off.
Melissabelle: How do the rest of you paint the scene in your heads when you're reading?
Milleore: How? I just visualize whatever's written on the page.
Milleore: Like, you know...
Sahli Lao: Hm... Good question. I tend to do it unconsciously, so I've never given it much thought.
Sahli Lao: Let me turn the question to you. What did you find most difficult in reading Popol Saga just now?
Melissabelle: Well...
Melissabelle: For instance, I have trouble just visualizing any of the scenery. Because I've never been to Castile before.
Milleore: Visualizing scenery, huh...
Melissabelle: That goes for characters too. I keep imagining everyone to look the same, so I can't tell them apart.
Sahli Lao: Can't get a grasp on their appearances, huh...
Melissabelle: On top of that, there's also the fashion and architecture of the period. It's so much to take in all at once.
Mahira: I see what you mean. It's hard to concentrate when there are so many questions floating in your head.
Mahira: ...
Mahira: I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Melissa's situation might be that she's too creative.
Lunalu: ...!
That's exactly it!
Lunalu: I get it now. Melissa's problem is that she's way too serious about understanding the novel!
Melissabelle: You think so?
Lunalu: Mm-hm. There's no need to visualize every little thing in perfect detail. It's okay to take a more lighthearted, carefree approach!
Melissabelle: A more lighthearted, carefree approach?
Lunalu: Yeah. No offense to the author, but...
Lunalu: Instead of trying to be as accurate as possible in your visualization, just go with whatever you're familiar with.
Lunalu: That goes not just for scenery, but also for character faces. Imagine they're your friends or people you've seen in paintings. Nameless supporting characters probably don't matter and can be left vague.
Lunalu: Your imagination is yours to tinker with... We're going to use this opportunity for some imagination tuning!
Milly & Lao: Imagination tuning?
Lunalu: Yeah.
Mahira: Imagination tuning... Sounds like a way to really get creative with our imaginations.
Lunalu: That's one way to put it... You want to just let loose when you're in the thick of it.
Melissabelle: Imagination tuning...
Melissabelle: I like the sound of that! I think I'm ready to continue reading now.
Lunalu: Really? Phew, then it was worth all the embarrassment that cost me.
Milleore: You're worried about being embarrassed in front of us after we made a romantic storybook together?
Sahli Lao: What she said! Also, there are some pictures in the appendix that help bring life to the setting. That could help with our imagination tuning.
Mahira: I have a suggestion. Why don't we use Lunalu's drawings as stand-ins for what the Popol Saga characters might look like?
Lunalu: Huh?
Mahira: Do you disagree? I remembered you drew a pic of Lopop on the back of a Popol Saga ad you once showed me.
Melissabelle: Let's go with that. Can you put your drawings on the kotatsu, Lunalu?
Lunalu: As long as you're okay with it... I know I should be glad, but why does it feel like a public execution?
Melissabelle: Also, what do you guys say we take turns reading Popol Saga out loud? I think it'd help keep us awake.
Milleore: You mean like when we acted out parts of that romantic storybook? I remember it being so embarrassing that sleep was the last thing on my mind.
Sahli Lao: Agreed! Everyone's schedule is open today, right? Now all we need is Siero to play the role of Popol—
Sierokarte: You called? Well, here I am.
Lunalu: Gyaaah! Prince Popol's descended upon us!
Mahira: Welcome back, Siero. Nice to have the entire Citizens of the Kotatsu for Life (CtK4Life) posse together again.
Melissabelle: That's for sure!
Lunalu: The stage and all the actors are in place...
Lunalu: Nothing can stop us now! Focus your power levels, everyone!
Melissabelle: Power levels?
Lunalu: Imagination overdrive!

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 1: Fragrance of Roses - Episode 4

Popol Saga Volume One Chapter One: Fragrance of Roses (Continued)

Popol and Lopop lament the sad state of the empire, caused largely by their father's despotic reign. They vow to do what they can to save its people, starting with the abolishment of the social hierarchy system. Unbeknownst to them, an imperial guard named Osanne watches them from the garden's shadows.

Lunarrator: Popol is at a loss for words. He recalls the faces of those he saw on his tour.
Lunarrator: Not wanting his brother to feel equally restless, Popol takes a deep breath before speaking up.
Popol (Siero): "The people are at their limits."
Lunarrator: Lopop, remaining expressionless, surveys their surroundings before urging Popol to continue.
Popol (Siero): "It's been over twenty years since Emperor Polo ascended the throne... and things are getting worse day by day."
Popol (Siero): "From heavy taxes to summary executions to forced public works projects... The city is devoid of life, and the farms are struggling to grow food. The empire won't last another decade at this rate."
Popol (Siero): "The nobility in their greed take from the poor, rendering all their hard work moot, which only furthers the divide between the classes."
Lopop (Milly): "You think the empire will fall?"
Popol (Siero): "I believe Emperor Polo knows this, and yet..."
Lopop (Milly): "I know what you're thinking, but we could never understand what goes on inside that monster's head."
Popol (Siero): "But—"
Lopop (Milly): "You still expect something of the despot? Let's not forget he drove my mother to suicide and your mother to mental illness. I go mad just thinking about it."
Lopop (Milly): "The one good thing I can say about him is he treats the nobility and the commoners equally—he does not discriminate."
Popol (Siero): "..."
Lunarrator: There is not a trace of animosity in Lopop's tone. He seems to think of the emperor as a natural disaster—something one can do nothing about and simply needs to accept.
Lunarrator: Seeing that his younger brother is unsure how to respond, Lopop brings his face close to Popol's and smiles.
Lopop (Milly): "I'm particularly fond of bread crust."
Popol (Siero): "Huh?"
Lopop (Milly): "It's a popular food among the commoners. Did you not sample any during your tour? To be quite frank, I prefer it over the food served at court."
Popol (Siero): "The cuisine of the masses..."
Lopop (Milly): "I wish to save this empire. And in order to do that, we must first do away with the social hierarchy that only serves to divide us."
Popol (Siero): "...!"
Lunarrator: Though they've discussed the empire's salvation time and again, Popol has never seen his brother's emerald eyes stare so intently at him.
Lopop (Milly): "Nobles, commoners—we're all the same. Pigeonholing people into different classes based on social standing only leads to ruin."
Lopop (Milly): "Your mother, for instance, came from a commoner background, but she was at the top of her class in both academics and swordfighting."
Popol (Siero): "She'd still lose out to you though..."
Lopop (Milly): "Well, I'm not the older brother for nothing. Anyhow, you're especially popular among the commoners because of what you represent."
Popol (Siero): "You're quite popular yourself."
Lopop (Milly): "Come now. Don't you see what I'm trying to get at?"
Popol (Siero): "Haha, sorry."
Lopop (Milly): "What say we start a new industry? Maybe airship construction? If we can accumulate the proper know-how, we can bring it to the council floor. Even the nobility would have to respond."
Lopop (Milly): "I've been waiting for you to reach eighteen years of age, old enough to take a seat in office."
Lopop (Milly): "Let us change the empire together, Raven-Haired Prince."
Popol (Siero): "Gladly, my brother!"
Lunarrator: The princes set the elimination of social class as their first priority.
Lunarrator: Popol is so overcome with emotion at having found a path forward that he fails to notice the figure in the shadows.
Osanne (Lao): "Prince Lopop... Prince Popol..."
Lunarrator: Osanne is an imperial guard who's served the princes since they were children. He first took on the role at the age of fifteen, ten years ago.
Osanne (Lao): "I pray things do not get out of hand... I would prefer that no blood be shed..."
Lunarrator: Being of noble blood himself, his purpose is to spy on the princes in addition to being their warden.
Lunarrator: In the rose-filled garden, the wheel of fate begins to turn—a sound drowned out by the splashing of the fountain.

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 2: Strife in Castile - Episode 1

The reading goes well thanks to imagination tuning. The Harvins discuss their favorite characters so far—a sight that moves Lunalu to tears—before continuing.

The Harvins employ the art of imagination tuning to read Popol Saga.
Having a decent grasp on the setting after finishing the first chapter, they decide to take a break after sticking in a bookmark.
Melissabelle: ...
Lunalu: Well, Melissa? How did imagination tuning go for you?
Melissabelle: It was incredible!
Melissabelle: Thanks to your advice, reading it was such a breeze.
Mahira: Yeah, it went a lot smoother than usual for me too. I had no problem picturing Popol and Lopop moving around as if they were real people.
Milleore: Strange how our minds can fill in the gaps to cover any details not written in the text.
Sahli Lao: It's no wonder you're so creative, Lunalu. You have this technique down pat!
Lunalu: Th-thanks... I don't think it's all that special though...
Lunalu: Part of it is that you're all fantastic at your roles. Makes immersion that much easier.
Melissabelle: Yeah, especially you, Sierokarte. You're a real pro.
Sierokarte: Why, thank you. Though I must say Milly and Lao are quite talented as well.
Milleore: Well, to be fair, we have prior experience thanks to that romantic storybook.
Mahira: *Check the book fair episode to read about this prior experience!
Sahli Lao: Ahaha! Spoken like an editor's note.
Lunalu: So, um... Can you tell me what you think about the story so far?
Lunalu: I'm genuinely curious since your thoughts could help me with the impressions piece...
Melissabelle: Sure, I don't mind.
Lunalu: Oh, and feel free to be honest! I'm happy enough just to be able to share my hobby with friends—
Melissabelle: I like it so far. I think the brothers have a beautiful relationship.
Lunalu: ...!
Mahira: I know what you mean. Their bond is stronger than that of a typical family. I just hope it stays that way...
Milleore: I'm curious about their father, Emperor Polo, too. I see his name on books about warfare all over. He was supposedly a legendary strategist.
Sahli Lao: As someone who reads up on history, I'm particularly curious about Osanne.
Sahli Lao: To Castile, he's—oh, wait, this could be a spoiler if you're unfamiliar with the actual history.
Sierokarte: Hm... Sounds like we're each stanning different characters.
Milleore: S-stanning? Wait, that's not what I meant. I mean, Polo isn't the kind of person you'd—
Sierokarte: By the by, did you know Polo's character archetype is a staple in romantic illustrated storybooks?
Milleore: Really? He already seems hopelessly evil from the get-go though.
Mahira: Girls are more complicated than an airship engine. Still though, I'd prefer reading a little more before deciding who I want to stan for.
Sahli Lao: Agreed! We can think about that along with our impressions as we continue.
Melissabelle: More incentive to keep reading is always good.
Sierokarte: Teehee! What do you think, Lunalu?
Lunalu: ...
Sahli Lao: Lunalu? Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?
Sahli Lao: Wait, you're crying?
Lunalu: Ah!
Lunalu: I'm sorry, it's nothing!
Lunalu: I'm just really glad you guys are enjoying it. Should we move on with our imagination tuning?
Melissabelle: I'm more interested in you now than the story. Why were you crying?
Lunalu: Erm...
Lunalu: Really, it's nothing... Hearing everyone's thoughts about Popol Saga really touched me...
Lunalu: And I choked up.
Mahira: Choked up?
Lunalu: Seeing you guys talk about my favorite piece of literature, its characters, its lore...
Lunalu: All right in front of me... It's like a dream come true.
Sierokarte: Aw, Lunalu...
Milleore: You're moved to tears already after just the first few pages?
Sahli Lao: Haha! We're ready to continue on whenever you are!
Melissabelle: Can I try reading the narration this time? Maybe you can sit by me to see if I'm doing it right as I go along.
Lunalu: Sure thing, Melissa! Go for it.
Melissabelle: Okay. What page did we leave the bookmark at...

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 2: Strife in Castile - Episode 2

Popol Saga Volume One Chapter Two: Strife in Castile

Emperor Polo is found dead in the forest after a hunt one day. The day of the funeral comes before the brothers get a chance to discuss the matter. Lopop and the Patrician Council's consul get up to speak to the masses, steeling themselves for the announcements they're about to make.

Melissabelle (Nar.): Despite the heavy rainfall on this day, many are gathered at the imperial palace.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Commoners, nobles, local lords—the commotion arising from their collective presence hardly seems fitting for a funeral.
Melissabelle (Nar.): A funeral for Emperor Polo, who passed away all too suddenly. From the back of the crowd, Popol gazes at the coffin on the altar.
Popol (Siero): "So the man is dead..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): He recalls the emergency conference the emperor held only a day prior.
Melissabelle (Nar.): For the meeting to take place in an underground chamber can only mean that something's happened to the emperor.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Though the room is ominously quiet, the bewilderment is evident on all the faces of the imperial family and close vassals. Lopop, who sits beside Popol, is equally baffled.
Melissabelle (Nar.): The chamberlain arrives at the appointed hour and wastes no time in explaining the situation.
Polo (Lunalu): "Hyaah! Hyaah! Hrrh!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): Polo is out hunting with a few accompanying attendants early in the morning.
Melissabelle (Nar.): But because the morning haze is so thick, not a single bird can be seen in the forest. His mood quickly turns sour.
Polo (Lunalu): "Hyaaah! Damn it..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): When the attendant in the lead catches sight of a deer, he turns around, only to find that Polo already has his bow drawn.
Polo (Lunalu): "Well met, golden stag. Your resplendent form tells me you are the king of this forest. I greet you as the king of mankind."
Melissabelle (Nar.): The confused stag pauses for a second, then swiftly gallops away into the fog. Polo's lips curve into a grin.
Polo (Lunalu): "It's settled! I'm going to take you home and make you mine. I'll plant your favorite grass in the imperial garden!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): In the next moment, Polo kicks his horse and rushes into the haze. As a commander who led from the front lines during the unification wars, Polo's horsemanship has always been top-of-the-line.
Polo (Lunalu): "Hraaah!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): The attendants are quick to chase after him. However, when they finally find him lying near the spring at the edge of the forest, Polo is no longer breathing.
Melissabelle (Nar.): The cause of death is punctured lungs. But whether this was caused by stag horns or stray tree branches is still under investigation.
Melissabelle (Nar.): A long silence follows the chamberlain's explanation. The first to respond is the consul of the Patrician Council.
Melissabelle (Nar.): He calls for Lopop to remain while the chamberlain asks the other members of the imperial family to take their leave.
Melissabelle (Nar.): The first in line for succession is given no time for repose. Popol gets up and gazes at his brother's profile.
Popol (Siero): "Brother... I..."
Lopop (Milly): "It's fine... I'll see you later."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Popol nods and exits the room. So much is racing through his mind that he's unable to organize his thoughts. Perhaps a talk with Lopop later will help.
Melissabelle (Nar.): But the fulfillment of that wish is postponed, due to the emperor's funeral being held on the following day.
Melissabelle (Nar.): A group of elderly citizens can be heard weeping at the funeral grounds.
Melissabelle (Nar.): A tall, slender knight gets in line beside the surprised Popol.
Osanne (Lao): "They're with the Veterans' Society."
Popol (Siero): "Osanne..."
Osanne (Lao): "Those who remember Castile when it was but a weak, budding nation still see His Majesty as a hero."
Popol (Siero): "Do they think nothing of his tyranny over the past two decades?"
Osanne (Lao): "Memories can be so fickle."
Popol (Siero): "Memories, huh..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): The exchange with Osanne calls to mind a memory from the prince's childhood.
Melissabelle (Nar.): On Popol's tenth birthday, his father gifted him a toy sword.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Although the emperor's intent in such a gift was unclear, this memory is tied to what Lopop said the other day about Popol expecting something of their father.
Melissabelle (Nar.): In the same manner, the memory of the young emperor must seem like a paragon of valor and virtue to the Veterans' Society.
Osanne (Lao): "Prince Lopop?"
Melissabelle (Nar.): Surprised, Osanne watches as two men ascend the stage.
Popol (Siero): "Brother and... the Patrician Council's consul?"
Melissabelle (Nar.): The clamor among those in attendance quickly spreads.
Lopop (Milly): "Popol..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Lopop looks on at the audience with a pained expression.

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 2: Strife in Castile - Episode 3

The Harvins take a breather to discuss the story's latest developments. Sahli Lao explains that in actual history, Polo died around this time as well, and that the existence of the Patrician and Plebeian Councils is also factual. They show concern for Popol because of his commoner lineage on his mother's side.

The emperor's death gave way to unrest among the citizenry and pointed to signs of a nobility-led conspiracy.
Not sure what to make of this latest turn of events, Lunalu and friends slip the bookmark in and trade glances.
Melissabelle: No way... I can't believe Polo died.
Milleore: From a deer, of all things? Talk about an unexpected plot twist. I was hoping for an epic showdown with him at the very end.
Sahli Lao: I guess you could say historical fiction comes with its own sense of reality. His death in Popol Saga follows the actual timeline.
Mahira: In the history books you've read on the era, do they dive into the true reason behind Polo's death?
Sahli Lao: No, not really. The most I've seen is a brief explanation spanning a few pages.
Sahli Lao: But reading Popol Saga makes me realize that so many people live and die within the span of those few pages...
Sahli Lao: It really gives me a new perspective on history.
Lunalu: I know exactly what you mean, Lao...
Lunalu: In other words, Daddy Emp in his prime is the greatest boss man in all of history!
Sahli Lao: Huh?
Melissabelle: Daddy Emp? Boss man? Where do you even get this stuff?
Sierokarte: "Daddy Emp" is what the fans call Emperor Polo. And "boss man" refers to his personality.
Milleore: Um, I'm pretty sure that's not what Lao was thinking, Lunalu...
Mahira: There sure is a lot of jargon to learn, huh.
Mahira: On that note, what exactly are the Patrician Council and the consul?
Melissabelle: Oh, I can answer that. The council is a legislative body of government that proposes laws and policies.
Melissabelle: And the consul is in charge of it. But at the end of the day, the king or emperor has the final say.
Mahira: Oh? Impressive, Melissa.
Milleore: You're a princess where you come from, right, Melissa? Makes sense that you'd know about this stuff.
Melissabelle: I'm not entirely confident in my answer though. What do you think, Lao?
Sahli Lao: You're right. In the case of Castile Empire though, they also have a Plebeian Council.
Sahli Lao: The Patrician Council is for the upper class, while the Plebeian Council is for the lower class.
Mahira: So basically nobles and commoners, huh? I can't imagine them agreeing on many issues.
Sahli Lao: True enough. In actual history, the two councils had a terrible relationship, often getting in each other's way.
Milleore: It puts Popol in an awkward position, since his mother was a commoner who lived among the nobility.
Sierokarte: To make matters worse, Popol was mostly neglected by his father growing up. It can't have been easy. Popol Saga itself doesn't really go into this though.
Lunalu: Even then, Popol couldn't find it in himself to hate Daddy Emp... That's where he and his brother differ.
Melissabelle: I wonder what Lopop was going to do at the end of that scene. Let's read on.
Mahira: Yeah. Let's find out what he was going to announce onstage.
Melissabelle: Okay. Imagination overdrive!

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 2: Strife in Castile - Episode 4

Popol Saga Volume One Chapter Two: Strife in Castile (Continued)

Having the audience's attention, Lopop announces his intention to ascend the throne. The response is positive at first, but that quickly changes when the Patrician Council next announces the abolishment of the Plebeian Council for conspiracy to murder the previous emperor. The plebeians vehemently deny the accusation and prop up Popol as the next emperor. The brothers find themselves on opposing sides as the situation grows dire.

Melissabelle (Nar.): The tension is palpable as the crowd goes silent and Lopop stands before them.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Popol and Osanne, too, watch the proceedings with bated breath.
Lopop (Milly): "My people. My beloved Castilians. I speak to you as First Prince Lopop Castile. A terrible tragedy has befallen us all."
Lopop (Milly): "As a member of the Castile family, it pains me greatly to say that we have lost an outstanding leader in my father, hero and savior of the empire."
Lopop (Milly): "Allow me first to express my gratitude for gathering here today to mourn the emperor's passing."
Lopop (Milly): "Thank you all..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Though a profound silence still fills the great hall, the people seem to be less tense.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Popol, impressed to see his brother deliver a public speech so gracefully, turns to Osanne.
Popol (Siero): "Lopop's doing great up there."
Osanne (Lao): "My thoughts exactly, especially when you consider this is his first time speaking in front of everyone."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Did Lopop learn his oratory skills somewhere, or is it an innate talent? Whatever the case, he has clearly captured the hearts of the people.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Osanne thinks back to the day he was first assigned as an imperial guard. The expressionless silver-haired youth that was Lopop seemed so wary of others.
Osanne (Lao): "He's really come into his own..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Lopop speaks with great passion, instilling hope in the people.
Lopop (Milly): "My dream was to become a scholar—to soar the skies, see the realm of the Astrals, and uncover whatever mysteries the world has to offer. "
Lopop (Milly): "But beyond that, I've always wished to see my fellow Castilians happy. To that end, I'd like you all to ask yourselves what you can do for the empire and to rise to the occasion."
Lopop (Milly): "And this may seem rather sudden, but I'm going to be the first to take my own advice."
Lopop (Milly): "..."
Lopop (Milly): "I, Lopop Castile, declare myself the next emperor!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): The confusion felt earlier at the funeral ascends to the level of emotional catharsis. Even Popol finds himself cheering for his brother.
Popol (Siero): "All hail Emperor Lopop!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): The chorus of cheers continues on unabated.
Osanne (Lao): "The empire is going to change... under Emperor Lopop's leadership..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Lopop scans the great hall and breathes a sigh upon spotting Popol and Osanne.
Lopop (Milly): "Although I make this decision for the stability of the empire, I do regret the fact that I could not consult with the two of you first... I'll make it up to you later."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Lopop had planned on ending his talk by praising the many deeds of his father—purely for appearance's sake.
Melissabelle (Nar.): However, to his surprise, the consul walks up to stand beside him and continues on in his place.
Consul (Lunalu): "As imperial advisors, we of the Patrician Council have a message for everyone!"
Lopop (Milly): "Consul?"
Consul (Lunalu): "We've received word that commoners are responsible for Emperor Polo's death. The matter is currently under investigation!"
Consul (Lunalu): "Therefore, in the name of Emperor Lopop, we will be temporarily shutting down the Plebeian Council and considering its abolishment."
Popol (Siero): "The work of commoners?"
Osanne (Lao): "Abolishing the Plebeian Council?"
Melissabelle (Nar.): The great hall falls silent once more. Those cheering only moments ago try to make sense of what the consul's statement means for them.
Melissabelle (Nar.): When a Plebeian Council youth voices his dissent, others quickly follow suit.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Would it really have been possible to predict Polo's movements beforehand and lie waiting in ambush deep in the forest? Either way, the talk of abolishing the Plebeian Council seems far too sudden.
Lopop (Milly): "Consul! What have you—"
Consul (Lunalu): "Guards!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): The suspiciously well-prepared consul calls for a contingent of soldiers to enter the great hall.
Melissabelle (Nar.): They motion for the nobility and members of the imperial family to go down a safe passage, then surround the commoners with weapons drawn.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Screams of anger, confusion, doubt, and betrayal ring out.
Popol (Siero): "Impossible! The consul can't be serious!"
Osanne (Lao): "Prince Popol! We cannot afford to act in haste!"
Popol (Siero): "I must speak to my brother! There's no way the commoners could have plotted the emperor's death!"
Osanne (Lao): "No! Stay behind me! Acting rashly could—"
Tribune (Mahira): "My, my, are you not Prince Popol?"
Melissabelle (Nar.): The tribune of the Plebeian Council comes out to greet Popol. He represents the commoners, just as the consul of the Patrician Council represents the nobles.
Melissabelle (Nar.): He is a trusted relative of Popol's from his mother's side.
Tribune (Mahira): "I'm glad I found you! My fellow plebeians and I have an idea. Come with me!"
Popol (Siero): "Huh? What do you mean, Tribune? Where are we going?"
Tribune (Mahira): "The Plebeian Council has a message for all subjects of the empire!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): The tribune grabs Popol's arm and, in his excited state, forcefully pushes past the crowds.
Tribune (Mahira): "The Patrician Council's fraudulent claim could not be more absurd! We must fight back by supporting Second Prince Popol Castile as the rightful heir!"
Consul (Lunalu): "Wha? Prince Popol, you say?"
Lopop (Milly): "Popol!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): Instilled with a renewed vigor, the commoners begin shouting war cries. In Popol's eyes, everyone appears to be mad.
Popol (Siero): "Calm yourselves, everyone! Fighting the guards would only lead to a pointless death! Please!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): Osanne tries to stay close to Popol, but chooses not to push through the nobles around him since, as a knight, his affiliation is with the Patrician Council.
Melissabelle (Nar.): All hell breaks loose as a bolt of lightning comes crashing down, breaking the dam holding back the flood of animosity and disgust both sides have for each other.
Lopop (Milly): "Popol! Popoool!"
Popol (Siero): "Brother—"
Melissabelle (Nar.): Polo lived like a tornado, sweeping up everyone and everything that ever crossed his path. Even his death results in a whirlwind of change that the powerless masses cannot resist.

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 3: Deathly Disease - Episode 1

The Harvins are saddened to see the brothers at the mercy of the respective councils. Hoping to boost everyone's motivation, Lunalu whips out a Popol Saga romantic storybook drawn by a god-tier artist to aid their imagination tuning.

Following a power struggle resulting from the previous emperor's death, the two princes now find themselves on opposing sides.
The stage is set for a conflict that will live on in the annals of history. Lunalu's posse, wanting a moment to take in everything that's just happened, slips in the bookmark once more.
Melissabelle: I can't believe there's a new emperor already...
Sahli Lao: To think that they'd move to abolish the Plebeian Council by blaming Polo's death on the commoners...
Mahira: Judging from how surprised Lopop was, it seems like he's out of the loop.
Milleore: It's a puppet government, with Lopop being nothing more than a figurehead. They want to concentrate all power in the Patrician Council.
Melissabelle: It's awful, but I'm not sure the Plebeian Council is in the right either.
Melissabelle: I feel sorry for Popol and Osanne...
Lunalu: I know the feeling. My heart was beating like a rampaging gorilla's the first time I read through that part.
Lunalu: The oppressive mood of the story really kicks in around here!
Melissabelle: Hey, why don't we try reading something more lighthearted?
Lunalu: So you see what I mean, right? Oppressive with a dash of love and pop. Those elements synergize really well—
Lunalu: Wait, you want to stop reading Popol Saga?
Sierokarte: The "oppressive with a dash of love and pop" literary method might be too spicy for some.
Mahira: There has to be something more uplifting here...
Mahira: How about this one, Melissa? "Armored Stud's Diary of Utter Humiliation."
Lunalu: Whoa-whoa-whoa! That one's not meant for minors! Stay away from that section of the bookshelf, Mahira!
Mahira: Boo...
Melissabelle: I'm technically a grown-up, so it's okay if I take a peek, right?
Sierokarte: Oh, I don't know about that. While Utter Humiliation does have a comedic bent with a feel-good kind of story, some of the stuff that happens is pretty hardcore...
Melissabelle: Boo...
Milleore: Wait... You mean you're a fan of Utter Humiliation too, Siero?
Sierokarte: Teehee! Let's just say I have ships in many ports.
Sahli Lao: Ahaha... I guess it makes you that much more well-rounded.
Sahli Lao: Huh? Are you looking for something from the bookshelf, Lunalu?
Lunalu: Heh-heh-heh... Just you wait... You guys are gonna love this!
Sierokarte: Wow! The bookshelf rotates to reveal a keyhole on the lowest shelf that leads to another layer underneath?
Milleore: Sounds like overkill... unless you somehow have mountains of treasure down there.
Lunalu: You bet I do, Milly!
Lunalu: Dun-daa-daa-dun! The first edition of a god-tier artist's Popol Saga romantic storybook!
Sahli Lao: The first edition of a god-tier artist's Popol Saga romantic storybook?
Melissabelle: I'm surprised you were able to catch all that, Lao.
Mahira: A god-tier artist... The quality of the art must be top-notch!
Lunalu: The answer to that is a resounding yes!
Lunalu: This artist is good enough to represent the entire romantic storybook genre.
Lunalu: They've dedicated their life's work to promoting Popol Saga. Even though they're also capable of so many other genres, they focus mainly on Castile.
Melissabelle: Mainly on Castile?
Milleore: I think Lunalu's referring to the central characters of the Castile Empire... All of which are men.
Lunalu: The answer to that is another resounding yes! Just look at this page!
All Citizens: Oooh!
Melissabelle: It's beautiful! I love how the entire storybook is in color.
Mahira: All the fine little details are drawn in. This makes for a fantastic reference.
Milleore: I wonder how many years of daily practice it takes to get this good.
Sahli Lao: Now this is true talent! They don't call this person a god-tier artist for nothing!
Sierokarte: I have to say I'm impressed you have an uncensored copy of the first edition, Lunalu.
Lunalu: Th-they just happened to have it at the bookstore! I picked it up without knowing how special it was!
Mahira: Hrm... How many pages is it by the way?
Milleore: Careful, Mahira. We wouldn't want you to accidentally flip to a page unsuitable for minors.
Mahira: Boooo.
Melissabelle: Boooo.
So basically we'll be using some of this artwork to help with our imagination tuning?
Lunalu: Mm-hm. The refreshing change in style should make for a nice motivational boost.
Lunalu: Mm, this brings back memories... I'm feeling more immersed already.
Sahli Lao: Hahah! Ready whenever you guys are!
Lunalu: Okay! Focus your power levels, everyone!

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 3: Deathly Disease - Episode 2

Popol Saga Volume One Chapter Three: Deathly Disease

Lopop and Popol try to calm things down on their respective sides. However, the Patrician Council is only using Lopop as a puppet, while the Plebeian Council is too enraged to hear what Popol has to say. Popol, intent on stopping the Plebeian Council's abolishment, goes to the forest to uncover the truth behind his father's death.

Lunarrator: The leading members of the Patrician Council are gathered in a conference room, sipping on tea as they enjoy a pleasant chat.
Lunarrator: The regular meetings where they discussed their deep-seated rancor for Polo among other issues now seem like the distant past, despite the last one being but a week ago.
Lunarrator: Lopop arrives on scene just before this week's meeting concludes.
Lopop (Milly): "Good, I made it on time."
Lunarrator: A cold silence fills the room as the patricians focus their attention on Lopop.
Lopop (Milly): "I'm sorry to interrupt this session, but I must ask: why was I not called to this conference where state affairs are discussed?"
Consul (Melissa): "Perhaps the messenger we sent was mistaken. After all, there's a lot of confusion going around with the regime change."
Lopop (Milly): "Allow me to rephrase my question: why did you begin the meeting before I showed up?"
Consul (Melissa): "The coronation ceremony is in three days. Considering how busy you must be, we didn't want to take up too much of your time."
Consul (Melissa): "Is there a problem?"
Lunarrator: Mocking laughter spreads across the room like ripples in a pond. Not wanting to lay blame, Lopop changes the topic.
Lopop (Milly): "Have you already discussed my proposal to immediately reinstate the Plebeian Council?"
Consul (Melissa): "We certainly have, and the verdict is no."
Lopop (Milly): "Surely you knew this would not go down well with them! Abolishing their council will split the empire."
Consul (Melissa): "Your Majesty, why is it that you defend your father's murderers?"
Lopop (Milly): "They could not possibly have done the deed. Even if they did, that is no reason to shut down their entire council."
Consul: "Heheh..."
Lopop (Milly): "Is something wrong?"
Consul (Melissa): "You've suddenly become so much more insolent after gaining the title of emperor."
Lopop (Milly): "...!"
Consul (Melissa): "Really, just leave matters to us. We'll call you whenever we need your stamp of approval."
Lopop (Milly): "Do you intend to run this empire without me?"
Consul (Melissa): "A compromise, Your Majesty. How about we leave the Plebeian Council alone until after your coronation ceremony? After all, we wouldn't want another riot on our hands."
Lopop (Milly): "You planned for them to riot to justify the regime change and for history to say that you're in the right."
Consul (Melissa): "That's quite the imagination you have, Your Majesty. Well then, see you in three days."
Lunarrator: The consul shrugs his shoulders, an amused smirk on his face. Lopop realizes any discussions with these crafty patricians will go nowhere.
Lunarrator: Meanwhile, Popol is at an inn that is being used as the Plebeian Council's headquarters in the imperial district.
Lunarrator: The riot days earlier ended with the commoners retreating in panic. They are propping up Popol as the next ruler and are currently sheltering him.
Lunarrator: In their discussion about how to proceed going forward, the majority believe that they should lead an armed revolt.
Popol (Siero): "That's far too risky. Let's not forget that the empire's platoons—having been trained by Polo himself—are feared as the strongest in the skydom."
Tribune (Mahira): "If every capable man in the land takes up arms, we definitely stand a chance!"
Popol (Siero): "I'm sorry to say that's not going to happen. The Patrician Council has left us alone so far because they're confident they can crush us at any time."
Tribune (Mahira): "Then we should take advantage of their naivety."
Popol (Siero): "What would we do after we win? A drained and exhausted empire has no future."
Plebeian (Lao): "Are you saying you're okay with what they've done? Without the Plebeian Council, we may as well be slaves!"
Popol (Siero): "I want to believe they're open to negotiation. Surely they understand that an empire cannot last without the willing participation of its citizens."
Plebeian (Lao): "As if those high-and-mighty nobles would stoop to have a dialogue with us. You don't understand how hard it is for us commoners!"
Popol (Siero): "..."
Tribune (Mahira): "What of Prince Lopop? Is he agreed to the Plebeian Council's abolishment?"
Popol (Siero): "I highly doubt it. He's always detested division between classes. I have no doubt he's thinking of a solution as we speak."
Plebeian (Lao): "We can't rely on guesswork. Your brother may be the first prince, but what could a twenty-year-old who's just been introduced to the world of politics possibly do!"
Popol (Siero): "Do not insult my brother!"
Lunarrator: Following Popol's angry retort, other plebeians begin to make their own assertions on the issue. The day ends with no headway made.
Lunarrator: Popol curls up in the corner of his bed and breathes a deep sigh.
Lunarrator: According to a scout, the coronation ceremony is to be held in three days. At the moment, there is no word on moving forward with the Plebeian Council's abolishment.
Lunarrator: But if the situation does not improve soon, what started out as a riot will eventually turn into civil war. Countless lives will be lost—none of them belonging to the patricians pulling the strings.
Popol (Siero): "The plebeians will not lend me an ear as long as their council is at stake."
Lunarrator: Popol has a habit of ruffling his own hair whenever he is lost in thought, a gesture that makes his brother smile every time.
Lunarrator: Perhaps from all the sentimentality, a vision of his brother's beautiful nasal bridge comes to mind, overlapping with the image of his father's face when he let go of that toy sword so many years ago.
Lunarrator: Yes. Of course. Polo was Lopop's father too. That fact suddenly hits home for Popol.
Popol (Siero): "The consul's excuse for wanting to abolish the Plebeian Council is the claim that they're responsible for my father's death. If I can just disprove that somehow..."
Lunarrator: Popol gets up and opens the window to see how dark it is outside. Then he makes preparations to head out to the forest where his father last went hunting.
Popol (Siero): "What is this I'm feeling?"
Lunarrator/Lunalu: Popol isn't sure what he'll find, but he's certain that the answer to a peaceful resolution lies in the forest.

Aw shucks, you just had to go and figure it out, didn't you?
Popol/Sierokarte: "It's as if something's holding me back..."

Wha? Um...
Lunarrator/Lunalu: With a lantern and a few strips of cloth to use for a torch, he continues talking to himself in his head.
You must have a sixth sense for this sorta thing. Thank your lineage for that.
Popol/Sierokarte: "What is it that's nagging at me? Think, Popol Castile, think..."

Uh... Where are you getting those lines from, Lunalu?
Lunarrator/Lunalu: Making sure to bring his sword, Popol exits the room. Still without an answer, he hopes the chilly night air will stir his memories.
You ready? This is the crossroads, Prince. Not just for the empire, but yourself too.

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 3: Deathly Disease - Episode 3

The Harvins are surprised to see another side of Lunalu, a persona of hers she created long ago for Popol Saga. Lunalu is embarrassed to admit this at first, but the others reveal they've all had similar experiences. Having collected themselves, they read on.

With a conspiring Patrician Council on one hand and a volatile Plebeian Council on the other, Popol scrambles to find a peaceful resolution.
Back in Lunalu's room, however, she was starting to go wild during the reading session but calms down a bit upon finishing the chapter.
Lunalu: Ugwaaagh...
Melissabelle: Oh no, Lunalu's broken... What were those lines she was reading just now?
Sierokarte: Er, how do I put this... I guess you could say it was a form of self-insert. In other words, she was in the story herself.
Lunalu: Gah! Stop explaining or I'm gonna die from the embarrassment!
Milleore: ...?
Sahli Lao: Ahaha... That was quite the personality change. Did you think of it just now?
Lunalu: I developed the persona a long time ago, when I was really addicted to this artist's work...
Lunalu: And before you get the wrong idea, I'd gotten past it before I reached adulthood! Reading Popol Saga again after so much time caused the persona to resurface.
Mahira: I know what you mean, Lunalu. I had a similar experience when I was a child.
Lunalu: Oh, really?
Sahli Lao: Well, you two aren't alone. I used to think up special moves for myself as one of the characters in stories as I went along.
Sierokarte: There was a time when I'd go on adventures in my sleep within the world of whatever book I was reading at the time!
Melissabelle: I guess it's a pretty common thing for children to do.
Lunalu: Wow, I didn't think we were going to confess our deepest, darkest secrets... Sure does give me some relief though.
Milleore: (If all children do it...)
Milleore: (Then it can't be that weird if adults do it too, right?)
Milleore: (Maybe I'm not a weirdo after all for imagining all those crazy things last night...)
Mahira: Milly, is everything okay? Your face is all pale.
Milleore: Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine.
Lunalu: Sorry if it's a bit cringeworthy, Milly. I guess you're not the type to get lost in your imagination?
Milleore: Me? Uh... Sure, maybe when I was a kid...
Sahli Lao: Milly? Your eyes are darting all over the place—
Milleore: All right, let's continue reading! I'm dying to know the truth about Polo's death!
Milleore: No pun intended!
Melissabelle: Aw, you turned beet red. I didn't realize you were such a big fan of Daddy Emp.
Lunalu: Who'd have thought that Milly would stan for Daddy Emp? Guess you just never know...

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 3: Deathly Disease - Episode 4

Popol Saga Volume One Chapter Three: Deathly Disease (Continued)

Popol bumps into Osanne in the forest, who is there by Lopop's orders for the same reason he is—to find any evidence that will stop the abolishment of the Plebeian Council. As the two converse, Popol notices something odd about the nearby spring and jumps in.

Lunarrator: Popol reaches the forest hunting grounds and now stands before a spring.
Lunarrator: Though it has been raining the entire week, the ground is still caked with enough crimson stains to suggest that the emperor had bled out profusely.
Lunarrator: While it's certainly possible that Polo's vitals were torn open by stag horns, the nature of the wound strongly suggests a person was responsible.
Popol (Siero): "What was the last thing you saw, Father? What was going through your mind..."
Lunarrator: Brushing aside his sentimentality, Popol surveys the vast expanse of forest around him.
Lunarrator: He spots a strip of black cloth on the ground and runs over to shine his lantern on it.
Lunarrator: A closer inspection reveals that Popol had, in fact, mistaken an exposed tree root for cloth.
Popol (Siero): "If I remember correctly, he was wearing all black that day..."
Lunarrator: He leans against a nearby tree to calm down, turning his attention to the blood stains once more.
Lunarrator: The sound of footsteps rustling in the grass approaches from behind.
Popol (Siero): "Who's there!"
Osanne (Lao): "Prince, it is I. Osanne."
Lunarrator: The two had gotten separated during the riot.
Lunarrator: Osanne was on guard duty at the imperial palace, but snuck out when he got the chance.
Popol (Siero): "Osanne, you're safe!"
Lunarrator: Popol flies into Osanne's arms for an embrace, just as he used to as a child.
Popol (Siero): "Why are you here?"
Osanne (Lao): "Prince Lopop ordered that I come here to find proof of the Plebeian Council's innocence."
Popol (Siero): "Meaning he never meant to abolish it!"
Osanne (Lao): "Indeed, but his hands are tied as well. He's doing what he can to buy time and resist the Patrician Council's machinations."
Popol (Siero): "I see..."
Osanne (Lao): "I take it you're here to gather evidence as well?"
Popol (Siero): "Yes, about that. I feel like I'm missing something about the day Polo died, but I can't quite piece it together."
Lunarrator: With a soft chuckle, he points his lantern toward the exposed tree root from earlier.
Popol (Siero): "I mistook the tree root for Polo's clothes. It was then that I decided to take a break, and then you arrived."
Osanne (Lao): "Truly, it does resemble His Majesty's personal effects."
Popol (Siero): "Doesn't it? He—"
???: Popol gulps as Osanne's words allow him to realize what has been bothering him this whole time.

Hah, who would've thought you'd actually get this far.
Popol/Sierokarte: "I've figured it out, Osanne!"

Oh, there she goes again!
Lunarrator/Lunalu: Popol's voice echoes loudly across the still forest, surprising Osanne.

I wasn't kidding about this being the fork in the road. You're in for a world of pain.
Osanne/Sahli Lao: "Prince Popol? What do you mean?"

Whoa... You're like an omniscient sage that can see the future!
Lunarrator/Lunalu: Popol walks toward the spring, filled with confidence this time.

Ready your sword! Show me you've got what it takes to get through hell and back!
Popol/Sierokarte: "There!"

Ah, you're the type that shows up to test the protagonist's mettle! Classic!
Lunarrator/Lunalu: Something underwater reflects the lantern's light. Popol kicks off the ground and dives into the spring without warning.


Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 4: Mille-Feuille Alliance - Episode 1

The Harvins calm down the overly hyped Lunalu, then take a break with some tea and snacks. After some conjecture over Emperor Polo's true killer, Melissabelle remarks on how all the characters are starting to sound like men to her. Hoping to experience this phenomenon for themselves, the others perk up their ears as the dramatic reading continues.

Lunalu: Gwaaah!
Sahli Lao: L-Lunalu? Are you okay?
Lunalu: Huff... Huff... Don't take another step closer to me!
Milleore: Lao, watch out. We're talking to the other Lunalu again!
Sahli Lao: Oh no... Where did our normal Lunalu go off to!
Lunalu: Gah, stop it! I, the mighty evil-eyed fencer, am the one and only Lunalu there is!
Melissabelle: You're you, Lunalu. No matter what form you take, it doesn't change the fact that you're the Lunalu I know and love.
Lunalu: Rgh!
Milleore: It's working, Melissa! Keep it up and see what she's all about!
Lunalu: So I see you wish to defeat me and learn the truth for yourselves.
Milleore: We don't want to defeat you, Lunalu; we just want to know the truth.
Lunalu: Even if you'd be happier not knowing the truth?
Melissabelle: We can't contain our thirst for knowledge.
Lunalu: Is that so...
Lunalu: Hm... Very well.
Lunalu: Then go forth and uncover the truth for yourselves!
Melissabelle: Thank you. Let's go, everyone.
Sierokarte: Hooray! Your performances are getting better by the second! At this rate, we could form a theater troupe!
Sierokarte speaks in her usual tone, snapping everyone back to their senses.
Four Citizens: What was that?
Sierokarte: Teeheehee. I brought us tea and snacks. Let's take a break.
Lunalu: Sniff... To have my other self brushed off like nothing happened kind of hurts!
Milleore: Er, well, I thought it was a fun little diversion...
Milleore: Surely it's not something to get so upset over...
Lunalu: Waaah! You're so good to me, Milly!
Milleore: (I was speaking from my heart. I wonder if that got through...)
Though they've gotten off topic, it isn't long before they get back to discussing their thoughts on Popol Saga.
Lunalu: We got to the part where Popol heads into the forest to uncover the truth about his father's death, right?
Sahli Lao: And Osanne, under Lopop's orders, showed up soon after that.
Milleore: I have to say, it's a bit fishy that Osanne showed up around the same time Popol did.
Mahira: Hm, it's said that a criminal sometimes returns to the scene of the crime.
Melissabelle: So you think Osanne killed the emperor? A shame... I thought he was a nice person.
Sahli Lao: C'mon now, how can you accuse Osanne like that without any proof?
Melissabelle: You bring up a good point, Lao. I'm sorry for suspecting you, Osanne.
Lunalu: Haha, it's fine. Trying to deduce the mysteries in the book you're reading is all part of the fun.
Sierokarte: That's for sure! Coming together for imagination tuning has really done wonders for us!
Melissabelle: On a related note, everyone's voices started to sound like that of men to me halfway through the session.
Lunalu: ...!
You're evolving way too fast, Melissa! We haven't even gotten through a single volume yet!
Lunalu: I'd even go as far as to say you're the definition of an imaginative prodigy!
Melissabelle: Aw, how nice. I've never really been able to enjoy a book until now.
Sahli Lao: Impressive, Melissa. I hope to reach your level soon.
Milleore: Shouldn't we be a bit worried though? What are the chances that Melissa's just hearing things from overusing her brain?
Sierokarte: When I get really immersed into a world, I start hearing music.
Mahira: Imagination tuning is such an intricate phenomenon. I'd love to study its inner workings more.
Lunalu: We'll just have to put things into action! Perk up your ears, everyone!
Lunalu: Focus your power levels until you can only hear the voices of men!
Five Citizens: Whoo!
Mahira: Okay, we read up to here. Next is...

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 4: Mille-Feuille Alliance - Episode 2

Popol Saga Volume One Chapter Four: Mille-Feuille Alliance

Popol finds Polo's greatknife at the bottom of the spring, proving that the Plebeian Council is innocent in Polo's death. They then learn that a resistance group known as the Mille-Feuille Alliance—taking its name from the former republic—is responsible for Polo's death. Popol hands the greatknife to Osanne to give to Lopop, then runs back to tell the Plebeian Council everything he's learned.

Melissabelle (Nar.): Osanne ruggedly dries Popol's soaking-wet hair, a punishment for jumping into the spring so suddenly.
Melissabelle (Nar.): However, Popol doesn't mind in the least, for his attention is focused solely on the antiquated knife he had fished out from the spring. Its handle is worn out, but the blade shines brightly.
Popol: "Just as I thought, this is the greatknife that Polo carried with him at all times."
Osanne: "His treasured blade..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Osanne recalls all the times he caught glimpses of the handle when near the emperor.
Osanne: "Rumor has it that the first emperor had this blade specially made."
Popol: "Polo kept it around as a good luck charm. Some seem to believe it's the key to a secret treasure buried in Castile."
Osanne: "How did you know to look in the spring for it?"
Popol: "It came to me when you mentioned 'His Majesty's personal effects.' My mind was completely blank the day he died, which is why I didn't realize it sooner."
Popol: "His greatknife not being among his personal effects is definitely a cause for concern."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Following the emergency conference, Polo had already been placed in a coffin for the funeral.
Melissabelle (Nar.): While Popol did catch a glimpse of his father's personal effects, he didn't think much of it at the time.
Melissabelle (Nar.): But a part of his subconscious took note of the disparity.
Osanne: "Selling or even possessing the greatknife within empire grounds would be far too risky. I can't imagine any commoner wanting to pilfer it."
Popol: "Of course, that goes for the stag as well."
Osanne: "I still don't get it though. If he kept the greatknife by his side at all times, why would it be at the bottom of a spring?"
Popol: "This is just a guess, but..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Popol continues, his eyes focused on the bloodstains left behind by Polo.
Popol: "I suspect he threw it with the last of his strength."
Osanne: "You mean he dropped it willingly?"
Popol: "Perhaps it was his way of protecting his pride and dignity as emperor."
Osanne: "..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Osanne cannot even begin to imagine what Polo might have been thinking before his death.
Melissabelle (Nar.): But Popol's words drip with confidence; the moonlight glistening across his profile, too, reveals the depth of his conviction.
Melissabelle (Nar.): This allows Osanne to realize something.
Osanne: "You presume that the emperor thought the assassin might try to snatch his greatknife?"
Popol: "Exactly. When you put all the facts together, there's no way a Castilian could be the culprit."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Suddenly, the surface of the spring flashes as a blade cuts through the quiet of the night.
Osanne: "Prince Popol!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): A streak of blood runs across Osanne's cheek as he stands in front of Popol, shielding him.
Osanne: "Who's there!"
???: "We've entered the last stages of the plan. The empire's done for."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Leaves crunch as the mysterious man approaches and draws his sword, the emblem on its sheath familiar to Popol.
Popol: "The Mille-Feuille Republic! You're with the resistance!"
Alliance Assassin: "We of the Mille-Feuille Alliance have waited too long for our chance at revenge against the empire!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): The Mille-Feuille Republic became a vassal state of Castile upon its capitulation during the unification wars.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Lopop, too, has known about the existence of a resistance looking to topple the empire.
Popol: "The Mille-Feuille Alliance, huh? Well, we obviously can't let you go back. Seize him, Osanne!"
Osanne: "Understood! Do not resist, knave!"
Alliance Assassin: "I will not be taken in by my oppressors!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): Standing no chance in a fair fight, the assassin quickly falls after a few clashes.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Osanne restrains him, then holds his sword against the assassin's neck.
Osanne: "You're going to tell us why exactly you were hiding out here and what the resistance is plotting!"
Alliance Assassin: "Heh, you're too late to stop it anyway... Our invasion of the imperial palace will begin any moment now..."
Popol: "Wha!"
Alliance Assassin: "You fools never realized that a tunnel to the imperial palace was being dug right under your eyes over the past few decades."
Alliance Assassin: "The time has come to topple your oppressive regime and restore glory and freedom to my country!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): In the split-second that Osanne is frozen by this news, the assassin runs his own throat across the blade held against it.
Alliance Assassin: "Glory to the Mille-Feuille Alliance!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): The blood spurting from his neck stains the surrounding area.
Alliance Assassin: "Gwaaah..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Popol tries to keep the assassin from falling over, but realizes the man is no longer breathing.
Popol: "He chose to end himself..."
Osanne: "What shall we do, Prince Popol? I suggest we inform Prince Lopop at once."
Popol: "Agreed. Would you let him know, Osanne? I, myself, will be telling the Plebeian Council about the truth we've uncovered."
Osanne: "A sound plan. We must first end hostilities among ourselves if we hope to thwart the resistance's attack."
Popol: "I'll convince them even if it costs me my life. So you go ahead and notify my brother, then take a look at the underground path."
Osanne: "Understood. Stay safe, Prince Popol—resistance members may be lurking within the Plebeian Council."
Popol: "That goes for you as well, Osanne. Also, can you pass this greatknife to my brother? I believe he should have it."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Osanne gracefully accepts the greatknife and holds it to his chest.
Osanne: "On my honor as an imperial guard, I swear to deliver this to Prince Lopop. Godspeed to both of us!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): Osanne rushes off under the cover of night, while Popol makes his way back to the lodgings.

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 4: Mille-Feuille Alliance - Episode 3

Lunalu sheds tears of joy at how everyone has become a Popol Saga fan. The Harvins learn that Emperor Polo trampled over the Mille-Feuille Republic during the unification wars, which led to the formation of the resistance movement. This deeper understanding of actual history helps them appreciate the story better.

Lunalu: Well? How was it, everyone?
Milleore: What a surprise! I was able to imagine the characters talking like real men!
Sahli Lao: Me too! The story gives off a different feel when everyone is speaking with a man's voice!
Mahira: This session didn't do much to satisfy my curiosity about the framework of imagination tuning, but I understand the story better now.
Melissabelle: Ehehe... I'm glad I'm not alone.
Lunalu: Sniff...
Sierokarte: Oh my... Are those tears in your eyes, Lunalu? What's the matter now?
Lunalu: When we first started imagination tuning, I didn't think you guys would become such big fans of Popol Saga...
Lunalu: Seeing you all chat about my favorite book with such joy in your eyes moves me to tears...
Sierokarte: Oho, I see. Then allow these fans to help dry those tears as well!
Mahira: Here, Lunalu. Use this handkerchief.
Lunalu: Sob... Thanks, Mahira.
Lunalu: Aw, the baby chick motif is so cute... I'll be sure to wash it before giving it back later.
As Lunalu settles down, the six begin discussing their thoughts on the latest developments in the story.
Mahira: So I suppose this clears any suspicion that Osanne might have assassinated the emperor.
Melissabelle: Mm-hm. I'm glad Lao was here to stop me from hurting Osanne with false accusations.
Sahli Lao: Well, all I did was state my opinion. It was ultimately Melissa's conviction that won the day.
Melissabelle: Hehe, thanks. The story's getting more complicated though, with so many threads that need tying up.
Milleore: I second what Melissa said. I think it'll be easier if we try to sort out what we know so far.
Sahli Lao: Knowing some of the actual history might help too.
Sahli Lao: Hey, look at this! There's a really neat historical explanation in the appendix!
Melissabelle: Uh, do they really expect us to read all that text with such tiny font?
Sierokarte: Teehee... I think I can provide a decent summary if you'd like.
Lunalu: Please, Siero! Save us all with your expert knowledge!
Sierokarte: It's nothing new to you, of course, Lunalu. But without further ado...
Sierokarte: Ahem... The Castile Empire and the Mille-Feuille Republic were enemies for the longest time.
Sierokarte: Their hostilities came to a head during the unifications wars, during which Emperor Polo took command on the front lines.
Sierokarte: After a fierce series of skirmishes, the Mille-Feuille Republic lost and was nearly erased from the stage of history.
Sierokarte: As was in Polo's cruel nature to do so, he trampled over the defeated republic and slaughtered all its war criminals, installing a reign of terror.
Sierokarte: But unbeknownst to the emperor, the republic's spies had infiltrated both the Patrician and Plebeian Councils and bided their time for revenge.
Sierokarte: This underground resistance group came to be known as the Mille-Feuille Alliance.
Melissabelle: Thanks, Siero... It's a lot clearer in my head now.
Milleore: To think that the Mille-Feuille Republic's survivors plotted the emperor's assassination... It really gives you a lot to think about.
Sierokarte: As Lao was saying earlier, Daddy Emp's true cause of death is still unknown.
Sahli Lao: From what I know, the formation of the resistance is recorded as fact—but that's as far as it goes.
Lunalu: That's what I love about these historical epics! Since they're based on real history, you get to learn so much about the era!
Sierokarte: By the way, the son of the general who fought against Polo in the unification wars is Mikhail, a character who shows up later.
Mahira: Ahh... So the fates of Popol and Mikhail were intertwined since their parents' generation.
Melissabelle: Really gives you a fresh perspective on the relationship between the two.
Lunalu: Yes! You get it! Gold stars for you!
Lunalu: We're reading with advance knowledge of their eventual encounter even though Popol and Mikhail themselves don't know it yet! The heart, oh how it races!
Sierokarte: Whoa-ho! I share the sentiment, Lunalu, but slow down there!
Lunalu: Huff... Huff... Th-thank you, Siero!
Sierokarte: Haha, if you're spent already, you won't last through the dramatic climax that awaits!
Five Citizens: Gulp...
Sierokarte: Maybe I can do the honors this time...
Sierokarte: Imagination overdrive!

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 4: Mille-Feuille Alliance - Episode 4

Popol Saga Volume One Chapter Four: Mille-Feuille Alliance (Continued)

Popol tells the Plebeian Council about the truth he's uncovered, preventing an armed revolt. He then makes for the imperial palace to help fight off the advancing Mille-Feuille Alliance forces, only to be confronted by a resistance spy on the road.

Lunarrator: Popol is back at the inn, explaining to everyone what he saw.
Tribune: "What! You mean to say the assassin responsible for the emperor's death belonged to the Mille-Feuille Alliance?"
Popol: "Yes. They plan to invade the empire amidst our political turmoil."
Tribune: "I can hardly believe it... I've heard of the resistance before, but..."
Lunarrator: All are shocked at the revelation. The tribune snaps to attention and continues.
Tribune: "The consul knew this and decided to make us the scapegoat anyway? In other words, they've sold the empire to the resistance..."
Popol: "No, not in my view at least. The unrest resulting from Polo's death was bound to happen one way or another."
Popol: "The alliance has been conspiring for decades, and they just happened to see an opportunity that day—which is why they expedited their plan."
Popol: "When the consul learned of the emperor's assassination, he saw it as an opportunity to strengthen his position and that of the Patrician Council's."
Popol: "I believe both sides can reach a peaceful agreement, and I've come back to convince you of it."
Lunarrator: The tribune takes a moment to think.
Tribune: "In other words, most of the patricians do not know what's truly gone down. But once we tell them..."
Popol: "We should be able to stop the abolishment of the Plebeian Council. Rather than focus on our divide, I want to believe in the Castilian in all of us."
Popol: "And this goes without saying, but fighting amongst ourselves is not ideal when there's an external threat. Now is the time for us to come together!"
Lunarrator: Popol's words hit hard for everyone present. The plebeians exchange knowing glances and nod at each other.
Tribune: "Very well. Given that we wanted you to be emperor, it's only right that we place our trust in you."
Tribune: "With that in mind, what would you like us to do now?"
Popol: "Osanne has gone to tell my brother—His Majesty—about what's happened. I expect him to share these findings with the Patrician Council."
Popol: "I say we wait to see how they react. Once we've reconciled, I ask that you lend me your strength."
Tribune: "We'll put a hold on preparations for the riot. If they're willing to admit their mistakes, we'll return to the neutral assembly floor. How does that sound?"
Popol: "Very well. Thank you..."
Lunarrator: Greatly relieved that one impending crisis is over, Popol makes for the exit.
Tribune: "Where are you off to, Prince?"
Popol: "I'm going to join His Majesty's forces! They'll need all the backup they can get if the enemy is approaching from the underground tunnel."
Lunarrator: Popol takes off and races toward the imperial palace.
Lunarrator: A hostile man wielding a sword stands in Popol's way.
Mille-Feuille Spy: "Sorry, but I can't let you pass. You shall die here and serve as the spark for a civil war!"
Popol: "So you were the one leading on the Plebeian Council. Osanne was right."
Lunarrator: Popol sees the attack coming and dodges it, then repositions himself.
Popol: "I have no time to waste on you. My brother's waiting for me!"
Lunarrator: Popol rushes the spy, who pushes back as best as he can.
Lunarrator: The clashing of swords echoes through the otherwise quiet cityscape, the moonlight highlighting the conviction on Popol's face.

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 5: Endless Waltz - Episode 1

Glad to see the story take a positive turn, the Harvins try to predict what happens next. Lunalu is, of course, careful not to spoil anything. As the day is getting late, they quicken their pace for the remaining chapters.

Melissabelle: Maybe there won't be a civil war after all. Thank goodness...
Sahli Lao: Popol's resolve is getting through to everyone!
Sahli Lao: I can already picture Osanne and Lopop presenting the Patrician Council with the true assassin!
Milleore: And with that, the commoners will be cleared of any suspicion, and the Plebeian Council will be reinstated.
Milleore: Except given how venal the patricians can be, do you think things will really go that well?
Melissabelle: I sure hope it does. I don't want to see any more harm befall Popol and his friends.
Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, a wave of relief washes over the Harvins.
Glancing at them sideways, Sierokarte fills an empty teacup.
Sierokarte: Here you go, Lunalu. You look like you could use more tea.
Lunalu: Thanks, Siero... My throat was getting dry from all that reading.
Sierokarte: Haha. That was a fabulous performance, everyone.
Sierokarte: As curious as we all are about what happens next, how about we take a little break?
Lunalu: Yeah. If you try to take it all in at once, it ends up not leaving too much of an impression.
Lunalu: Hm, I think I have some snacks in the cupboard.
Lunalu: There we go. Eat up, guys. Aren't you tired, Melissa? If it's sugar you need, try the chocolate.
Melissabelle: Thanks, Lunalu. Surprisingly I don't feel all that tired.
Melissabelle: I guess it's because I'm having fun, and I really want to know what happens next... Here's hoping we have a happy ending.
Sahli Lao: Things definitely seem to be headed in that direction... As long as Popol and Lopop join hands!
Mahira: With the new evidence and how reliable Osanne is, I'm sure things will turn out okay.
Mahira: All I'm worried about now is the possibility of war with the Mille-Feuille Alliance.
Milleore: Even if it does come to that, let's not forget that Lopop and Popol grew up with the perfect example of how not to be an emperor.
Milleore: I'm certain they won't repeat their father's misdeeds and will find a peaceful resolution instead.
Melissabelle: True. The brothers are all about justice.
Melissabelle: So much so that I can imagine them getting along even with the bane of their father's existence.
Melissabelle: Don't you think so too, Lunalu?
Lunalu: Huh? Oh, um, yeah...
Sierokarte: Hang in there, Lunalu. We don't want to spoil the plot for our friends, do we?
Lunalu: I-I know, Siero... I'm trying my best to reexperience that greatness that is Popol Saga with everyone...
Lunalu: All righty! Let's get a move on!
Sierokarte: Yeah, it's getting late and we wouldn't want to stay up all night.
Milleore: Mahira and Melissa would probably end up falling asleep. So let's speed things up a bit.
Lunalu: Onward we go!

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 5: Endless Waltz - Episode 2

Popol Saga Volume One Chapter Five: Endless Waltz

Hearing about the Mille-Feuille Alliance's plan from Osanne, Lopop enters the underground tunnel to face off against the incoming resistance force. He then happens across a secret chamber—seemingly the one used by the emperor of Castile since generations past—containing an ominous letter.

Lunarrator: While Popol is facing off against the spy, Osanne tells Lopop about the resistance's plot.
Lopop: "So I see... It seemed odd to me too how the plebeians lost their calm so suddenly."
Lopop: "But it makes sense if Mille-Feuille spies were put in place to provoke them."
Osanne: "Prince Popol is currently speaking to the Plebeian Council on the matter."
Osanne: "Meanwhile, I believe we should put an end to whatever the resistance is planning."
Lopop: "Agreed. I must do my part while my brother does his."
Lopop: "We're going into the tunnel, Osanne. We'll stop the resistance by our own hands!"
Osanne: "Of course, Your Majesty!"
Lunarrator: Lopop and Osanne proceed through the underground path. They come across a menacing armed group with torches in their hands.
Res. Member 1: "I don't believe it! What is the emperor, of all people, doing down here!"
Lopop: "You must be with the resistance. I understand that you bear a grudge because of the previous emperor's actions."
Lopop: "But as the current emperor, I will not idly stand by and allow you to invade my home!"
Lopop: "I ask that you sheathe your swords. We can have a more formal discussion in the palace."
Lunarrator: Despite Lopop's earnest plea, they have nothing but revenge in their eyes.
Res. Member 1: "Do you take us for fools? Have at them, everyone! The attack on the palace will go that much more smoothly with the new emperor dead!"
Res. Member 2: "The battle's not over until we've raised our flag over the imperial palace!"
Lopop: "You mean to say that there is no room for discussion? In some ways you may be in the right, but I cannot afford to die here."
Lopop: "I, Emperor Lopop Castile, challenge you to battle!"
Lunarrator: Lopop draws his sword and rushes toward the resistance forces.
Lopop: "Osanne! Cover my flank!"
Osanne: "Yes, Your Majesty! Even if it costs me my life!"
Lunarrator: Despite being severely outnumbered, the two quickly thin the resistance ranks with their expert swordsmanship.
Lunarrator: Some time later, Lopop is standing alone in the dark underground passage with his sword drenched in blood.
Lopop: "It appears their remaining forces have retreated. The palace should be safe for now..."
Lopop: "But I lost sight of Osanne amid the confusion."
Lunarrator: Lopop wanders around the tunnel some more in search of Osanne.
Lopop: "Well, it's Osanne we're talking about here... It's possible he's gone back up to regroup with Popol."
Lopop: "Perhaps I should head out too... Huh?"
Lunarrator: Lopop spots something strange about the wall from the periphery of his vision.
Lopop: "This part of the wall is suspiciously clean, as if it's regularly tended to..."
Lopop: "And this indentation... It's as if something's supposed to fit inside it..."
Lopop: "...!
Could this be the secret chamber used by Castile's long line of emperors?"
Lunarrator: Lopop remembers an old book he found in Polo's private study after he passed away. It was something written by an emperor generations ago.
Lunarrator: The book contained details of a secret chamber for the emperor's use should Castile ever fall victim to invasion or insurrection.
Lopop: "It mentioned that the key to the chamber is the emperor's greatknife passed on through the generations. I guess it's worth trying."
Lunarrator: Lopop pushes the greatknife against the indentation, resulting in a clicking sound.
Lunarrator: A rumbling sound accompanies the opening of the wall, revealing a lived-in space inside.
Lopop: "So it's true..."
Lunarrator: Lopop carefully steps inside to find a bookshelf filled with dusty, old tomes and a stocked pantry.
Lopop: "During times of emergency, the emperor would be able to hide in here while biding for his chance to escape... Hm? What's this?"
Lunarrator: One envelope in particular stashed between important government documents on the shelf catches Lopop's attention.
Lunarrator: Lopop grabs the envelope and tries to read the words on it.
Lopop: "The name of the addressee's faded..."
Lunarrator: Though chances of its insignificance are high, something about the envelope feels especially weighty in Lopop's hands.
Lunarrator: Beset by an ominous feeling, he proceeds to take the worn-out letter out of the envelope.

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 5: Endless Waltz - Episode 3

As the Harvins debate over what the letter could possibly be about, Lunalu tries harder than ever not to give any spoilers. They cut the debate short to read on.

A secret chamber unlocked by the emperor's greatknife and the secrets that lie within...
Taken aback by the sudden foreboding narration, the Harvins trade uneasy looks.
Milleore: Is it just me, or does it feel like we're about to see a major plot twist?
Sahli Lao: I was expecting Lopop and Osanne to fight off the resistance and move on...
Sahli Lao: But now we have the sudden appearance of this mysterious letter, which spells nothing but gloom and doom...
Melissabelle: You might be overthinking this one, Lao...
Mahira: The letter was found in a secret chamber meant for the emperor alone, meaning it has nothing to do with the resistance.
Mahira: Maybe it's something like Polo's letter to himself in his introspective soul-searching.
Melissabelle: That'd be a really interesting twist, to show us a side of Polo no one ever knew he had.
Melissabelle: Lopop would see what was going through his father's mind and end up more resolute than ever before in rebuilding the empire.
Sahli Lao: Polo's letter of remorse? Doesn't it seem out of character for him to spell out his thoughts like that?
Milleore: Yeah, it'd be more convincing if you told me it was a list of all the people he'd ever executed.
Milleore: What's wrong, Lunalu? Your face is all pale.
Lunalu: I-I probably have spoilers written all over my face, so please don't look my way and make me a sinner!
Lunalu: Look at the book instead of me!
Sierokarte: Haha, fair enough. Shall we continue on then?
Milleore: True, it's faster to just read what happens next instead of speculating.
Milleore: Okay then, moving on.

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 5: Endless Waltz - Episode 4

Popol Saga Volume One Chapter Five: Endless Waltz (Continued)

Lopop learns from the letter that his mother was a commoner while Popol's mother was a noble—the reverse of what he's been led to believe all his life. His ego crumbles, awakening within Lopop a mad obsession with the throne. Afraid of this secret getting out, he murders Osanne.

Lopop: "This letter... was meant for a previous emperor?"
Lunarrator: Opening the neatly folded letter, Lopop begins to read through its contents as if guided by fate.
Lunarrator: Your Imperial Majesty, people all over the city continue to sing glowing praise of Prince Lopop and Prince Popol.
Lunarrator: I write you this letter to give an update on the matter concerning their mothers.
Lopop: "A letter for Polo? In any case, I'm surprised to see this interest in our mothers..."
Lunarrator: I'll begin with the origins of Prince Popol's mother.
Lunarrator: Although she's oft-rumored to be a baseborn commoner who worked at the imperial palace's stable...
Lunarrator: I was able to confirm that she is, in fact, an orphan of noble birth who lost her parents to the unification wars.
Lunarrator: Although her clan has seen better days, the blood that flows within her is unmistakably noble.
Lopop: "Could this... be true? That would mean Popol himself is fully blue-blooded!"
Lunarrator: Lopop reads on as he tries to keep his emotions in check.
Lunarrator: I've made some interesting discoveries concerning Lopop's mother as well.
Lunarrator: Publicly she's said to be of noble birth, but her supposed parents were unable to bear children.
Lunarrator: I thought that simply meant she was adopted from a noble family, but I could not find any records to support the idea.
Lunarrator: Putting together all the results of my investigation, I concluded that she was a commoner's baby purchased from the black market of a shantytown.
Lopop: "My mother... A commoner's baby? Purchased from the black market? This must be some sort of mistake!"
Lunarrator: Of course, I'm sure you yourself don't mind the commoner blood flowing within Prince Lopop...
Lunarrator: But what would the Patrician Council think? If word of Prince Lopop's true lineage ever came to light, the persecution that'd come his way would be relentless...
Lunarrator: If he were to ascend the throne, would that not cast a shadow over the empire's future?
Lunarrator: Your Imperial Majesty, I ask that you please consider very carefully who you choose to be your successor.
Lunarrator: And please keep all matters discussed in this letter confidential. I trust you will make the right decision.
Lopop: "Huff... Huff..."
Lopop: "Wh-what rubbish! I'm not fit to be emperor because of the commoner blood flowing within me?"
Lopop: "What manner of fiction is this! I refuse to believe it's anything more than a lie!"
Lunarrator: The flustered Lopop recalls something he told his brother a long time ago.
Lopop: "I wish to save this empire. And in order to do that, we must first do away with the social hierarchy that only serves to divide us."
Lopop: "Nobles, commoners—we're all the same. Pigeonholing people into different classes based on social standing only leads to ruin."
Lopop: "All people are equal?"
Lopop: "No, it's my superiority complex as a noble which allows me to say that."
Lopop: "I'm particularly fond of bread crust."
Lopop: "It's a popular food among the commoners. Did you not sample any during your tour? To be quite frank, I prefer it over the food served at court."
Lopop: "How is it I find bread crust to be better than the food served in the palace?"
Lopop: "Such arrogance arises from the fact that we're able to gorge on the fanciest foods every day."
Lopop: "My dream was to become a scholar—to soar the skies, see the realm of the Astrals, and uncover whatever mysteries the world has to offer."
Lopop: "It was a dream I could have only because I thought I was guaranteed the emperor's seat..."
Lopop: "But now? More than anything, I..."
Lunarrator: The inner sense of pride Lopop's always taken for granted begins to crumble.
Lopop: "What of my noble birth... My position as emperor!"
Lopop: "If any of this gets out, I'm as good as done for!"
Lunarrator: Trembling at the truth of his birth, he almost seems a changed person.
Osanne's Voice: "Your Majesty, where are you? Your Majesty!"
Lopop: "Ngh!"
Lunarrator: Lopop, worried at the thought of anyone else seeing the letter, panics at Osanne's voice and accidentally knocks a candlestand to the ground.
Lunarrator: Osanne follows the metal clanking sound to Lopop's location.
Osanne: "Your Majesty! Thank goodness you're safe!"
Lopop: "Y-yes..."
Osanne: "Your Majesty? What's wrong?"
Lunarrator: Osanne picks up the letter that had fallen from Lopop's hands and skims through it.
Lopop: "O-Osanne..."
Osanne: "Hm..."
Osanne: "Without this proof, nothing's changed."
Lunarrator: The secret is buried once more thanks to Osanne's quick thinking.
Osanne: "Your Majesty! We should get going!"
Lopop: "...
Osanne: "Wha?"

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 6: A Cry for the Motherland - Episode 1

Seeing the gloom in everyone's expressions, Lunalu suggests finishing up Popol Saga on another day. However, the others are intent on reading it through to the conclusion.

All Citizens: ...
Mahira: Uh... Did Osanne just get stabbed back there?
Sahli Lao: He did, didn't he...
Sahli Lao: In the history books, it's around this time that Osanne stops showing up.
Sahli Lao: He dedicated his life to Lopop, and this is what he gets in return...
Milleore: I do kind of understand of how Lopop feels though.
Milleore: Being suddenly made emperor by a Patrician Council that looks down on him and being torn apart from his dear little brother...
Milleore: Only to then find out that his entire life has been a sham... It's a lot to take in.
Melissabelle: Yeah... He must've felt so cornered that even Osanne seemed like an enemy.
Melissabelle: The three of them were supposed to talk to the Patrician Council... What could Lopop possibly do next?
Lunalu: How's everyone feeling? If you guys are tired, we can always continue reading another day...
Sensing their sunken spirits, Lunalu eyes everyone nervously.
Sierokarte gives her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
Sierokarte: It's okay, Lunalu. I know this is a tough spot to get through, but a true fan reads to the end.
Sierokarte: And every one of us here is a true fan. Am I right?
Sierokarte gets approving nods in response.
Melissabelle: Yeah, I want to see what happens to Lopop and Popol.
Melissabelle: No matter how depressing it gets, it's our duty as true Popol Saga fans to see this through to the end.
Milleore: It'd leave a bad taste in my mouth to just stop reading here.
Milleore: You wouldn't want to stop reading either just because Osanne's a goner, right, Lao?
Sahli Lao: Right on! It's because I'm an Osanne stan that I have to know how his death changes things!
Sahli Lao: There's no detailed account of his death in the history books, so I'm really curious how it's portrayed in Popol Saga.
Mahira: Same here. I wouldn't mind pulling an all-nighter just to find out.
Mahira: Not to mention we're all having so much fun anyway, so why not just keep going?
Lunalu: Guys...
Lunalu: You rock! All righty, let's do this!
Lunalu smacks her cheeks to pump herself up.
Lunalu: Whatever it takes, CtK4Life is going to the finish line!
Melissabelle: Okay. I'll start with the chapter title.

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 6: A Cry for the Motherland - Episode 2

Popol Saga Volume One Chapter Six: A Cry for the Motherland

Popol later discovers Osanne's corpse and hears from his brother that their warden was a resistance spy. Though Popol remains unconvinced, he is content enough to see the empire united once more under a single banner and departs on an adventure throughout the skies.

Melissabelle (Nar.): The greatknife pierces through Osanne's heart, the dull sensation of it running through Lopop's fingers as he keeps his grasp on the hilt.
Osanne: "Lo... pop... Your... Majesty..."
Lopop: "Ah... Aaaaaahhh!"
Osanne: "Hack..."
Lopop: "Huff... Huff... I have to get rid of it—"
Osanne: "Why... Your Majesty..."
Lopop: "I-I have to retrieve the greatknife and get rid of all the evidence..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): The blood drenches Lopop from head to toe, running down him like a veil of velvet. It is a grotesquely beautiful scene, resembling that of the roses in the imperial garden.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Muttering to himself as if lost in a trance, Lopop totters off.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Soon after, replacing his wet footsteps are a pair of dry ones, fast approaching the scene.
Popol: "Huff... Huff... I heard something in this direction..."
Popol: "O... sanne? Osanne... is that really you? N-no, how could this have happened!"
Popol: "Please tell me this is some sort of cruel joke! Who did this to you?"
Popol: "Answer me, Osanne! Osaaaannnnne!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): Popol falls to his knees and screams in great anguish, clutching the hand of his dear departed friend and warden.
Melissabelle (Nar.): Days later, Lopop's coronation ceremony is held as if nothing had happened.
Melissabelle (Nar.): As the populace cheer Lopop on with their fervent cries of support, Popol looks up at his brother with mixed emotions.
Popol: "..."
Lopop: "Heed me, my beloved people! I am your new emperor, Lopop Castile!"
Lopop: "I feel blessed to have you all gathered here on the day of my coronation."
Lopop: "For a time, there was a fear that innocent Castilian blood would be spilt in a conflict between the Patrician and Plebeian Councils."
Lopop: "Fortunately we've discovered the traitors responsible for stirring conflict from behind the scenes... They are the Mille-Feuille Alliance!"
Lopop: "They assassinated my father and planned to overthrow the empire in the midst of the confusion."
Lopop: "But they are no longer a threat. For their chief collaborator and mastermind, imperial guard Osanne, has been executed!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): Popol takes the opportunity to speak to his brother in the waiting room shortly before the coronation ceremony.
Popol: "Brother... Was Osanne really a traitor?"
Lopop: "Yes, that's why I cut him down."
Melissabelle (Nar.): The cold tone of his voice gives Popol cause for concern.
Popol: "(Really? Osanne? A traitor? The very same Osanne who watched over us with his life for the past ten years?)"
Popol: "(Even if he were a traitor... His actions a few days ago in helping me uncover the plot couldn't have been more genuine.)"
Lopop: "Why the glum face, my raven-haired brother? Something on your mind?"
Popol: "N-no, it's nothing!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): A strange sensation of fear sweeps through Popol as his brother ruffles his hair. Popol brushes Lopop's hand away.
Lopop: "Okay then... Well, it's almost time."
Lopop: "But they are no longer a threat. For their chief collaborator and mastermind, imperial guard Osanne, has been executed! "
Lopop: "Now that we've eliminated the threat to the empire, there is nothing more to fear!"
Lopop: "With my coronation, I hereby declare a formal end to hostilities between the Patrician and Plebeian Councils!"
Lopop: "As your new emperor, I swear to bring glory and prosperity to the Castile Empire and all its citizens!"
Lopop: "Glory to the Castile Empire!"
Lopop: "Long live the Castile Empire!"
Popol: "Goodbye... My brother..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Leaving the raucous cheers of the ceremony behind him, Popol heads for the port.
Melissabelle (Nar.): It is from there that he boards an airship and embarks on a journey across the skies.

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 6: A Cry for the Motherland - Episode 3

The Harvins are flabbergasted at Volume One's conclusion. Curious as to what happens at the very end of Popol Saga in the missing Volume Ten, they discuss their ideas for the ideal conclusion while Lunalu puts it all down on paper—in the form of an illustrated storybook.

Four Citizens: ...
Lunalu: I know, right? I had the same reaction when I first read this part!
Sierokarte: It was a real shocker for me too. I couldn't think of a more tragic ending.
Mahira: What a surprise. Wait... That was the last page. So that's how Volume One ends, huh...
Melissabelle: What happens to Popol after that?
Lunalu: Later volumes focus on his adventures across numerous islands and the new bonds he forms with the various men he meets.
Lunalu: In Volume Nine, Popol returns to Castile when civil strife has broken out once again.
Milleore: Again? I imagine it must be connected to the events in the first volume.
Sahli Lao: Now I'm really curious what happens at the very end...
Sierokarte: The tenth and final volume is supposed to depict the final showdown between the two brothers...
Sierokarte: But unfortunately, it's been lost to history. The manuscript has never been found by anyone. So no one knows the ending!
Lunalu: That's precisely why Popol Saga has and will forever continue to stir the imaginations of readers all over!
Lunalu: Its unfinished nature is a boon in a way, allowing us to come up with our own conclusion—one that works for us.
Melissabelle: Even though I've only read the first volume so far, I'm ready to think up a conclusion.
Mahira: Same here. I don't think I'll be able to sleep until we have a satisfying conclusion.
All nod in agreement, and they begin discussing where to take the story.
Milleore: Civil unrest can only mean Lopop's taken a page from his father's book, and the people are rejecting his oppression.
Sahli Lao: Yes, the history books record him as a foolish ruler. He was not popular with his subjects.
Mahira: After all that's happened, Lopop ended up treading in his father's footsteps...
Milleore: If Popol had stayed behind to help him, maybe he would've been a better ruler.
Sahli Lao: Hrm... If you ask me, there was no turning back after he murdered Osanne.
Melissabelle: Then again... I don't want to see an ending where the two brothers just kill each other off.
Three Citizens: Agreed...
Milleore: But the way the story's headed right now, I'm not sure how we can avoid a confrontation between the brothers.
Sahli Lao: Before the confrontation happens, I wouldn't be surprised if it somehow comes to light that Lopop murdered Osanne.
Mahira: That was the turning point, wasn't it—when Lopop really changed as a person.
Milleore: From a reader's viewpoint, he definitely deserves some sort of punishment.
Melissabelle: The brothers just wanted to be happy...
Melissabelle: Is there no way to turn this into a happy ending?
As the discussion heats up, one person begins to get teary-eyed.
Lunalu: Sniff...
Sierokarte: Lunalu? Need a shoulder to cry on?
Lunalu: I... I've always dreamed about a chance like this to talk about my favorite piece of literature with my friends!
Lunalu: And you don't know how grateful I am to see it come true before my very eyes!
Sierokarte: Hahaha. I'm glad it worked out for you.
Lunalu: Okay... Time to take a breather from the impressions piece!
Sierokarte: Huh? Are you going somewhere, Lunalu?
Lunalu: Just gimme a sec!
Lunalu disappears into a corner of the room.
Lunalu: Trans... form!
Lunalu: Haah! I've got my muse on!
Sierokarte: What's with the change of clothes, Lunalu?
Lunalu: Um, well, you see...
Lunalu: (That didn't have an impact on Siero at all!)
Sierokarte: Don't tell me you're going to draw an illustrated storybook right this instant?
Lunalu: After hearing all this chatter about Popol Saga's ending, I finally decided to take action!
Lunalu: I'm going to draw the perfect conclusion as envisioned by all of us!
Sierokarte: Oh, so that's what the battle armor is for.
Lunalu: No holding back, guys! Hit me with every idea you've got!
Melissabelle: Okay, I can do that.
Mahira: Look how hyped up Lunalu is.
Sahli Lao: We don't exactly have our thoughts in order yet though. Is that all right?
Milleore: Er... As much as I admire the effort, I just hope Lunalu doesn't collapse from burnout.
Sierokarte: Teehee. I'm sure it'll be fine.
Sierokarte: Whatever comes to mind, just say it and Lunalu will do the rest.
And so on a whim, the artist works up a storm for her latest illustrated storybook, incorporating every idea that comes her way.

Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 6: A Cry for the Motherland - Episode 4

Popol and Lopop have a confrontation in the throne room. Thanks to the creativity of CtK4Life, the brothers are quick to reconcile, Osanne comes back to life, and Polo shows up again in the form of a curse. Lunalu's other persona also shows up for the final showdown.

Melissabelle (Nar.): Popol is brimming with resolve as he steps into the throne room, his eyes focusing on a single point.
Popol (Siero): "Brother!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): From his lips escapes the one word his shaky voice can muster.
Melissabelle (Nar.): However, his earnest cry is met with nothing but mocking laughter.
Lopop (Milly): "'Brother,' you say... To think that I would be called that again one day..."
Lopop (Milly): "By the traitor who's returned to destroy my empire..."
Lopop (Milly): "What a farce, wouldn't you say?"
Popol (Siero): "Brother... No, Emperor Lopop. I haven't returned to destroy Castile."
Popol (Siero): "Rather, I've returned to save its people... and my brother!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): Their swords clash as Popol finishes uttering these words. A battle to decide the fate of the empire is about to begin!
Melissabelle: Wait. I was thinking it'd be nice if we could learn something new about Lopop before they fight.
Melissabelle: Maybe the two can have an exchange about their past or something. What do you think?
Sahli Lao: Great idea! You could fit in an episode where they got along really well as kids...
Sahli Lao: And interlay it with their fight scene. That'd be pretty epic!
Lunalu: The long-separated brothers reminiscing on happier days while they clash swords? I like the sound of that...
Lunalu: I can already imagine the dialogue.
Lunalu: You're up, Melissa.
Melissabelle: Sure thing, Lunalu. Here we go.
Melissabelle (Nar.): The sound of their clashing swords calls to mind better days for Popol.
Popol (Siero): "It's been so long, Brother. Whenever I was training alone in the garden..."
Popol (Siero): "You'd always show up to keep me company."
Popol (Siero): "Even when our retainers shot you strange looks and urged you to stop, you would flash me a grin."
Lopop (Milly): "Please. Do not mistake your delusional fantasies for actual memories."
Lopop (Milly): "But if I'm to be honest... Those memories are proof that I looked down on you—pitied you even—because I thought you a commoner..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Lopop brushes off his brother's words as mere sentimentality. Popol, however, is unfazed.
Popol (Siero): "I don't care if it was pity! You have no idea how much it meant to me every time you said, 'Let us train together, little brother.'"
Popol (Siero): "All that time we spent together has been a constant source of strength for me!"
Lopop (Milly): "No... If anything, Popol, I'm the one who was saved through all our time together."
Popol (Siero): "Brother..."
Lopop (Milly): "Compared to our father's atrocities and the nobility's sycophancy, the time I got to spend with you was so pure, so serene."
Lopop (Milly): "You gave me hope that I might one day be able to improve things for the empire."
Sahli Lao: Wow... This is turning out great!
Sahli Lao: We'll be able to have the brothers make up without it feeling too forced!
Milleore: Uh-huh. The problem is getting past the fact that Lopop murdered Osanne.
Milleore: I don't think that's something you can just forgive and forget about...
Mahira: I have an idea.
Sahli Lao: Tell us, Mahira!
Mahira: The solution's simple enough. Let's make it so that Osanne was actually alive this whole time.
Milleore: Wha? Is the story still going to make sense if we do that?
Milleore: I mean, in Popol Saga it literally says that Lopop stabs Osanne in the chest with his greatknife...
Melissabelle: Fair point... But can't we get around that by saying Osanne keeps his diary in his breast pocket?
Melissabelle: It protected him from a fatal injury. Neither Lopop nor Popol noticed because they were so caught up with everything else going on.
Melissabelle: It was the Plebeian Council members who later carried Osanne away to safety and sheltered him.
Sierokarte: Being saved by a precious trinket is a fairly common plot device, but I like it!
Sierokarte: We can play it up some more by noting that the diary included accounts of all the precious time he spent with the brothers.
Lunalu: Mahira, Melissa, Siero... You guys are my heroes!
Lunalu: Now to make it all come together...
Melissabelle (Nar.): Seeing the tenderness restored in his brother's expression, Popol's cheeks flush with happiness.
Popol (Siero): "Brother! I see you've recalled the good times we once shared!"
Popol (Siero): "It's not too late. Let us join hands again, the way we did in our youth!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): Lopop shakes his head, a desolate smile on his face.
Lopop (Milly): "I'm afraid it's too late, Popol. I killed Osanne to save myself."
Lopop (Milly): "It's a sin I'll never be free of. Unless you, my dearest brother, free me of the tortuous guilt by plunging your blade into me."
Popol (Siero): "I... No! I could never do that, Brother!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): Popol's lips begin to tremble as he listlessly lowers his sword.
Lopop (Milly): "Do it, Popol! Bring me to Osanne so I can apologize to him!"
Osanne (Lao): "There's no need for that. In fact, it'd be a stain upon my honor as an imperial guard."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Two pairs of green eyes, one of jade and one of spring grass, turn toward the voice. Awaiting them is Osanne, standing wide with a gallant smile.
Lopop (Milly): "Osanne, you're alive! But my blade pierced through you..."
Osanne (Lao): "Not quite. This is what saved my life that day."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Osanne takes out a book covered in faded bloodstains.
Lopop (Milly): "That's the diary you always carried around with you..."
Osanne (Lao): "Yes. It kept the greatknife's tip a hairbreadth from disaster."
Osanne (Lao): "You were so shaken that you went off without confirming my death."
Osanne (Lao): "Later, the Plebeian Council members found me and nursed me back to health."
Lopop (Milly): "So that's what happened..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): Hearing the truth of that day, Lopop crumples to the floor before Osanne.
Lopop (Milly): "I'm so sorry, Osanne... I'm so sorry..."
Osanne (Lao): "I forgive you, Your Majesty."
Osanne (Lao): "I only wish to return to the peaceful days that I often wrote about in my diary."
Melissabelle (Nar.): With those words, Osanne gently strokes Lopop's silver hair. Moved by this warmth, the emperor begins to weep like the child he once was.
Lunalu: Sniff... I know it's strange to say this about my own work, but I'm so happy for Lopop...
Melissabelle: Same here. Now the brothers don't have to kill each other.
The Harvins breathe a sigh of relief at the happy ending the story is heading toward.
Sierokarte, however, offers a profound chuckle.
Sierokarte: Not yet, Lunalu. We need something with more oomph before we can properly end the story.
Milleore: You think so? But with Lopop and Popol reconciling, I think we've tied up the major plot threads...
Sierokarte: Let's not forget that Popol Saga is a historical epic famous throughout all the skies.
Sierokarte: To do it justice, we need an appropriately epic ending.
Lunalu gives her friend's sage advice some thought.
Lunalu: You know... You just might be right, Siero.
Lunalu: The delicate interweaving of gripping drama and intense action is what makes Popol Saga so great.
Lunalu: Tell me, Siero! What exactly are we missing for a fitting conclusion!
Sierokarte: Hahaha... To put it simply...
Sierokarte: A mastermind!
Sahli Lao: In other words, what we need is a last boss for them to beat in order to wrap things up nicely.
Milleore: A last boss, huh? It wouldn't make sense if we just had a random villain pop up at this point though.
Mahira: True... It'd have to be someone really strong and important who's been around since the beginning of the story.
Melissabelle: Someone whose defeat would put an end to any grudges the brothers might still have for each other...
All Citizens: Polo.
Lunalu: Thing is, we've already used the "wait, he's actually alive" gimmick with Osanne...
Lunalu: How about we make Polo come back in the form of a curse?
Sierokarte: "The darkness that's been eating away at Castile now reveals itself before the brothers—in the form of their father!"
Sierokarte: "They combine their powers to vanquish the curse and go on to rebuild the empire..." How's that for a lovely ending?
Melissabelle: That reminds me... Lunalu, there's one more person we're missing.
Lunalu: Huh? What do you mean? I'm pretty sure we have everyone we need...
Melissabelle: There's also yourself. I mean, the Lunalu that shows up in the story.
Lunalu: Eek!
Lunalu's cheeks flush red with embarrassment.
However, poking fun at Lunalu is the last thing on Melissabelle's mind.
Melissabelle: Your other self played a big role in our read-aloud sessions.
Melissabelle: If you could make one last surprise appearance, we can really make this story ours.
Mahira: I'm with Melissa on this. The final showdown would be so much cooler with you in it, Lunalu.
The others nod in agreement.
Lunalu: G-guys...
Lunalu: You're making me blush... I'm so glad I pushed past my embarrassment to include that self-insert during the reading sessions.
Lunalu: All right, I've got this! Time to unleash this masterpiece!
Lunalu: It's gonna be so awesome, it may as well be the official Volume Ten!
Melissabelle (Nar.): Popol turns to look at the throne.
Black Shadow: "..."
Melissabelle (Nar.): A black shadow flitters about in front of the emperor's seat, encroaching upon what should have been a newfound peace.
Popol (Siero): "Brother, Osanne... Do you see that shadow?"
Melissabelle (Nar.): All three look on with wary eyes, the sight of it stirring something in Osanne's memories.
Osanne (Lao): "I once read about an ancient ruler who left behind a curse on the throne..."
Osanne (Lao): "The curse consumes those in the imperial family, eventually making them go mad."
Lopop (Milly): "Was it also the curse that turned my father into such an oppressive ruler?"
Osanne (Lao): "I can't be sure... But what's certain is that the shadow is targeting the both of you right now!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): The shadow moves out, confirming Osanne's worst fears.
Osanne (Lao): "Watch out!"
Melissabelle (Nar.): Osanne instinctively jumps in front of the brothers.
Melissabelle (Nar.): The force of the shadow is strong, sending Osanne's blade flying out of his hands.
Popol (Siero): "Osanne! Are you okay?"
Osanne (Lao): "Don't worry about me! Focus on getting away!"
Lopop (Milly): "No, we couldn't possibly abandon you here... Look, Popol. That may as well be our detestable father in the flesh."
Lopop (Milly): "As his heirs, it falls to us to settle things with him once and for all!"
Popol (Siero): "Yes, Brother! I shall fight alongside you!"
Sahli Lao: Whoo! This is so wild!
Milleore: Say your prayers, Emperor Polo.
Mahira: You can do it, Lunalu. I'm looking forward to some incredible special attacks.
Lunalu: Hm, I don't know if I can pull something off straight away...
Lunalu: But we've come this far, so I'm gonna give it my best shot!
Sierokarte: Go for it, everyone. I'll depict the battle scenes while Lunalu summons her other self.
Melissabelle: Ready, guys? On your mark, get set...
All Citizens: Imagination overdrive!

Imagination Overdrive - Ending

Months later, CtK4Life receives a participation prize for sending an illustrated storybook to the publisher in place of an impressions piece. The prize is a poster of a portrait depicting Popol, drawn by an artist of that era. They realize that their interpretation of Popol's appearance may have been flawed but also contend that there can be as many interpretations as there are fans.

A young man lies collapsed on open plains.
His body is laden with injuries. His clothes and sword are in equally poor shape.
???: It's all over...
He speaks with a sense of relief, tinged with the pain of loss.
???: (The empire will finally know peace... but at the cost of people I cared so much about...)
???: (My brother would probably tell me to do my duty as the next in line for the throne. But if I'm being true to myself...)
???: I'm not sure I'd make such a great emperor.
With a chuckle, the man stands up, brushes the sand off himself, and disappears into the horizon.
No one ever saw him again after that.
Lunalu: Thanks for dropping by today, everyone.
Melissabelle: Sure thing. We were wondering about the submission results ourselves.
Milleore: It sure was a surprise to see you send in an illustrated storybook instead of an impressions piece though.
Sahli Lao: At least it stood out among all the postcards the publisher must've gotten.
Months after reading Popol Saga together, the CtK4Life members are gathered in Lunalu's room once more.
Mahira: They're supposed to send you the results by today, right?
Lunalu: Mm-hm. The morning mail should be here any second now...
Lunalu: They're here!
Sierokarte's Voice: Good morning. Siero's postal delivery, at your service.
Lunalu: Come on in! The door's open!
Sierokarte: Ooh, I see everyone's already here.
Lunalu: We were waiting for you to show up!
Lunalu: So... did you bring it?
Sierokarte: Teehee. You bet I did!
Sierokarte: Dun-da-da-duuunnn! A letter from the publisher!
Lunalu: Uuooogh! I-it's even got the emblem of the Castile Empire!
Lunalu: Huff... Huff... It's so detailed! A-anyway, let me open the letter for all of our sakes!
All Citizens: Gulp...
Lunalu: Let's see...
Lunalu: A participation prize?
Lunalu: My manuscript to Popol Saga's final volume was a no-go, huh...
Melissabelle: After all that hard work too... What a shame.
Mahira: Are you okay, Lunalu?
Lunalu: Yeah, I'm fine! We knew it was a lottery from the beginning, so it's not like they were judging the quality of our work!
Lunalu: Hahah! Anyway, let's see what the participation prize is!
Lunalu: A poster... of a portrait? I have no idea who this is. Why'd they send us this...
Sierokarte: Hrm. From the look of the brush strokes, it seems like a rather realistic portrayal.
Milleore: There's something else... An explanation of the portrait, maybe?
Sahli Lao: Seems like it's a poster of a portrait never revealed until now, found tucked away in a museum vault. It's Popol, drawn by an artist of that era.
Milleore: Wha... You mean... This is actually supposed to be Popol himself?
Sahli Lao: Well, that's what it says here...
Melissabelle: Wow... This is really...
Mahira: I thought so too... Um, how do I put this...
Lunalu: Yeah... I hate to admit it, but...
Lunalu: My interpretation... was wrong...
Sierokarte: Teeheehee. I suppose Popol being such a handsome man was nothing more than a product of all our imaginations.
The shocking revelation whips the Harvins into a bit of a frenzy.
However, the footnote states that because Popol may have ended up not ascending the throne, it's entirely possible that this is someone else.
Lunalu: Of course, we can't deny the possibility that this is just fanart done by an artist of the time...
Lunalu: Or maybe Popol had some reason for asking the artist to portray him this way...
Lunalu: There can be as many interpretations as there are fans...
Lunalu: Haha... And as true Popol Saga fans, we're free to imagine him as we wish.
The End
