A Granblue Carol/Story

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Event Story

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These tabs contain full Event cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the plot and characters. View these tabs at your own discretion.

A Granblue Carol - Santa's Little Helpers

The stars are twinkling and the snow is glistening. Once again it's that time of the season. Now the crew sets foot on a certain town, but whatever could be the reason?
The town should be abustle this time of the year, full of laughs, decorations, and holiday cheer. However with just one glance one can see that something's gone awry, that much is clear.
Man: At this rate, it looks like this year we're gonna have to cancel the holidays...
Woman: Oh, such a pity... The children have been looking forward to it all winter too.
Disheartened voices are heard high and low. A once festive town, now gloomy with woe.
Mary: Yikes... Talk about somber.
Rackam: Yeah, well... I don't blame 'em. The town's been looking forward to celebrating the holidays all year, but it doesn't look like they'll be able to.
Rosetta: That's right—and it's why we've come here today.
Rackam: I get why that old man asked us to take care of this one.
It all began just a few days back, when on the door of the Grandcypher came a ratta-tap-tap.
Opening the door on that cold winter's night, (Captain) was met with a mysterious sight—a stranger all right, but cloaked in a familiar crimson and white.
???: ...
Vyrn: Whoa! Wh-who are you?
Santa Claus: Ho ho ho! It is I, Santa Claus!
Lyria: Goodness! I-it's the real Santa Claus!
Santa Claus: Ah, Lyria... Have you been well?
Stumbling and bumbling, the crew welcome the man in. They just can't believe it—it's really him!
Vyrn: Come on, Santa! If you would've told us you were comin' we could've gotten ready for ya!
Rackam: Speaking of which... How did you board the Grandcypher anyway?
Rackam: We've been in flight for days without making any stops... Wait, don't tell me you've been stowed away somewhere this whole time?
Santa Claus: No, no... I merely arrived moments ago.
Vyrn: No way! You flew on board?
Santa Claus: Ho ho ho! I think that goes without saying for Santa Claus.
Rackam: Sheesh... Talk about a man of mystery.
Rackam: So anyway... To what do we owe this pleasure?
With dampened spirits, Santa reveals the reason for his last-minute visit.
Santa Claus: The truth is, I have a favor to ask of you all.
Lyria: A favor?
Santa Claus: Yes. It seems that the holidays may not be so merry for a certain town...
The crew learns of a certain town and their holiday tradition, but it seems that this year it may not come to fruition.
For once every year they'd get a big tree, and place it in the town square for Santa to see.
There Santa would lay all of the toys, enough for each and every one of the town's girls and boys. But alas this year they could not, leaving the townspeople fraught and distraught.
Santa Claus: Of course, if it were anywhere else I'd have no reservation about placing their presents by their bedsides.
Santa Claus: But it'd really be a shame... The children here always look forward to finding their presents under the tree.
Rackam: I see... Basically, you want us to help them prepare a tree for the holidays?
Santa Claus: I've heard tales from all corners of the sky telling of the good you do... Won't you accept this old man's request?
Vyrn: Heh, don't even sweat it, gramps! You can count on us for the job!
  1. Accept his request.
  2. Tales? What kind of tales?

Choose: Tales? What kind of tales?
Santa Claus: Of course, for example...
Rackam: Now hold on a minute, (Captain). Is that really what's important right now?
Rackam: We're not in it for the fame—wherever there's a call for help, we'll be there. Right, (Captain)?
Choose: Accept his request.
Santa Claus: Oh ho ho! Splendid! I knew I had a good feeling about you folks.
Relieved at (Captain)'s answer, Santa takes a load off his shoulder, and bursts into a great bellow of laughter.
As the halls of the Grandcypher echo with laughter most merry, the sound draws the attention of Feena and Mary.
Mary: Hey, what's going on? I thought I heard a strange voice...
Feena: My party senses are going wild! Lemme in on the fun too!
As one may assume, the two girls quickly notice the stranger as they enter the room.
Feena: Uh... So who's the old guy?
Mary: Did we always have someone like this in our crew?
Mary: Wait a sec... That outfit—you wouldn't happen to be...
Santa Claus: Ho ho ho... That's right, girls. The one and only Santa Claus.
Rackam: I don't think they're gonna believe you just willy-nilly...
Feena: Oh my gosh! I can't believe I'm actually meeting you in person!
Rackam: Aaand I stand corrected.
Rosetta: Hehe, it's wonderful how innocent and pure they are.
Mary: Speak for yourself—I'm still on the fence here.
Feena: Say, Santa. You deliver presents to children all across the sky, right?
Santa Claus: Yes indeedy do! Bringing smiles to children everywhere is my lifework.
Santa Claus: I'll come once a year to take away the tears and spread good cheer.
Santa Claus: There's nothing I want more than to see their smiles.
Feena: So you're not only delivering presents, but smiles and cheer too, right?
Santa Claus: Ho ho ho... That's right.
Feena: ...!
Feena: Wow, that's incredible! It sounds like barrels of fun!
Feena: I mean, to spread joy and happiness, knowing that everyone's smiles are because of you—that's gotta be the best feeling ever!
Santa Claus: Ho ho ho... It really is.
Santa Claus: Well then, lass, here's an idea—how about you try being Santa Claus for a day?
Feena: Really? Do you mean it?
Feena: Bringing good cheer and joy to all... Sign me up! I wanna be Santa!
Rackam: Whoa now, just hold your reindeer, gramps. You can't be serious.
Santa Claus: What can I say? She was looking at me with stars in her eyes.
Santa Claus: Besides, I've been hoping to share the gift of the holidays like this with somebody.
Santa Claus: Of course, only if she's up for it.
Feena: Yeah, I'm on board 110 percent! I wanna be Santa Claus!
Mary: You're pretty much down to do anything, aren't you. Isn't receiving presents the fun part of the deal?
Santa Claus: Ho ho ho... It's settled then. Can I entrust you with the task?
Feena: Yeah, just leave it to me! You're helping too, right, Mary?
Mary: Wha... Why do I have to?
Mary: Besides, I don't think I'm really the type to play Santa...
Feena: Come on, let's do it! It'll be loads of fun! Pleeease!
Feena: I just know you'll make an awesome Santa Claus! Come on, come on!
Lyria: I... I want to see you as Santa Claus too!
Mary: What! Not you too, Lyria!
Rosetta: Hehe. I'd like to see it as well.
Mary: Gimme a break, Rosetta...
Rosetta: I'm being serious! I just know you have it in you to fill their little hearts with joy.
Rosetta: And besides, an opportunity like this doesn't come every day, you know?
Mary: Yeah, you can say that again...
Mary: ...
Mary: Okay! If you're all gonna be so adamant about it, I guess I have no choice!
Mary: After all, even I wouldn't be so heartless as to deprive those children of smiles!
Mary: Just watch! They'll be the happiest children you've ever seen!
Santa Claus: Ho ho ho! I just know you girls will get it done through and through.
Feena: All right! We're gonna deliver all the presents, and become the best Santas that ever Santa'd!
Mary: Yeah!
Rosetta: Hehe... That's the spirit!
Rackam: First things first. We've gotta find a proper tree somewhere. Let's find someone to ask about it...
All around they search town, when suddenly they stumble upon a man with a frown.
Man: Oh dear... What are we going to do...
Mary: Pardon me, sir! I couldn't help but notice you looked worried. Would your troubles just happen to be about a fir tree?
Man: Huh? How did you know?
Rackam: A little bird told us. Well, a pretty big one actually... Anyway, you don't have a tree ready for this year, do you?
Man: We don't. About the tree though... You should probably come with me.
Man: I'll show you—it's kind of a long story.
The townsperson invites the crew to his house, where he tells of the town's holiday doubts.
The forest where fir trees can be found has been infested with monsters abound. No one would dare try and go in, at least not for now.
Man: Seems they appear in the forest whenever it snows, but try as we might, there's no getting rid of them.
Man: I've never seen so many monsters gathered in one place before... I must admit, I'm completely confounded.
Rackam: I see. Basically, if someone manages to take care of the monster problem, you'll be able to get a tree. Am I right?
Mary: Well, in that case, it's simple! Let's head on down to the forest and give those monsters a whoppin'!
Man: Would you really do that for us?
Feena: Heheh! Don't you worry about that—just leave it to Super Cutie Feena Claus!
Man: Oh, thank goodness!
Man: But even if we find a tree, we haven't nearly enough time remaining to decorate it...
Rosetta: Oh, do you need some extra hands? We have you covered.
Man: You'll really help us out?
Mary: Well, I actually came to deliver presents...
Mary: But since the situation calls for it, we'll help decorate too!
Man: Oh, you truly are angels! I think we may just be able to pull this off in time yet!
Boy: Humph! We don't need no stinkin' tree!
The crew turns around to see a bedridden boy looking annoyed, his leg in bandages and expression devoid of any joy.
Man: Hey now! You don't really mean that. I'm sorry, fellas... I hope that you'll have good news for us soon.
Boy: ...
Rosetta: Is that little boy your son?
Man: Yeah, sorry about that. He's going through a bit of a rough time.
Man: He's injured his leg and can't play outside, so he's been pretty grumpy.
Mary: So that's what happened... I don't blame him for being upset, not being able to play on such a merry holiday.
The crew has nary a moment to pity the youngster, as soon they're interrupted by cries getting louder and louder.
Resident: M-monsters! Monsters are in town!
Rackam: What!
Rosetta: Let's move!
Snowman: ...
Feena: Urk! There's a whole bunch of 'em!
Feena: Oh, but now that I take a closer look, they're actually kinda cute.
Mary: What are you saying at a time like this? Come on, let's take care of them!

A Granblue Carol - Santa's Little Helpers: Scene 2

Back into the wilds the snowmen run in fright, without at all having put up a fight!
But as the snowmen escape, Rosetta watches in question with a worried expression.
Rosetta: ...
Rackam: What's up, Rosetta? Something wrong?
Rosetta: Oh... It's nothing, I suppose. I was thinking there was something a little strange about their behavior.
Rosetta: It didn't appear that they were here to attack the town or the people. There must have been another objective in mind...
Rosetta: Oh, what's this?
Noticing something round on the ground, Rosetta picks it up to see—just what could it possibly be?
Rosetta: It's a... paper medal?
Rackam: Did that monster just now drop it?
Rosetta: It looks like it.
Rosetta: But why do you think they have something like this?
Rackam: What do you say we go somewhere to map out our strategy?
Rosetta: Good idea. It looks like we may have more on our plates than we bargained for.
Rackam: We need a place that a lot of people could gather and work together...
Man: If you're looking for a place like that, how about the warehouse outside of town?
Man: It's quite spacious, and it's where we store the materials used to make the ornaments every year for the tree.
Rackam: That sounds perfect—mind showing us the place?
The group agrees to split into two teams—one for decoration constructing, and yet another just for tree hunting.
Mary: Leave the decor to yours truly! These hands are ready to create!
Feena: Then I guess it's up to the amazing Feena for the tree! I'll find us all the trees—a plethora of flora!
Mary: Just how many do you plan on bringing?
Mary: We only need one! Got that? But get the very best one!
Mary and Feena have taken the helm, ready and raring to bring joy back to the realm.

A Granblue Carol - Operation Ornamentation

The team in charge of tree decoration wastes no time starting their festive creations. After all, a holiday tree just isn't the same without some ornamentation.
Mary: Okay, everybody! I know we can make it on time as long as everyone puts in 110 percent!
Arulumaya: Oh, what fun we will have making ornaments and chatting together!
Arulumaya: Perhaps I'll make some baubles, shiny and beautiful just like a crystal ball.
Cagliostro: Hehe! Just leave the candy canes to me then!
Rackam: Hey, now there's an idea! You could probably make a bunch just like that using alchemy, right?
Cagliostro: Tsk, tsk... Where's your holiday spirit, Rackam? Even an ultimate master of alchemy like myself can't replicate the key ingredient...
Cagliostro: Love! And everybody knows you gotta make that by hand! Teehee!
Rackam: Haha, you're right! In that case, what should I make...
Rackam: Hey, now there's a quality snowman! How'd you get it so round and pristine?
Mary: Whoa, careful! Don't touch that one. It's a bomb!
Rackam: Whoa, geez! Just what kind of ornaments are you trying to make here?
The team prepares in earnest for the big day, enjoying each other's company as they tinker away.
However, some of the team just want to finish this quickly, scheming and conceiving ways to be done in a jiffy.
Clarisse: You know what? With just a little bit of alchemy, I bet we could get this all done in a flash!
Clarisse: Just... like... this!
Mary: Whoaaa! What the heck's going on over there?
Cagliostro: Watch it, Clarisse! Don't get reckless with the alchemy there—you're much too inexperienced!
Cagliostro: If I hear another boom coming from you, you're in for a lecture of a lifetime!
Clarisse: Ngh...
Clarisse doesn't wallow in sorrow much longer after catching sight of a wandering Walder.
Walder: Hm? What're you staring at me for? Ahh, you want to try this outfit on, don't you?
Walder: Ha... ha... ha! I see you're a skyfarer of culture as well...
Walder: However! However! This outfit can only be worn by the chosen ones! Alas, I'm afraid I can't...
Clarisse: Oh, I've got an idea then! We can just use you as decoration for the tree!
Clarisse: I mean, you're already sparkly and stuff... You'll be the star of the show!
Walder: Eep! Y-you wanna use my body as an ornament?
Walder: But wait a minute. If I were on the tree... All would be able to revel in the splendor of the Jolly Ranger!
Rackam: Geez... In case you guys forgot, we don't have time to be goofing off right now.
Rackam: Take a look at Katalina, for example. I mean, she may be all thumbs, but she's still working in earnest!
Katalina: Why is this so difficult...
Katalina: Just put it through like this, and...
Katalina: Ah! The ribbon's all tangled! Wh-what to do now...
Mary: Katalina... Need some assistance?
Katalina: I, um... I-I can't work properly in this outfit! My hands are shaking from the cold!
Katalina: More importantly, why am I so exposed? Changing into this outfit was a mistake!
With the exception of a few hiccups here and there, Operation Ornamentation continues while joy and laughter fill the air.
A few hours pass and the decorations are finished at last.
Mary: All right, we did it! Good work, everybody!
Rackam: Okay! All that's left is to bring it into town!
Mary: Huff... huff... Th-this is pretty heavy, even with all of us carrying it...
Arulumaya: Heheh... It'll be worth it to bring holiday cheer to everyone in town.
Rackam: Right you are. We're almost there, so let's keep it up for the final stretch!
Snowman: ...
Rackam: Again? You've gotta be kidding me.
Mary: Don't tell me they're here to destroy the holiday cheer we've created! Unforgivable...
Mary: Wait, what? Where are they going?
Walder: H-hey! Watch it, you guys! These decorations aren't for touching! Come on! You're going to ruin it!
The snowmen pay no heed to the rest of the crew, for Walder's the only one they wish to pursue.
Mary: Hm? Why're they only going after Walder?
Rackam: Whatever the reason is, we've gotta take care of 'em now!

A Granblue Carol - Operation Ornamentation: Scene 2

Walder: Huff... Puff... Now that... was a close call.
The crew lays the snowmen to waste, saving Walter from a cold and powdery fate.
With quick work the snowmen have vanished for now, but their behavior and actions seemed different somehow.
Mary: Hey, is it just me... Or are they even wilder than they were when we first saw them?
Katalina: Yes, I was also thinking the same. What happened?
Despite all their efforts and try as they might, the crew can't seem to find an answer in sight.
Rackam: Who knows... There could be any number of things that caused it.
Rackam: While it's definitely something to think about, we should be worried that the monsters have already made it this far... I wonder if the others are doing okay.
Katalina: All we can do now is hope and wait until we see them again.
Mary: I hope they're okay...

A Granblue Carol - Underneath a Tree of Lights

While Mary and company create the decor as they promised, Feena and friends search for a tree in the forest.
Feena: Come on, everybody! We're gonna beat these monsters like kapow! Then we'll find the best tree there ever was like wow!
Feena: Just follow me, your lovely captain Feena—beautiful, powerful, and cute to boot!
Ladiva: Now, now, everybody! Think of how sad those children would be without their tree!
Sen: That's right! But if a tree isn't enough, I'll do everything I can to show 'em a good time, meow!
Ladiva: Yes, girl! That's the spirit! Let's show 'em what we've got!
Ladiva: By the way, Sen, sweetie... You must be absolutely freezing in that getup.
Sen: Ah, you've noticed? Yeah, I've been trying to manage...
Percival: Here...
Percival comes to Sen's side and ignites a small fire.
Sen: Ahh... It's so warm...
Sen: Thank you, Percival.
Percival: Don't mention it. Let's keep moving forward.
Ladiva: No more holding it in now, you hear? It's important to keep others in mind, but don't ever forget to take care of yourself!
Ladiva: Spreading holiday cheer to the world wouldn't be the same without your smile, Sen. Understand?
Feena: That's right! And just leave it to me—the invincibly cute Feena—to teach you the art of the smile!
The party remains very much in it to win it as they head back to town to raise holiday spirits.
But not everyone in the group can be seen smiling... It looks like Vira finds the mood to be perhaps even tiring!
Vira: Sigh... My goodness, such a boisterous bunch.
Rosetta: Oh? What's the matter, dear? One shouldn't be so glum during the holidays.
Vira: I just need to know... Why was I placed in this group?
Vira: All I wanted was to spend the holiday together with Katalina... Was that too much to ask?
Rosetta: Oh, is that it?
Vira: I'm sorry, I must have misheard you—surely you didn't just make light of my problem.
Vira: It seems to me that you don't understand the depths of my affection for Katalina.
Rosetta: Oh, I understand perhaps a little too well... However, perhaps a change in perspective would help.
Vira: Whatever could you mean?
Rosetta: Think of it this way. The tree that you choose will be decorated by Katarina.
Rosetta: Together you two will create something beautiful, filled with love and joy for the holidays. Don't you think that's wonderful?
Vira: Together...
Vira: Hehehe. You may be on to something. Creating something with Katalina... Just thinking of it that way makes everything so much better.
Rosetta: I'm just happy to see you embracing the spirit of the season.
Rosetta: Anyhow, I think we've arrived.
Feena: Oh! I just found us a real big one!
Taller than anything else that the crew can see, Feena points at an enormous fir tree.
However, keeping the crew at bay is an army of snowman blocking the way.
Percival: That's quite an army... I see why the townspeople had their hands tied.
Before the battle begins, something seems awry—could that be a child among the snowmen before their very eyes?
Child: ...
Feena: Wait, is that a kid over there?
Feena: Hey, kid! You best get running now!
Child: ...!
Feena calls out to the child, but the figure vanishes almost instantly. Where did it go? A certain uncertainty.
Feena: Whaaat? Wh-what was that just now? Don't tell me I'm the only one who saw that!
Sen: Nope, I definitely saw someone... What was that, though?
Snowman: ...
Feena: Hey, you creeps! Give us back the kid!
Frostclops: Groooar!
Feena: Urk! It's huge now! No fair, that's cheating!
Rosetta: It looks quite upset... Nothing like what we saw back in town.
Rosetta: Sorry, but we'll be taking that tree behind you there. Kindly hand it over to us, would you?

A Granblue Carol - Underneath a Tree of Lights: Scene 2

After the crew defeats the giant snow fiend, the child is no longer anywhere to be seen.
Perhaps what they saw was merely an illusion of sorts, and so they return to their original task—a tree to transport.
The two teams reunite, and with the townspeople they hurry; all about the tree dance ribbons and stars and colors in a flurry.
Feena: Time to kick this into overdrive! We're making this the shiniest, sparkliest tree ever!
Mary: Yeah... Shiny and sparkly—just like a real treasure!
Mary: Come on, everyone! We're almost finished!
Arulumaya: Now then... Where shall I put my ornaments? Near the top would be nice if possible, but...
Ladiva: Oh, Arulumaya, darling, what are you doing? If you need help you should just ask for it, honey. Here, get on my shoulders.
Arulumaya: Hehe, I appreciate it.
Clarisse: Hnnngh... I can't reach...
Clarisse: Oh! Hey, Sen, help a girl out, would you? I can't reach the top of the tree here, you see...
Sen: Me? Are you sure about that? But... I'm about the same height as you, Clarisse...
Clarisse: No sweat! You're basically a cat, so just, you know, jump like... meow! Right?
Sen: I'm not sure about your logic there, but...
Sen: Okay, I'll give it a shot!
Sen: ...
Clarisse: Oho! I knew you had it in you, Sen!
Rosetta: Wonderful to see everyone having such a lovely time. At this rate we'll surely make it in time.
Rosetta: Now then, I can't just sit here and dawdle away. Everyone has to play their part.
Rosetta: Oh, that's right! Perhaps I should hang up that paper medal from earlier.
Rosetta reaches up and places the ornament on the tree, high enough so everybody can see.
Just as she does so, a boy limps to her side, for he had seen the medal before, his eyes now open wide.
Boy: Hey, lady...
Rosetta: Oh, hello there! What can I do for you, sweetheart?
Boy: That medal... Did you make it?
Rosetta: I did not... A monster dropped it. Would you happen to know who made it?
Rosetta hands the medal to the boy as his eyes light up with delight and joy.
Boy: This medal... I gave it to the snowman in my dream!
The crew is bewildered at his exclamation, and ask the boy for an explanation.
Rosetta: Tell me, did the snowman in your dream look like the monsters in the forest?
Boy: Yeah, I played with a snowman in my dream!
Boy: At first I was super scared that they'd attack me...
Boy: But they looked like they were having fun so I got closer, and then we all played together!
Boy: So I made this present for the snowman as thanks!
Rosetta: But this was all just a dream, right? Then how did this medal make its way to me?
The little boy's story only confuses the crew. Could it be that his dream was actually true? Before they can even think of a rebuttal, another snowman appears—surely here to cause trouble.
A jingle and jangle of metal is heard as the crew hastily readies their spears and swords. Another battle is about to begin—that is, until the boy decides to jump in.
Boy: Wait, I bet it's here to see me! Let me show you!
Rosetta: Whatever should we do? Can we trust his story?
Not so cold as to deny a boy's yearning, the crew watches him carefully with stomachs churning.
Snowman: ...
Rackam: There's quite a few of them... Best not to let our guard down. You never know when they might attack.
Boy: Heeey! It's me! Remember?
Snowman: ...
Snowman: ...
The boy waves to the snowman the crew thought to be hostile, and to their shock and surprise it greets the boy with a smile.
The crew just can't help but to watch in silent awe as the incredible sight takes place before all.
Boy: Ahaha! It's so cold! You're tickling me! I knew it wasn't just a dream!
Rackam: That kid was really playing with monsters... Just what's going on here?
Rosetta: Well, I suppose that these snowmen weren't as much of a threat as we had initially thought.
Rosetta: Just like he said, it seems they're gentle creatures that are here to play with the children.
Rackam: Well, I'll be darned... To be honest, I did feel a little bit guilty when fighting off the little snowballers.
Mary: Wait, that just begs the question though... If he wasn't dreaming, how did he even meet them?
Mary: I mean, there's no way he could've made it that far deep into the woods with an injured leg like that, right?
Arulumaya: Not exactly. It's certainly in the realm of possibility.
Arulumaya: I just heard now, but it appears there was a sighting of a child earlier in the woods. Is that right?
Feena: Oh yeah, I forgot! I knew I'd seen that little rascal somewhere!
Arulumaya: From here it's merely my interpretation, but I believe the boy must've been quite distressed, injuring his leg so close to the holidays.
Arulumaya: His feelings of anguish must have manifested into a disembodied spirit where he was free to roam outside.
Arulumaya: When the snowmen became destructive and violent, it must have been him channeling his emotional distress somehow.
Mary: I suppose that kinda makes sense, but is something like that even possible?
Feena: Could this be what they call a holiday miracle?
The crew debate and discuss their various theories while taking the snowmen and boy back to town, their expressions most cheery.
Before long has passed, the moment they've all been waiting for is here at last.
Everyone in the town, from elders to infants, can't help but to smile with glee as the final ornament is crowned on the tree.
Mary and Feena: We did it!
Walder: Haha! My luster shines bright for all to see!
Man: You guys really pulled it off! I honestly thought we would have to cancel the celebration this year...
Snowman: ...♪
Mary: Haha! Would you look at that—they're on cloud nine! They're actually kinda cute now that I get a good look at 'em.
Man: I really can't believe it though... I'd never have thought my son would be responsible for those things.
Man: But to think they'd be friendly with us as well! Just when you thought you'd seen it all.
Rosetta: Don't be too hard on yourself. Even I couldn't believe it at first.
Man: I feel pretty torn up about how we've treated them though. I'm not asking for forgiveness, but I just hope they can enjoy the holiday with us.
Snowman: ...♪
Feena: Well, it sounds like to me that it's pretty pleased about that! Isn't that great?
Man: Haha, I sure hope that's the case.
Now that the snowmen's intentions are clear, the townspeople join them to celebrate with holiday cheer.
Suddenly, a pitter-patter of steps can be heard approaching with glee. What could it be? Why, the children are here—surely to open their presents under the tree!
Girl: Wow! A giant snowman!
Boy: Check it out! It's really moving!
Mary: Uh-oh. All the kids are here, but we still don't have any presents under the tree...
Mary: What's the plan, Feena?
Feena: Well, there's only one thing to do at a time like this! Bring 'em their presents!
Mary: Sounds good... All right, boys and girls! Gather around!
A most magical and wonderful time is shared by all as the two Santa Girls pass out toy airships and dolls.
And just as the last present has been handed out, a fluffy white powder begins to sprinkle about.
Mary: Oh, it's snowing...
Up in the night sky the stars are a-twinkling. What is that sound? Sleigh bells a-ringing! A familiar laugh is heard through the sky as Santa's sleigh and reindeer zip by.
Feena: Hey, look! It's Santa Claus! Heeey!
Lyria: Santa Claaaus! Come visit us agaaain!
Vyrn: Heh! Gotta say, that old guy's got style!
Mary: ...
Feena: Say... Mary.
Mary: Ah, er, what's up?
Feena: Did you have fun? Playing Santa.
Mary: W-well... of course! I mean, who wouldn't... Although I thought it was a crazy idea at first.
Feena: Totally, right? I hope we can spend the holidays like this next year too!
Mary: Yeah!
The town glistens with candy canes and lights aglow under a blanket of fluffy white snow. Winter bells ring while the townspeople sing songs of good cheer, for the holidays are finally here!
But even brighter than the snow or the bells or the lights? The smiles of boys and girls as they laugh in delight—a most beautiful sight on this most holy of nights.