Rise of the Beasts/Story

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Event Story

Rise of the Beasts currently does not have any story cutscenes. However, it was formerly split into four different events, each featuring certain bosses:

  • Rise of the Northern Beast (Xuanwu / Neptune)
  • Rise of the Eastern Beast (Qinglong / Zephyrus)
  • Rise of the Western Beast (Baihu / Titan)
  • Rise of the Southern Beast (Zhuque / Agni)

Each event had its own story.

Rise of the Northern Beast

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These tabs contain full Event cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the plot and characters. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Rise of the Northern Beast - Opening

A request from the Knickknack Shack

about a deserted island in the north

sent (Captain) to investigate.
Mysteriously, the island itself moves,

orbiting around a set path,

appearing only to vanish again without a trace.
Lyria: Brrrr... This island is freezing...
Vyrn: I'll say...

Not only is it cold, it feels...off, somehow.

I can't explain it...
Vyrn: Aah, we definitely can't stay here for too long.

This island is just one mystery after the other.

Let's get a move on and finish our investigation.
Lyria: Guys... Be careful.

When we flew close to this island,

I sensed a strange presence...
Vyrn: Oh? Are you thinking there’s a primal beast here...?
Lyria: I don’t know...

Feels kinda similar, but kinda different...

Whatever it is, I'm sure it's powerful.
Vyrn: Hmmm... This island really is one mystery after the other.
Vyrn: But still,

we don't know what kind of amazing treasure

could be buried here!
Lyria: Vyrn, your eyes are glittering! I suppose you've gotten used to the cold already!
Vyrn: All right! Now then,

let's wrap up our investigation

and chow down on a tasty treat as a reward!
Lyria: Okay! Let's give it our best!

Rise of the Northern Beast - Ending

Vyrn: Ugh... What on earth was that? I thought it was a big ol’ turtle, but then those primal beasts came trundlin' out of it...
Lyria: You know, that primal beast felt different from the ones we’ve encountered in the past.
Lyria: Maybe... it has something to do with the Astrals? Maybe it’s the clue we need to find the Island of the Astrals...
Vyrn: Hmmm... Well, I know we’re all freezing our tails off out here, but maybe we should investigate a little more...
Vyrn: Eeek! Wh- what the?! Why are we shaking?!
Lyria: M- Maybe... the island has started moving to a different Skydom...?
Vyrn: Whaa?!?

That’s not good!

We gotta get off the island, NOW!!
Lyria: But...! But we’re so close to finding a clue about the Island of the Astrals...!
Vyrn: Forget it! If word from the Knickknack Shack is true, this island's gonna leave Phantagrande Skydom!
Vyrn: Which means... If we get ourselves stuck in the Grim Basin, we’re gonna be in big trouble...
Lyria: Uh oh... Y- You’re right...
Vyrn: I've got an idea! According to the Knickknack Shack, the island will come back around, so let’s investigate it again later!
And so, our heroes left the deserted northern island and its many unsolved mysteries behind.
(Captain) and company reported the results of their investigation to the Knickknack Shack and asked if they could pick up their investigation later.

Rise of the Eastern Beast

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These tabs contain full Event cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the plot and characters. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Rise of the Eastern Beast - Opening

(Captain) and the crew were carrying out a geographical survey on an island known as "East Blue Solitary."
Because this island was constantly shifting its position, it would appear and disappear, giving it a strong sense of mystery.
Rackam: This is bad, guys! I can't hold her still, the wind's too strong!
Vyrn: Jeez, what's up with this island? The wind's so strong it could blow our ship away!
Rackam: I've managed to land her, but if the wind picks up again, we could be flipped right over!
Lyria: Oh no… I guess this is why we're among the first to survey the island…
Rackam: Yeah… It's so unstable, it wouldn't be a good idea to stick around too much longer.
Rackam: But now we're finally here… We should at least fulfil the request we were given.
Vyrn: Yeah! We can't afford to go back empty-handed!
Lyria: We've got to be very careful… Ever since we got here, I've felt a strange aura coming from somewhere on the island…
Rackam: So something's lurking inside this storm?
Rackam: I'm liking this island less and less… Let's get the survey done and get out of here!

Rise of the Eastern Beast - Ending

(Captain) and the crew were continuing their survey on the island known as East Blue Solitary.
Suddenly there was a huge tremor, as if the island itself had decided to move. The crew rushed back to the ship.
Rackam: All right, everyone aboard? Cast off, and let's get out of here!
Buffeted by the howling winds, the Grandcypher lifted off from the island.
Rackam: Phew, that was one crazy island…
Rackam: As a pilot, I never wanna fly my precious ship anywhere near there ever again!
Lyria: Yeah… That power I felt on the island… It was huge… There must have been a powerful creature there.
Lyria: Do you think that creature could have been causing the gales around the island?
Vyrn: Look! The island's moving away fast!
Rackam: (Sigh) Seems like we still know next to nothing about that island…
Vyrn: Hehe! In that case, we'll just have to wait for East Blue Solitary to appear again, then go and take another look!
Rackam: Oh man… gimme a break!
And so, the crew left the island, many questions still unanswered.
They reported their findings at the Knickknack Shack, and (Captain) and the crew waited for their next chance to survey the island.

Rise of the Western Beast

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These tabs contain full Event cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the plot and characters. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Rise of the Western Beast - Opening

(Captain) and the crew were carrying out a geographical survey on an island known as "West White Solitary."
Because this island was constantly shifting its position, it would appear and disappear, giving it a strong sense of mystery.
Lyria: Oof, that was scary…
Eugen: Phew, that was all over the place. More like a crash landing than a regular one. Y'alright, Lyria?
Vyrn: Urgh, what's up with this island? It might just be me, but I feel all heavy and slow ever since we got here…
Rackam: Nah, it's not just you, Vyrn. I feel like all my gear has got heavier since arriving…
Eugen: Hmm… I wonder if that's why the ship was so unstable when we landed.
Vyrn: Ugh… It's all I can do to stay airborne… (pant)
Vyrn: Urk!
Lyria: Aah! Vyrn, are you all right?
Vyrn: Oww… I couldn't even concentrate on flapping my wings…
Eugen: Hmm… I don't know what's making us feel like this, but let's do the survey and find a way off this island first.
Rackam: Yeah, at this rate I'm not gonna be able to get the ship off the ground!
Lyria: Be careful, everyone. I feel like there's something powerful on this island.
Eugen: Huh? Something like a Primal Beast?
Lyria: I'm not sure. I just feel like something has been watching us ever since we arrived here.
Eugen: Ah, I see. Not only the air, but something watching us too… What are we gonna do about the survey?
Rackam: Jeez… We've come to a real crazy island this time. I have no idea what's happening, but we've gotta be careful.

Rise of the Western Beast - Ending

Lyria: Huh? I feel lighter all of a sudden!
Vyrn: You too, Lyria? I thought I'd just gotten used to this place…
Rackam: Hey, Eugen… maybe we can get the ship into the air now.
Eugen: Aye… Let's get back to the Grandcypher.
No sooner had the crew agreed to head back than a thunderous roar sounded from the island, and the ground shook violently.
Vyrn: Woah! What was that? Quick, we've gotta move!
Eugen: C'mon! Everyone onto the ship! Rackam, get this bird in the air!
The tremor faded, and the island began to move away from the ship.
They watched the island move away, heading toward the Grim Basin, as if it was trying to leave Phantagrande Skydom.
Vyrn: Phew… I'm exhausted! I just wanna sleep now…
Rackam: Jeez, who would've thought a simple geographical survey would turn out to be this much work?
Eugen: Yer right… That weird monster, the Primal Beast, or whatever it was that turned up.
Lyria: That heaviness that we felt on the island… Could that thing have been causing it?
Vyrn: Hmm… I'm not sure. Guess we'll have to go back to know for sure…
Eugen: Hey, hey! We barely managed to make it off the island in one piece, and you wanna go back?
Rackam: Yeah… I'm not in a rush to get back on to that awful island…
And so, the crew left the island, many questions still unanswered.
Because this island was constantly shifting its position, it would appear and disappear, giving it a strong sense of mystery.

Rise of the Southern Beast

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These tabs contain full Event cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the plot and characters. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Rise of the Southern Beast - Opening

On a request from the Knickknack Shack, (Captain) and company investigate the Island of the Southern Beast.
This island is a mysterious one, vanishing and reappearing over time due to its fixed orbit.
Vyrn: Huff... Wheeze... W-What's the deal with this island, anyway? The whole joint's on fire!
Io: Huff... Huff... I never even considered the possibility there was an island hotter than Valtz...
Io: How can an island even exist that's permanently burning like this?
Rackam: Geez, like you can complain... I've been practically boiling to death in my armor this whole time.
Io: Rgh... Then take your armor off, already!
Rackam: Tch... Doesn't seem like that's a viable option, unfortunately.
Lyria: Right... It feels like there's an incredibly powerful presence enveloping the entire island.
Rackam: But with the island the way it is, the Grandcypher might get burned eventually, too.
Io: Then let's hurry up and get off the island, already!
Io: Let's go! We're finishing up this investigation ASAP!

Rise of the Southern Beast - Ending

Io: Huh? Is it me, or are the flames dying down a little bit?
Vyrn: Oh? Sure seems like it, now that you mention it.
Rackam: Okay, then! Let's head to the places that were blocked off by flames before while we have the chance, and...
Lyria: Eek! W-What was that?!
Vyrn: No way! It's like the Knickknack Shack said! The whole island is moving!
Io: W-Wait a sec! What are we doing investigating this place, then?!
Rackam: All right, guys! Everyone back to the ship! We're leaving the island!
Vyrn: Huff... The sky sure feels extra cool after that...
Io: Whew... I thought I was going to shrivel up and die back there...
Rackam: Look, the whole island's heading towards the Grim Basin, flames and all.
Lyria: Hmm... What was that island, anyway?
Rackam: For now, one thing's for sure... We're almost certainly going to be doing another investigation eventually.
With many mysteries remaining, the party leaves the Island of the Southern Beast behind.
(Captain) and the others report their findings to the Knickknack Shack, awaiting the chance for a reinvestigation.