Ceodric (NPC)

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RaceOfficially called "Type" in-game. Human
GenderGender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. A character's lore, appearance, and other factors do not affect this attribute. Male
Voice Actor Kent Itō
NameJP セオドリク
Voice ActorJP 伊東健人
ID 3993445000
Release Date 2024-03-12
Heart of the Sun
The first prince of the Kingdom of Radlith. Ceodric's prominent position within a small country deeply influenced the way he saw power. At one point, he concluded that the nature of power is to be hoarded by the strong, never to be shared with the weak. Shortly after, the Phoenix showed itself to him, warning of a threat posed by a certain skyfaring captain potentially gaining the Omnipotent's strength. Choosing to accept power himself from the Phoenix, Ceodric swore to crush the strong for the sake of the weak. He also followed the Phoenix's suggestion to take as his wife Sabrina—a swordswoman with unparalleled strength who he'd known since their childhood—as part of his efforts to consolidate power in his own hands. He never possessed any romantic feelings for Sabrina, lusting only for power. Even at the very end of his life, Ceodric never realized the bitter irony of his beliefs.