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Official Profile

Age 45
Height 208 cm
Race Draph
Hobbies Crafts, knitting
Likes Handicrafts of all kinds
Dislikes People touching his horns
Granblue Fantasy Theater
A Draph warrior with a craftsman's touch, Galadar can handle anything from delicate handiwork to ship repairs, displaying an expert level of care and attention to detail that few would expect from such a hulking warrior. Galadar overwhelms his foes with swings from his mighty hammer, and the sound of his bellowing laughs lend courage to his allies, no matter how dire the situation.
Source [1] [2]
Age 45歳
Height 208cm
Race ドラフ
Hobbies 小物づくり、編み物
Likes 手芸全般
Dislikes 角を触られる事
Granblue Fantasy Theater
Source [1] [2]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Ha ha ha ha ha! Happy birthday, we'an!
Aye, I got ye a wee present!
Ah, ye're at a good age. Just be sure to look after yeself while ye still have somethin' worth lookin' after.
Now the present... Ye get one of me weapons. Go on and take whichever one ye want!
Ha ha ha ha ha!


Gahahaha! Happy birthday, (Captain)!
Ye know, steel tends tae grow brittle and rust away ower time.
But when ye get a real craftsman usin' the best material there is, a weapon gets sharper every time it's used.
If ye ask me, we folk are no different.
Someone livin' wi' a strong will and true friends only gets stronger ower th' years.
That's how I imagine ye to be, (Captain)!
Bwahahaha, keep it up, Captain!


Dahahaha! Happy Steel Day, (Captain)!
Hm? Birthday? Ye sure it ain't Steel Day?
Meh, no point' sweatin' the small stuff.
Anyhoo, did ye know life's an allegory fer steel?
Everyone starts out weak and brittle, cryin' red when on a bad day.
But when ye temper to perfection, they're all ready to take on the world.
So like I said...
Happy Steel Day! Three cheers to this wonderfully steely day!
Happy Steel Day! Dahahaha!
And don't take this fer a mere jest either! It took me a while to come up wit' the idea!


Dahahaha! Happy birthday, (Captain)!
This year, ye get crude iron! That means it has nae been wrought or refined yet.
What? You cannae ken why I'd give ye such a gift?
At first I was plannin' tae give ye a finished weapon...
But I thought it'd be more festive if I guided ye through the process of forgin' yer own!
I want ye to mark every step the metal takes from crude iron to the gleamin' weapon that watches o'er ye in battle!
Well? Come along then! No time to dawdle!
Nothin' less than a legendary weapon will do for my captain's birthday!


Happy birthday! Hope it's a fair one for ye, (Captain)!
Here, a present! It's a bit o' new defensive gear I adjusted to match yer growth spurt.
How many times now have I given ye armor or iron on yer special day, I wonder...
Since hoppin' aboard your vessel, I've spent countless days on the anvil, workin' blades and forgin' mail.
And over that time, our bonds have become as strong as iron.
Let's keep temperin' it though, so next year they'll be as strong as steel! Dahahaha!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

I always see the new year as a fresh start, ye know?
No holdin' back now, we'an.
This fresh cake made wi' an iron fist is all yers!
Ye should know tho'-it's really just a steel brick! Bahahaha!
How's that fur a New Year's gift? Gahahaha!


Bwahaha! Happy New Year, (Captain)!
I'm bein' overly cheerful, ye say?
Mwahahaha! I spend mah days forgin' pipin' steel! That's bound tae make anyone happy!
Why don't ye try it too?
Klink, klank, klonk! Klink, klank, klonk! Och, I just love that sound!
Bwahahaha! Ye can expect another year o' th' best weapons from me, Captain!


Dahahaha! Happy New Iron, (Captain)!
Hm? I've got the holiday name wrong?
Ohoho, I wouldn't call it 'wrong' per se. 'Tis a new greeting I came up wit' just now!
What's that? Now ye want to know the best time to use it?
Ain't it obvious? Ye say it during the birth of shiny new iron!
Happy New Iron!
C'mon, say it wit' me, Cap'n! Happy New Iron!
Dahahaha! 'Tis always a resounding joy to see new iron come into the world!


Dahahaha! Another year's upon us, Cap'n! Happy New Iron!
Ah, what a glad occasion! We're gonnae have a fine year, I can feel it in me bones!
I know! How'd ye like a tour of me forge, eh? Ye can help me temper an' fold, an' we can ring this new iron in proper!
That's decided! So let's be off, an' not a moment tae waste!
Dahahaha! Happy New Iron!


Oi! (Captain), a happy New Year to ye!
Looks like y'er handlin' yer business early this year.
It's a good thing for a we'un to get a head start on their goals!
Hm? Me? I've been in me forge for a fortnight now.
Was so busy poundin' the iron, time slipped me mind, and suddenly it was the new year.
Guess that's what I'll be doin' with the upcomin' year too! Dahahaha!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Valentine's, ye say?
So ye're giving me chocolate, eh?
Gahahaha! Why, aren't ye a whimsy one?
Not that I mind though.
If ye ever need any weapons polished, ye just let ol' Galadar 'ere know!
Cheers for the chocolate, pal.


By my beard, is this really happenin'?
An old fart like me is undeserving of yer sweet gifts.
But, oh my, ye sure are a curious one, (Captain).
Huh? Ye think I'm upset?
Gah hah hah! On the contrary I couldn't be happier!
Cheers for keeping an ol' man like me in mind, (Captain)!


Dahahaha! Kept ye waitin', huh!
I bet that thing yer holdin' is...
It can only be one thing...
You know what I'm talkin' about, right? That thing fair maidens pour all their heat and heart into to forge in the sacred kiln!
Steel! Yep, tell me I'm right!
Bingo, ye say?
Dahahaha! I didn't take ye for a jokester!
Aaanyway, be it steel or chocolate, (Captain), I'll gladly take anything from—
Dahahaha! Now yer just makin' me blush, (Captain)!


Well, if it isn't (Captain)! What brings ye by me forge?
What've ye got there? Somethin' fer me?
Och, aye. Today's Valentine's Day, isn't it?
Dahahaha! I'd clean forgotten. Didnae think it had aught t'dae with me.
Eh? Which would I prefer, chocolate or iron?
Hmm... That's a thorny one, we'an. From yer hands, either'd make me a happy man.
If it's steel, we can temper it together. If it's chocolate, we can share it.
What? Ye're givin' me both? Och, Cap'n, yer generosity knows no bounds! Dahahaha!


Oi, (Captain)! Seems like a roger of a morn! Ye here to take a load off?
Dahaha! I jest, I jest! Y'er here to deliver me Valentine's Day present, aren't ye?
I knew ye would. After all, ye bring one every year like clockwork.
It's become one of the few days I can remember.
Dahaha! Thank ye, (Captain)!
I'll remember this for White Day! Look forward to it, hear!

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

It was quite the challenge deciding what to give in return.
I picked out a few items, but nothin' quite fit the way I wanted...
Well? Does this strike yer fancy?
Ah, ye like it? Glad to hear it!
'Twas either this or a steel hammer! Seems I chose wisely!


Gah hah hah! Happy White Day, (Captain)!
I'm no good wit' these formalities. Sure took me a long time to figure out what to get ye.
So when I asked everybody on the crew, they suggested I make some cookies.
It was kinda lik' monkey-see, monkey-do for me, but I did it! I hope ye'll accept, (Captain).
Gah hah hah! Me efforts haven't been in vain!
Oh gosh! From the flour, to the sugar, to the nuts, to the eggs... Oh, and the butter...
Even wit' all that, I was afraid they'd taste too plain, so I added a wee helpin' of quality iron powder for that special flavor. And now this batch is as stiff 'n' heavy as me hammer!
Gah hah hah! I kid, (Captain).
Relax. I made sure they're edible!


Dahahaha! Looks like I made it right on time, (Captain)!
What's wit' my ragin' excitement, ye ask? Well, I made somethin' fer Wh-White... Day...
Dahahaha! There, I said it!
Hm? Yer bettin' it's just steel?
Och, c'mon now. Even I wouldn't stoop to that level... Or would I?
Dahahaha! By my bearded hammer, how did ye know? Steel it is!
I thought to bake ye some cake at first, but when I went to check the dough I stuffed in the hearth...
It came out as charcoa—I mean high-grade steely sand!
Hey, chin up! Come here—I've got somethin' for ye!
Here's a mighty fine steel gauntlet to make yer happy White Day!
Dahahaha! Steel makes the world go round!


Ahoy there, Cap'n! I got somethin' for ye!
Today's a day for returnin' kindnesses!
This Valentine's Day, ye gave me iron and chocolates.
I cannae let ye outdo me! Gottae return yer generosity wi' interest!
So hold out yer hand, (Captain)!
Whoa there! Careful!
Flex your core there, (Captain), or ye'll throw yer back out.
What d'ye mean, what is it? What a fool question!
Have ye nae eyes t'see? It's an alloy! Mixed by yers truly!
One metal for each of your gifts to me!
An alloy of two makes for a stronger weapon than one metal alone! Dahahaha!


(Captain)! Here's a gift to thank ye for Valentine's Day! Go on, don't be shy!
I remembered the date, so I was able to prepare a proper present for ye!
Behold! It's called the sword cookie!
It's flavor is as sharp as any blade—or so they said when they sold it to me.
Not sure what it means, but I liked it because it was named after a weapon.
Oh? Ye like it too? Course you do! It's brilliant!
Well, I'm glad that worked out! Dahaha!

Chocolate Biscuits
3rd year:
Crusher Glove
4th year:
Galadar's Alloy Ingot
5th year:
Light Cookies
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Hmm? You want some candy?
Ack, you should've asked earlier.
As you can see, I'm all out!
Chocolate? Hmm... How about a chakram instead?
Cookies? Hmm... I can give you a kukri blade, if you'd like.
Caramel corn? How about a caramel carbine? Might be a bit big for your bag, admittedly.
Candy apples? How about a candy claymore?
Bwahaha! Indeed it's weapons all the way down!


Bwahahaha! The witching hour has arrived once again, (Captain). All Hallows' Eve!
What's that? Ye want me to lend ye something fun to use as a costume?
As ye wish, (Captain). Ye can have as much as ye'd like from my personal stores!
Course, all I've got in there are weapons and armor.
Ye're always ready for a battle, so you're not exactly going to look much different from normal!


Trick or iron, (Captain)!
Dahahaha! Have at ye, Halloween!
Oi, what's wit' the outfit, (Captain)? Ye plan on playin' a trick on me in that?
Yer gonna have to try harder if ye wanna surprise me.
How 'bout I fashion ye a mighty big costume?
Come again? Ye prefer full-bodied armor? Maximillian style or with a tower shield?
Dahahaha! Iron or iron!
An easy choice, if ye ask me!


Dahahaha! Iron or Iron, Cap'n!
Hm? I went straight to the ironclad iron option this year?
Don't look so dour! Feast yer eyes on this mountain of metal!
This is a year's worth of weapons and armor!
Yer here looking for a costume again, aren't ye?
Well this time I'm prepared!
If ye're off to pillage candy, ye need the proper equipment!
Come now, pick whatever strikes yer fancy! Take it all, if ye want! Dahahaha!


(Captain), feast yer eyes upon this! I've forged a pile o' weapons n' armor for Halloween!
The centerpiece is my patented lightweight Halloween mail!
Look here, Halloween's normally a day for the we'ans, idnit?
Thought I'd make some armor the tikes could wear. They'd look a right mess trying to hoof around the adult kind.
(Captain), ye've friends all around, don't ye? Ye must flap about with tons o' types on Halloween night, eh?
If ye catch sight of any we'ans without proper armor, ye be sure to suit 'em up with my handiwork!
Iron or iron! Dahahaha!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Sorry I'm missin' the white hair.
But a red-haired Santa's just as good, right?


Bahahaha! Season's greetings, (Captain)!
Ye've been a good we'an this bygone year, so Galadar Santa here's gotten ye a gift!
Och, sae ye don't like bein' spoken to like a child?
Gahahaha! If ye ask me, ye're still just a fledgling!
But enough blatherin'! Here, have a taste of mah special steel candy canes!


Dahahaha! Pardon my steely stench, but Galadar Santa's here again!
Anyhoo, have ye been a good kid this year, (Captain)?
Oho, so ye have, eh? This calls fer a present from Galadar Santa!
What's that? Ye bet it's just a lump of cold steel?
Dahahaha! Right on! Nothin' but steel here!
But ye've got another thing comin' if ye think that's all I've got!
This is forged from the finest steel ye can find in my hearth.
With layers upon layers of steel coating serried upon it.
Dahahaha... A steel cake made by one of the steeliest men on this side of the skies!
No need to say another word! Go on and feast on my specially steely mille-feuille!


Dahahaha! Galadar Santa returns at last, tae answer the prayers of all the wee lads an' lasses!
I trust ye've been a good we'an this year as well, Cap'n?
Ohh! That's what I like to hear! Well then, ye've earned yer present!
What's that? You wannae know what manner of iron I have for ye this year?
Why... I do believe ye've come to look forward to my gifts!
Dahaha! Ye gladden me heart! An' I'll nae disappoint ye!
I tempered this especially for ye, (Captain)!
A dessert that one an' all can enjoy on this holiest of nights...
Galadar's Special Steely Puddin'!


Huh. Guess that's how it is.
Oh, (Captain)! Havin' a merry festival, I hope!
I plan on bein' Galadar Santa again this year, so I've made a grand present for all the we'uns on the ship!
It's a mammoth tree, forged tip to stump from the finest iron! Makes for a pretty solid holiday, eh?
What do ye think? The sparkle is perfect for the season, eh?
Normally people decorate the tree to add a little pizzazz, but when the tree itself is the star, well there's no beatin' that.
Everybody aboard the ship is gonna feel the holiday spirit when they get a load of this thing! Dahaha!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Pride of a Craftsman

The crew meets Galadar, a Draph and famed craftsman. It turns out that an axe (Captain) just got was forged by Galadar in his younger years. Galadar claims the axe is subpar work and tries to take it back, but the crew argues that it's a fine weapon. The impressed Galadar offers to join the crew.

(Captain)'s crew is at the Knickknack Shack stocking up for their journey.
With new equipment in hand, the crew is about to leave when a voice from behind stops them.
???: Oi! Aye, you bairns with the lizard.
Vyrn: I ain't no lizard! You need something or what?
Galadar: Aye. The name's Galadar. Mind if I take a look at the axe you bought?
Vyrn: Sure... if looking is all you wanna do. You okay with that, (Captain)?
Galadar: Thanks a lot. I'll give it right back...
Lyria: Wow... I don't think it's good to have an axe that close to your face. What are you looking for?
Galadar: Bwahaha! This is definitely the one!
Galadar: Never thought I'd see it in a place like this! Wonders never cease!
Vyrn: What's your deal? I don't see what's so funny...
Galadar: I'm sorry, but this is hilarious from where I'm lookin'!
Galadar: And I have something I wanna ask... Could you see yer way to partin' with this axe?
  1. What? No.
  2. Why do you want it?

Choose: What? No.
Galadar: Bwahaha! Sounds like you don't even wanna hear me out!
Galadar: I do have a reason for askin', you know.

Choose: Why do you want it?
Galadar: Bwahaha! Sorry! I sure don't blame you for not wantin' to hand weapons over to strangers who don't explain themselves!
Galadar: I'll tell you, but promise you won't laugh...
Continue 1
Galadar: Fact is, I actually forged that axe years ago. Back when I was young and new to the art.
Galadar: It looks more than a wee bit rough to me now. Definitely not my best work.
Galadar: I mean, I got a reputation as a skilled craftsman now.
Galadar: So I'm trying to get back all the half-baked junk I made back in the day. My pride's on the line here.
Vyrn: I thought you took an awfully critical look at that axe. Now I know why.
Lyria: But this axe... Do you really need to take it?
Galadar: Not for nothin' of course! I'll whip up something better to replace it.
Lyria: That's not what I'm worried about. It's just that this axe doesn't seem so bad.
Galadar: Well how about that! I didn't think it to look at you, but you must know your way around the forge, eh?
Lyria: Not really. I don't know much about weapons or any of that stuff.
Lyria: But I do know something about people, and I sense that whoever made this put their heart and soul into it.
Galadar: Bwahaha! That's the funniest thing I've heard all day!
Galadar: Heart and soul, you say? I was definitely into it back then, y'know, to make up for my lack of skill...
Galadar: You know what? Go ahead and use it. I bet the axe would prefer that to being melted down anyway!
Vyrn: That's right! This baby's already proven itself in battle, so you better believe we'll take good care of it.
Galadar: Bwahaha! And while we're talking about things useful in battle, what do you say to me joinin' your crew?
Lyria: Huh? I mean, we're always glad to have more people... but why?
Galadar: It's not every day you meet someone who sees to the heart of a weapon! I couldn't ask for better travelin' companions.
Galadar: And I'm thinkin' you didn't buy the axe just to cut down trees. I fancy you could keep a smith like me busy!
With a booming laugh shaking his great frame, the Draph craftsman joins (Captain)'s crew.
His unrivaled skill will benefit the crew greatly in the adventures to come.

The Skill of a Master

During a fight, Katalina's sword Rukalsa chips. Galadar says he needs a special ore to repair it, so the crew heads to a monster-infested mountain to find it.

After driving back a large pack of monsters, (Captain) and company have a chance to catch their breath.
Galadar: Oi! You lot better take care of your weapons after every battle.
Galadar: Swords and axes are more delicate than they look.
Vyrn: Got it! We'll be super careful! Right, (Captain)?
Katalina: Indeed. Speaking of which, I should take a look at my sword—
Katalina: Ahh! No! It can't be!
Vyrn: Are you okay, Katalina? You almost gave me a heart attack with that screaming!
Katalina: My sword... Rukalsa... has chipped...
Galadar: Bwahaha! I told you so!
Galadar: But weapons eventually break no matter what you do! Here, let me see it.
Galadar: Hm. This is nothin' to fret over. I'll reforge it for you right away.
Katalina: Really? Thank you!
Galadar: Bwahaha! Don't be thankin' me 'til I've done the work!
Galadar: I don't even have the materials to get started yet.
Vyrn: What happened? Why are you crouching down all of a sudden? Does your stomach hurt?
Galadar: You kiddin'? Draph stomachs can digest just about anything!
Galadar: I was just feelin' the earth here, and it's tellin' me we can find the ore I need in the mountains nearby.
Lyria: Wow! You can sense that just by touching the dirt?
Galadar: I wasn't lucky enough to be born in a place like Valtz where blacksmiths have it so easy.
Galadar: I lived with the earth and learned to understand it naturally.
Katalina: I see! That's good to hear... Then let's head to the mountains right away!
Katalina: Everybody ready? There have been a lot of reports of monsters there, but I won't let them stand in the way of repairing Rukalsa!

The Skill of a Master: Scene 2

As the crew proceeds through a cave in constant danger of collapsing due to Galadar's size, monsters appear.

Vyrn: This is such a cramped cave... I feel like I'm going to bash my head any second.
Galadar: Bwahaha! Just stick to the wall like the lizard you are! You'll be just fine.
Vyrn: I told you I ain't no lizard! But what about you? You seem to be bumping your head with every step.
Galadar: Bwahaha. Not to worry! My head's as hard as a rock!
Lyria: Um... But doesn't it hurt regardless?
Katalina: Hm? You know, I swear the cave shakes every time Galadar hits his head.
Galadar: Now that you mention it, small caves do tend to collapse around me. Wonder why.
Vyrn: It's obviously your fault, you big lug!
Vyrn: And of course monsters jump us while we're crawling around! Let's take care of them and get out of here!

The Skill of a Master: Scene 3

The crew safely obtains the ore. The skilled blacksmith Galadar fixes Rukalsa, much to the joy of Katalina, but he makes it a lot heavier to "strengthen" it.

(Captain) and company obtain the ore, and Galadar quickly repairs Rukalsa.
Katalina: Ugh... Galadar! What is the meaning of this?
Galadar: Hm? What do you mean?
Katalina: This weight! The chipped part is certainly fixed, but why's my sword so heavy?
Lyria: Katalina... If it's that heavy, why don't you put it down for a second?
Galadar: Bwahaha! You just don't get it, do you, lassie?
Galadar: Listen to me. Weight is power!
Galadar: The heavier your weapon, the better it is!
Katalina: That might be true, but you have to consider the person wielding it...
Galadar: Bwahaha! Just work out more!
Katalina: Ugh... I can't hold it any longer.
Vyrn: Whoa! Her sword plunged right into the ground!
Vyrn: Guess you better think carefully before asking Galadar to repair your weapons, huh, (Captain)?
In the end, Galadar ends up restoring Rukalsa's original weight so Katalina can wield it.
But he's always ready to pounce on any chance to power up someone's weapon by adding a bit of heft.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
あの細工は、なかなか見事だと思わんか? Mighty fine craftsmanship it was, wouldn't ye say?
なんだ、この細工が気になるのか? Does this handiwork pique yer curiosity?
この辺は、いい鉱石が採れそうだな We should find some fine ore here.
動力部の不具合が気になるな… Somethin' wrong with the power unit, eh...
装備の点検は怠るんじゃねぇぞ! Equipment checks need tae be done regularly!
武器の手入れは抜かりねぇな? Don't forget to care fer yer weapon.
だっはっはっは!順調順調! Gahahaha! Tally-ho!
だっはっはっは!相手にならんな Gahahaha! Too easy!
ほう…(主人公)は見る目があるようだな Ye've a keen eye fer these things, (Captain).
(主人公)の武器も鍛えてやろう! Need me tae forge yer weapon, (Captain)?


  1. Granblue Fantasy Official Site, Galadar - Theater - Granblue Fantasy
  2. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 04.