Lejos (NPC)

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RaceOfficially called "Type" in-game. Erune
GenderGender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. A character's lore, appearance, and other factors do not affect this attribute. Male
Voice Actor Akeno Watanabe
NameJP レホス
Voice ActorJP 渡辺明乃
ID 3992290000
Release Date 2021-08-06
Chapter 148 Story: A Tale of Two Souls
Selka's older twin brother, who was never physically born. Only ever visible to Selka, he watched over her as she grew up, until one day, she suggested he commandeer her body. Although grateful to his sister for giving him the chance to live, he understood that Selka's life was hers alone. Troubled that their current arrangement would have terrible consequences on Selka in the future, Lejos decided that it was best he leave and let Selka be free of his influence. That fateful choice took place when he was falling from Magmell Island. Selka's adoration for her brother is self-evident in the way she portrays him as a boisterous leader, but the real Lejos was more reserved.