Seox (Event)/Lore

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Official Profile

Age Unknown
Height 174 cm
Race Erune
Hobbies Hedge-trimming
Likes Nothing in particular
Dislikes Communication (has no self-awareness)
Source [1] [2] [3]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 不明
Height 174cm
Race エルーン
Hobbies 庭木の剪定
Likes 特にない
Dislikes コミュニケーション(自覚はない)
Source [1] [2] [3]





  • Seox's name in Japanese is "Six".
  • Seox's true name, Xing, is Chinese for "star".[4]

Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Oh, it's your birthday today? Have a good day.
Happy birthday.


Happy birthday.
That reminds me. There's this one guy that's always asking about my birthday.
The thing is, I don't know how to celebrate birthdays. Not other people's, not even my own.
But I do understand why he'd be asking about it.
Anyway, I'll be sure and help you celebrate your birthday.


So it's your birthday.
Ever since I was born... I've been met with nothing but disgust.
I didn't even know anyone celebrated the day they were born.
That's why cherishing your birth... makes my heart flutter...
I'm glad I met... you.
Have a good day...


I can't believe it's already been a year since your last birthday...
It's strange. Ever since I met you, time seems to pass so quickly.
Those loathsome days of my past feel like so long ago...
Heheh... But I suppose that's enough about me. Today is your special day.
I hope you will continue following the path that you believe in.


I'm glad we can celebrate your birthday again this year.
Although, I'm still not sure what the proper way to celebrate is.
Things like choosing the right present, or putting together a nice party... I'm sure there are many people who are better at these than me.
Still, I'd like to learn more about such etiquette... so I can celebrate your birthday better.
You deserve much happiness on this special day.
Happy birthday, (Captain).

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

I've heard word that it is customary to drop champagne on New Year's...
What? You pop champagne? Madness!


Happy New Year.
How did you typically spend this time of year in your hometown?
I've never participated in a New Year's celebration before, you see.
Humph... I'm asking you to introduce me to your customs.


So you're saying... In your culture you visit temples and draw fortunes?
Last year, the New Year's celebration we had wasn't really for me...
What? This year we're doing something else? Staying home?
Well... If that's how you want to spend this day, I will accompany you.


(Captain)! W-what in the skies is this cake of rice?
Hm? I basically just said its name? What do you mean by that?
(What in the skies is (Captain) trying to communicate? Is this some sort of riddle?)
Hng... My mind's a blank!
I don't know the answer. This is no piece of cake, you know!
Hm? But it is a sort of cake, you say?
Your meaning is lost on me.
Let's try this again. I was simply trying to ask what the name of this white, chewy treat is.
N-no... you don't mean! This food is known as a rice cake?
Heh heh heh... Who would have thought the name would be quite so literal.


(Captain)... What is this package?
A New Year's gift? For me?
Wait a minute, (Captain). This is a bottle of champagne, isn't it?
Why would you give this to me?
Choose: You wanted to try popping it, right?
I wanted no such thing... It was only proper that I gave you my full attention when you talked about popping champagne.
But, well...
Since you went out of your way to prepare this for me, I guess I shouldn't waste it.
Thank you for the gift.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Valentine's? What are you talking about?
You're giving me... chocolates? Is this part of one of your little schemes?
You want to show how much you appreciate me? In that case... I'll give you chocolates of my own in return!


Valentine's, eh...
I remember this. I received chocolates last year as a show of thanks.
Hey! Are you teasing me? D-don't you dare make fun of me!


Valentine's Day again... On the surface it's a day where we show appreciation.
But really, it's the day you go after your heart's desire. Or so I've heard from others on the ship...
Use this... It's a poison used in the Karm Clan.
Simply put it in chocolate, give it to whom you wish, and...
With just a small piece of this, death will come swiftly.
What! That isn't your heart's desire?


It's Valentine's, you say?
I don't seem to be able to wrap my head around the holiday...
So for that reason, I've decided to ignore it.
Oh, what is it?
Hm, is this chocolate you're giving me?
What is the meaning of this sweetmeat?
There's none in particular?
Ah, I'd guessed this was your way of saying thanks to me.


Ah, it's you.
I was just thinking about what the chocolate from you this year could mean...
But it's made me even more confused.
Perhaps it'd be better if I didn't receive any at all in the first place...
What? You really don't plan to give me any?
Oh... Well, that's rather...
Hey! What are you laughing about?
S-so you are giving me some after all...
You're right. In the end, wracking my mind about it didn't do any good.
I guess I'll just enjoy this gift without thinking too much into it then.

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

I hear it's White Day today.
These candies are yours. They're infused with a secret medicine passed down through the Karm clan.
Heheh... How you use them are up to you.


Happy White Day.
Why won't you accept what I got you?
What do you mean, you already had those secret medicine candies I got you a year ago?


Take this.
I didn't think you wanted candy, so I prepared something else.
There is no need to worry. It's an ordinary item found in the Knickknack Shack. I haven't done anything to it.
I won't force you to take it if you don't want it...
Tch... If you're going to take it, do it already!


I'm paying back the debt I incurred on Valentine's Day... whether you gave me those chocolates from a place of gratitude, obligation, or whatever else.
You'd be alarmed if I gave you any sort of gift, wouldn't you?
That's why I'm letting you choose your own.
Well, come on. Let's get ready to head out.


Happy White Day. I was thinking we could go out and look for your gift together again.
So get ready. We'll head out to...
Hm? Why are you pulling at me like that?
Y-you want me to make something for you?
V-very well. Then let's head to the kitchen.
I'm afraid I'm unaccustomed to making anything for other people to consume...
But I'll make sure it's something worthy to give to you as a token of my gratitude.

Light Cookies
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Trick or treat?
Hmm? Does that mean you wish to play a trick on me?
Bwahaha... Don't make me–Argh!
H-hey! Give me back my mask!


Happy Halloween.
So this is the day the souls of the dead come to visit.
If that's true then Karm must be packed with souls right about now.


Pant... Pant... Damn!
Ach! Stop!
I don't want candy! Stop! Keep your candy to yourself!
I-I said I don't want it!
These damn islanders... They think I'm wearing this mask as part of a costume...
...! (Captain), what are you laughing at!
What? If I take off my mask, then they'll leave me alone?
...! What should I do...


Tch. Why are you standing in my way, (Captain)?
I refuse to participate in Halloween. As I've said before, I've simply had enough of it.
This mask isn't part of a costume! How many times must I tell y—
H-hey... Give me... my mask back...
I-I'll give you candy, okay? J-just give it back...


I thought I was being careful to avoid getting involved with any Halloween nonsense...
Listen up, (Captain). I don't know what you're here for exactly, but I'm definitely not letting you get a hold of my mas—
Huh? What's with the wolf headdress?
I see... If I have this on, then nobody will be able to snatch away my mask. Not a bad idea, (Captain).
Well then, I'll just put it on and... Wait a second.
Didn't I just say I didn't want to get involved with Halloween? This doesn't help at all!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Seasons greetings.
Santa had better be careful when he comes to Karm this year.
No, I'm not bitter he didn't bring me any presents. Absolutely not...


So you decided to visit me on this holiday eve...
Humph... You really are needy, aren't you?
Unfortunately, I'm not particularly interested in celebrating the season.
I never was much for holiday celebrations, you see...


You don't learn, do you?
I've already told you I want no part in the festivities of this night.
Everyone is waiting for you. Go to your friends...
Ugh... Stop making that face. I don't care if you consider me a friend as well...


The snow fluttering down this holiday night... It glitters so brightly in the darkness...
Snicker... It's not so bad to relish the bleakness beneath a frigid sky.
Hm... Oh, it's you, (Captain). Need something from me?
N-no... I'm not feeling lonely! I was just giving myself over to the bleakness.
And I've told you I don't want any part in the festivities.
What is it? Don't you want to be with everyone else?
Heh heh... Ah, so you've been entranced by the snow.


(Captain), what's the matter?
I told you... I'm going to spend the holy night outside watching the snow.
You should go back inside. Everyone will be worried.
Hey, cut it out! Don't pull my mask like that! Just because you want me to come with you...
Don't you think you've been getting more and more pushy with me lately?
Okay, okay!
Damn it... Fine, I'm just going to be in the corner, you got that!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Arriving at Dawn

A short while after the incident caused by Nehan, Seox approaches (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn with a request: he wishes to visit the hamlet of Karm and face his past head-on. The crew readily agrees, and they prepare to fly over.

The Crew of Enforcers and the Eternals clashed over Seox, a member of the Eternals who was under investigation over the Karm Clan massacre.
However, this conflict was in truth a strategy to draw out the Magasin crime family.
And after much fierce fighting in Stardust Town, the criminals were finally brought to justice.
The instigator of these events was Nehan, a survivor of the Karm Clan massacre who clung to life for the sake of revenge.
Determined to put an end to the bonds of fate between them, Nehan and Seox held their final showdown in the hamlet of Karm.
Some time has passed since those events took place.
Seox: (Captain), I have a request.
Seox hesitantly approaches (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn while they are in the middle of eating breakfast.
Lyria: What's wrong?
Vyrn: Don't tell me you're tryin' a repeat of something crazy like leaving the Eternals.
Seox: No, I'm not.
Seox is a crew member

Lyria: Then are you trying to leave the ship again because you're worried about troubling us? You better not be...
Seox: Urk... No, not that either!
Vyrn: So what's got you so worked up outta nowhere?
Under the scrutiny of Vyrn's narrowed eyes, Seox nervously clears his throat.
Seox: I was wondering if you'd come with me to the hamlet of Karm.
Lyria: Oh, that's the place where you grew up.
Seox: More like the place where everything started.
Seox: I've repressed the idea for so long, but I think it's time I paid a proper visit.
Seox: Though then again maybe it's odd to invite you guys under these circumstances...
Seox looks down at the floor and goes silent. (Captain) and the others are momentarily stunned.
Vyrn: Aw, shucks. If you're gonna be that lonely goin' by yourself, just say so!
Seox: What! Wh-why would you assume I'd be lonely!
Seox: Besides, with all the trouble I've already put you guys through, I'm in no position to ask for more favors.
Seox: Just... forget it.
Vyrn: There you go again, mutterin' and sputterin' like a gloomy Gus.
Vyrn: Friends stick together, remember? You can count on us to have your back, so ask us whatever you want.
Lyria: Exactly! Fif would be upset again if she heard you say that, so no more gloom and doom, okay?
Seox: Urk...
Vyrn: You should be glad Seofon isn't here, at least. That guy wouldn't let you live it down.
Seox: You are not allowed to tell him, you hear me?
Seox grows flustered at the mention of the two Eternals who had greatly assisted him during the incident with the Crew of Enforcers and the Magasin.
The amusing sight is enough to draw laughter from (Captain) and the others.
Vyrn: Anyways, you were saying you wanted to pay the hamlet of Karm a visit?
Once their laughter has quieted, Vyrn brings them back to the topic at hand.
Seox: Yeah.
Seox: Now that everything else has settled down, I figure it's about time I took responsibility for both the hamlet... and myself.
Seox: Will you come with me, (Captain)?
(Captain) is definitely on board.
Lyria: Then let's get going right away!
The crew wastes no time and steers the ship for the island that holds a multitude of memories for Seox.

Arriving at Dawn: Scene 2

The crew reaches the hamlet of Karm and walks through its abandoned land. Seox shares that in his youth, he wasn't allowed to meet the other children in the hamlet, let alone play with them. Hearing this, the others immediately engage Seox in a game of tag, fulfilling his childhood dream of playing with friends.

Seox and the crew arrive at the hamlet of Karm and quietly walk along one of its long-forgotten paths.
Vyrn: Say, that Nehan guy grew up here too, didn't he?
Seox: Yeah. Not that I remember him though.
Seox: No, actually... Maybe I should say that I never knew him in the first place.
A faraway look enters Seox's eyes.
Seox: It wasn't just him either. I didn't know any of the children in the hamlet.
Seox was born with a terrifying amount of power—so much so that he was locked up when he was young and isolated from the world.
Not a single person approached him of their own will. Even his parents preferred to stay at a distance.
It stood to reason that no parent would voluntarily allow their own offspring to interact with the cursed child.
Seox: Should be around here...
Seox pauses the retelling of his past and comes to a stop.
His eyes are fixed on a small clearing in front of them.
Seox: I vaguely remember seeing children playing in the grass there once.
Seox: It was the first time I realized there were other children besides myself.
Lyria: You... hadn't seen any of them before?
Seox: Who in their right mind would want to approach a cursed child? There were only a select few adults that interacted with me.
On a rare day where he was shown kindness and allowed outside, Seox followed unfamiliar voices to the clearing.
There he saw the source—children as young as he was, laughing and playing together.
The reminiscing Seox wonders if perhaps Nehan was among them...
Unaware of the tragedy that awaited in the future.
Seox: (With how peaceful the hamlet was at the time, they had no reason to believe their contentment would abruptly end.)
Seox: A part of me longed to join their group of playmates someday.
Seox: Heheh... But that day never came, as you know.
Staring at the silent clearing, Seox gives a self-deprecating laugh as he recalls a wish that has no hope of coming true.
  1. ...
  2. We'll be your playmates!

Choose: ...
Vyrn: Right... I guess even if you wanna join 'em now, those kids are already...
Lyria: No! Even if it's not exactly the same, you've got playmates right here!
Vyrn: Oh, that's a good point! Let's goof around a ton then!
Lyria: We've got lots of time to make up for after all!

Choose: We'll be your playmates!
Lyria: Right! Come on then, Seox!
Vyrn: There's plenty of games for the four of us to play!
Lyria: We've got lots of time to make up for after all!
Continue 1
Seox: H-hey!
Seox is dragged to the middle of the clearing, unsure of what to do.
Vyrn: It's fine to cut loose every now and again!
Lyria: I'm so excited! I've always wanted to hang out with you, Seox!
Lyria: So what should we play? We've got lots of choices since it's a very big clearing!
Vyrn: Hmm... What've you always wanted to play, Seox?
Seox: I'm not sure what counts as "playing," so I'll leave it up to you guys.
Seox shrinks away from their gazes, leaving the three to turn to each other and huddle up.
Vyrn: Seems to me like we've only got one choice.
Lyria: Yeah, we definitely have to do that!
The three turn back to Seox, who starts to back away upon seeing their shifty smiles.
Seox: What are you talking about? What's that? Are you scheming something, (Captain)?
  1. Of course we're talking about...

Choose: Of course we're talking about...
Lyria & Vyrn: Tag!
(Captain) immediately reaches for Seox's mask.
Seox: Aahh! Don't touch my mask!
Vyrn: Gotcha!
Seox: Gah! Like I'd let you snatch it that easily!
Seox narrowly dodges Vyrn's swipe, almost running right into Lyria's outstretched hand.
A unique game of tag has begun. The goal: snatch Seox's mask.
Vyrn: Hooold up! You're not gettin' away!
Lyria: Better hurry up and run if you want to keep your mask!
Seox: Hey, three-on-one's not fair!
Panicked shrieks and lively shouts fill the clearing, replacing the still silence from earlier.
Soon after, only merry laughter echoes throughout the hamlet.

Arriving at Dawn: Scene 3

Seox leads the crew to the hidden part of the hamlet, intent on returning the skyfarer's journal they'd found on their last visit to its rightful owner. Because the skyfarer was (Captain)'s father, Seox insists on handing it over to (Captain), but is refused. Instead, (Captain) asks Seox to tell them stories of the skyfarer.

Once (Captain) and company finish playing to their heart's content, the four travel deeper into the hamlet.
Seox guides them through a trap-filled cave system and out into a location that has been etched into his memory.
Seox: This is where we found it.
He stops in front of a tree, reaches into a hollow, and pulls out a worn journal.
This written keepsake once belonged to none other than (Captain)'s father.
Seox is a crew member

Lyria: That's the journal he left for you, isn't it?
Seox: Yeah. I had no idea who he was at the time, but now that I know, I think this belongs in someone else's hands.
Seox not in crew

Lyria: That's the journal we found when we came here last time, isn't it?
Lyria is referring to the time (Captain) brought the crew here to search for clues about the skyfarer who had once helped Seox.
What they found was this journal containing shocking truths about the Karm Clan.
Seox: (Captain), you left this to me back then, but now that we know that skyfarer was your father...
Seox: Here. This should be yours.
Being careful with the keepsake, Seox holds it out to (Captain).
After a long moment of contemplation, (Captain) gently presses it back into Seox's hands.
Seox: What are you doing? As that man's child, you are the rightful owner of this journal.
Vyrn: I mean... To be honest, you should probably be the one to hold onto it.
Lyria: That skyfarer might've been (Captain)'s father, but he left that for you, you know?
The truths described within the journal were most likely intended for Seox to discover when the time was right.
(Captain) points to the personalized message written on the back as proof.
Seox: But...
Sensing his hesitation, (Captain) gives a faint smile and offers an alternative.
Seox: You'd rather I kept the journal... and shared stories of your father instead?
  1. You promised you would, remember?

Choose: You promised you would, remember?
Seox: Oh. I did, didn't I...
Seox goes quiet as the memory of that promise returns to him. Eventually he nods.
Seox: All right. If that's what you really want.
Eager to get started right away, (Captain) plops down on the ground. Seox sits as well, closing his eyes and recalling days long past.
Seox: Your old man was... kind of like the clear blue sky.
Seox: Pure and bright, sharing sunshine with anyone regardless of their origins—a sure and steady presence you could always count on.
Seox begins to speak of the time he spent with the skyfarer, nostalgia coloring his words.
They first met when Seox was young and alone, moments away from being eaten by a giant monster. A mean glare from the skyfarer was enough to scare the beast away.
That first encounter almost made Seox think the skyfarer was invincible, but he easily fell for the traps that Seox pranked him with.
On the nights Seox had nightmares and couldn't sleep, the skyfarer always told him stories about the world outside of the island.
Seox: The thing I remember best about him though... was how he'd always rub my head and keep rubbing it no matter how much I told him to stop. It almost hurt, actually.
Vyrn: Huh... He also did the same thing to tiny (Captain) way back when.
Vyrn: That guy never had any mercy when it came to head rubs. Sometimes I was worried he'd rub (Captain)'s head right off...
Somewhere in the back of (Captain)'s mind, a faint memory resurfaces.
Vague images of a large hand are accompanied by a gentle voice speaking of some faraway island.
A viselike grip closes around (Captain)'s heart, and an indescribable feeling rises within. (Captain) clenches a fist unconsciously.
Seox: That guy...
Seox hesitantly continues, keeping a watchful eye on (Captain).
Seox: That guy used to stare off into the sky, always in the same direction.
Seox: I never got a good look at his face whenever he did, but I got the feeling that was intentional.
Seox: I get why now. He was definitely looking at you, picturing the island you were on.
(Captain) perks up at this revelation.
Seox: He never forgot about you, you know?
Seox: Because if he did, why would he have sent you that letter once he got to the end of the skies?
Seox: You may not believe me, but...
Seox trails off, his confidence leaving, but (Captain) takes this chance to interject.

    (Captain)'s gratitude is plain to see.
    Seox: As long as you're satisfied... Then that's good enough for me.
    Despite receiving mere scraps of information, it's enough to rekindle a vague memory in (Captain)'s mind.
    (Captain) makes sure to thank Seox again for bringing them here.

    Arriving at Dawn: Scene 4

    Seox and crew return to the Grandcypher. Lyria and Vyrn rush to fill their empty stomachs, but Seox asks (Captain) to stay behind for a moment. He reveals his intention to accept his past, sins and all, and move forward despite them. Finally, he shares his real name with (Captain)—a privilege for the one who will walk by his side into the future.

    The crew eventually returns to the Grandcypher.
    Seox: ...
    As soon as they get back, Seox stops moving. The others notice and pause too.
    Vyrn: What's up? Did you forget somethin'?
    Seox: No...
    For a second, Seox's eyes are filled with uncertainty, but after a few blinks, he raises his head with determination.
    Seox: The silence that runs deep in the hamlet of Karm is my doing.
    Seox: I took countless lives, destroyed the clan, and drove a survivor to obsess over revenge.
    Seox: This is my sin to bear, regardless of the reasons for my actions.
    Seox: Yet despite it all, I don't want to go on alone. I want to be with all of you.
    Seox: (Captain). Will you allow someone like me to follow you along the journey you've chosen?
    Seox makes his request without a hint of doubt. The others look at each other and, after a pause, trade amused smiles.
    Vyrn: Sheesh, and here I was worried about what you were gonna say next!
    Vyrn: You didn't even need to ask, 'cause we were gonna take you with us anyway!
    Lyria: Plenty of crew members have their own reasons for journeying with us.
    Lyria: So it doesn't matter why you want to stay! As long as you want to, then we're happy to keep you along for the ride.
    Vyrn: Besides, there ain't no way (Captain)'ll ever abandon you!
    Vyrn: Right, (Captain)?
    (Captain) nods confidently back.
    1. Our destination's the same, after all.
    2. Our goal's the same, after all.

    Choose: Our destination's the same, after all.
    Lyria: To the Island of the Astrals—Estalucia. Where (Captain)'s dad is waiting...
    Lyria: Since you're both after the same goal...
    Lyria: We should definitely travel together till the end!

    Choose: Our goal's the same, after all.
    Vyrn: Yeah, you and Seox wanna see the same guy, don't ya?
    Vyrn: Your old man sure is popular!
    Vyrn: But since you're both headed his way, why bother splittin' up? Let's just stick together!
    Continue 1
    Seox is rendered temporarily speechless by his companions' passionate reassurances.
    Seox: Thank you... It's pretty obvious by now, but I look forward to journeying with you all.
    Vyrn: Glad to hear it anyway! We've got your back!
    Lyria: We look forward to traveling with you too!
    Unexpectedly, the amiable atmosphere is broken by the roar of an empty stomach.
    Lyria: S-sorry... I got really hungry as soon as we got back to the ship.
    Vyrn: Now that you mention it, I'm pretty hungry too. It's almost time for dinner, ain't it?
    Lyria: Hnng... I don't think I can wait!
    Lyria: (Captain)! Seox! I'm heading to the dining hall first!
    Vyrn: W-wait a sec, Lyria! I'm comin' too!
    The two rush off into the ship's interior without another word. Giving a lighthearted laugh at their shenanigans, (Captain) turns to follow after.
    Seox: (Captain)!
    Seox's call brings (Captain) to a stop.
    Seox: Ah... Um...
    While Seox struggles to voice a coherent thought, (Captain) takes a curious step closer and asks him what's wrong.
    Seox: ...
    Seox: There's one thing I want you to know.
    Seox takes a deep breath to keep the anxiety creeping into his voice at bay.
    Seox: I won't ever be able to run from the fate that I carry.
    Seox: I also can't make up for what I've done to Nehan and the clan.
    Seox: But I need to keep moving forward, in a way that won't bring shame to you or the Eternals.
    Seox: The past won't rule over me in what I do, but I also won't just brush it aside.
    Seox: That's why there's something you deserve to know.
    Seox: My true name. Seox is who I am among the Eternals, but you're the one who will walk with me until the very end.
    To (Captain)'s surprise, Seox's hand slowly reaches for his mask.
    He trembles as he removes the veil hiding his face, but once it's gone, he gazes straight at (Captain).
    Seox: ...
    Seox: Xi...
    Seox: Xing.
    Seox: That's my real name.
    Seox: For the longest time, I thought of it only as proof of my sins. But that skyfarer taught me its true meaning, and Nehan made me remember.
    1. What's it mean?

    Choose: What's it mean?
    Seox: Your old man told me it meant "light."
    Seox: Specifically, "the beautiful light twinkling brightly in the night sky."
    Seox: It, uh, doesn't fit me... Right?
    Even as Seox averts his eyes, (Captain) resolutely denies it.
    Seox: Rrgh...
    (Captain) grins at the Erune as he tries to hide his face. The captain offers an outstretched hand.
    Seox: Ah...
    For a split second, the image of (Captain) merges with the memory of a certain skyfarer.
    The grin and the outstretched hand offered to Seox when he had been drowning in the depths of despair are one and the same.
    Seox: (Back then I clung to his hand and never let go.)
    Seox: (But now I'm walking on my own two feet...)
    Seox, still slightly ill at ease, takes (Captain)'s hand.
    1. Let's go together, Xing.

    Choose: Let's go together, Xing.
    Seox: ...!
    (Captain) takes the opportunity to say Seox's true name.
    The call is enough to give Seox the strength to look up at the captain.
    Seox: ...
    All right.
    In the past, he had latched onto the only kind hand before him, at a time when he shut himself in a dark place where no light could reach.
    Now he steps from the shadows, reaching for the light himself, accepting his past and bearing the weight of his future.
    He must do so if he is to atone for the lives he's taken and live for tomorrow.
    He must forge ahead for his comrades who have forgiven him—the same ones who won't let him proceed this path alone.
    The path of atonement will surely be filled with strife.
    Even so, he swears to push forward no matter the obstacles that threaten to take him on.

    Side-scrolling Quotes

    JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
    待て、妙な気配がする Wait, I sense something ahead.
    この程度、足止めにもならん You’ll have to do better than that.
    行くぞ恐れるものはない There’s nothing to fear, so let’s go.
    遅れるなよ Don’t drag your feet.
    (主人公)に出会ったのも必然か…… I was fated meet (Captain), wasn’t I?
    この力は、守るために使うと決めたんだ I swore to use this power to protect others.
    俺に、命が惜しくなる日が来るとはな Who knew I’d ever come to value my own life?
    警戒を怠るなよ、(主人公) Keep your guard up, (Captain).
    やけに静かだな It’s quiet. Too quiet.
    償いは俺の願いだたとえ、赦されるされずとも I’ll atone, even if I’ll never be forgiven.


    1. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 11.
    2. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 「十天衆」最終上限解放のお知らせ
    3. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター「シス」紹介!