Advanced Grids

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This page includes a general overview of player progression that addresses raids and weapons unlocked at specific ranks, as well as links to grid setups for each element.

This page and the linked grid setups assume the player is at least Rank 151 and above. For early game grids, see Basic Grids.

Interested in adding a setup?
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Manual of Style before doing so.
If you have any questions, you can also reach us in the discord under the #User_Guides section!

Omega Grids







Optimus Grids







Transitioning to an Optimus "Primal" Grid

All content in the game is clearable with Omega grids.

Why Transition to an Optimus Grid?

Investing in an Optimus grid can make certain content "easier" by opening up more grid options by being able to slot stronger weapons. In many cases, simply enjoying an element and how it plays is reason enough to transition.

The Cost of Transitioning

All grids continuously update as the game's meta changes and therefore require continuous investment. Optimus grids are no exception, and it is strongly recommended to only focus on one, maybe two, elements to make the level of investment manageable. Investing in multiple Optimus grids is uncommon among players, as it requires a combination of luck and monetary investment.

Uncap materials are very limited and a single Optimus grid can consume the majority of the Damascus Ingots available in an account's lifespan. Further Optimus grids (or even adjusting the existing Optimus grid with newly-released weapons) will soon require farming Gold Bricks from high-level raids.

It is recommended to have most or all of the grid pieces and summons ready before uncapping any with Damascus Ingots, Gold Bricks, and Sunlight Stones. Otherwise, a new grid piece may release in between that makes an older piece redundant.

Poor Reasons to Transition to an Optimus Grid

  • You want to skip farming an Omega grid.
    • New content releases all of the time, and grids update and change. Building an Optimus grid is not a one-and-done task and will still require farming of some sort, whether that be due to the release of new farmable weapons or needing to farm Gold Bricks to uncap new premium grid pieces.
  • You have most or all of the pieces for an Optimus grid.
    • Simply having pieces for a grid does not mean you have to invest into it.
    • Simply having Grand weapons does not necessarily mean your grid will be better than an Omega grid.

Remember that these are just tips to help you progress through the game in the best way possible. At the end of the day, players are free to play however they want, and it's important to remember that not every player will have the same priorities for gameplay or want the same level of grid optimization.

Building Different Types of Grids

Grids are often built around a certain weapon skills or playstyles. Below are some examples of common grid styles. Players should note that Optimus weapons should not be used in Omega grids unless otherwise specified.

100% Critical Rate Grids

One of the most common types of grid focuses on reaching 100% critical hit rate. This is often achieved by using double aura main summons (e.g., setting Leviathan Omega as main and friend support.) Some grids will reach only ~96% crit rate, but this is often seen as reliable enough for most setups.

Crit grids shine most in content that has higher defense values but can limit the grid options due to how many weapon slots it takes up and mostly requiring double aura-boosting main summons. For situations that require meeting a specific damage threshold (e.g. Unite and Fight EX+), running less than 100% critical hit rate is avoided due to the inconsistency it will bring.

Players can check a grids current critical hit rate with the in-game grid skill boost info menu or by manually calculating it with numbers from the Weapon Skills page.
* Note: The in-game damage calculator will not apply critical hit damage unless it is 100%.

The typical crit calculation is as follows:

(Combined Weapon Crit Rate) x (1 + (Combined Summon Aura Boost))

For example, a grid consisting of Last Storm Harp + Last Storm Harp + Coruscant Crozier with double 5★ Tiamat Omega support will net a 100.7% critical rate.

(10 + 10 + 6.5 = 26.5) x (1 + 1.4 + 1.4 = 3.8) = 100.7
Notable Omega Crit Weapons

Ancient Ecke Sachs

Ancient Auberon

Last Storm Harp

Coruscant Crozier

Forbidden Agastia
Notable Optimus Crit Weapons

Fist of Destruction

Taisai Spirit Bow

Galilei's Insight


Ivory Ark

Notable UnboostedWeapons that have crit skills that are not boosted by any summon aura. Crit Weapons


Wamdus's Cnidocyte

Charge Attack Grids

Grids that build around charge attacks typically funnel all the grid support into boosting the charge attack damage and leave less support for auto attack damage or even sustain. Players have two ways of boosting overall damage shown below:

General Supplemental weapons tend to lose value in a charge attack focused grid due to charge attacks only counting as 1 damage instance.
Check out Supplemental Damage for more information on how this game mechanic works!

Boosting Charge Attack DMG

Weapons skills that boost charge attack damage or charge attack cap is typically the most straightforward way of boosting overall charge attack damage but typically requires aura boosting summons. This is found on skills like Sentence and Glory. Players can also opt for to run Chain of Glorification on their Dark Opus Weapons to free up grid space to run other useful weapons.

Notable Omega C.A. Weapons

Summer's Mirage

Tyros Zither

Abyss Spine
Notable Optimus C.A. Weapons

Partly Powerful Popgun


Notable UnboostedWeapons that have skills that are not boosted by any summon aura. C.A. Weapons

Sette di Spade


C.A. Supplemental DMG

Weapons that add supplemental damage to charge attacks are a great addition to grids that focus on maximizing damage. The grid cap for these weapons goes up to 1,000,000 which is a lot more substantial than the 100,000 damage cap for general supplemental damage weapons.

Notable Farmable C.A. Supplemental Weapons




Galleon's Jaw


Heliogabalus Militis

Fediel's Spine
Notable Optimus C.A. Supplemental Weapons

Firestorm Scythe

Ouroboros Prime

Supplemental DMG Stacking Grids

Stacking supplemental damage sources is a great way to push a grid further for setups that have lots of damage instances. This can apply to setups based around auto-attack damage and Bonus DMGDeals bonus DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
stacking or setups with lots of multi-hit skill damage.

General Supplemental DMG

Weapons that provide general supplemental damage apply boost to all sources of damage that a character does (auto-attacks, skill damage, charge attacks, etc.). Different weapons have different skills that all fall under the "general" supplemental damage boost and all stack with each other up to a max of 100,000. The most common skills are listed below:

  • Persistence: Up to 30,000 staminaScales based on how high a character's HP is-based supplemental damage
  • Fortitude: Up to 60,000 enmityScales based on how low a character's HP is-based supplemental damage
  • Craft: 20,000 supplemental damage only applied on critical hits
  • Pact: 50,000 unconditional supplemental damage
Q: What makes Pact weapons so good?
Their unconditional 50,000 supplemental damage means that allies always get the boost regardless of HP levels or critical hit rate. This can then stack up to the max of 100,000 with only 2 copies leaving the rest of the grid open to other useful weapons!
Notable Farmable Supplemental Weapons


Extinction Blade

Wamdus's Cnidocyte


Solomon's Axe Militis

Abu Simbel




Ramsund Militis
Notable Premium Supplemental Weapons

Crimson Scale

Gospel of Water and Sky


Creepy Claws

Piercing Galewing


Pain and Suffering

Skill Supplemental DMG

Setups that utilize characters that have multi-hit skill damage can opt to run weapons that supplement skill damage. These weapon skills combine to a maximum supplement of 200,000 to skill damage. The two forms of skill supplemental are listed below:

  • Spectacle: 100,000 skill supplemental damage
  • Tempering: Optimus-boosted skill supplemental damage and skill damage cap
    • Big Tempering provides 25,000 skill supplemental and 5.5% skill damage cap at skill lvl 15.
    • Small Tempering provides 12,500 skill supplemental and 3.5% skill damage cap at skill lvl 15.
    • These weapons should not be used in Omega grids.
General and skill supplemental weapon skills can be used together! Be sure to mix and match these weapons depending on your team setup!
Notable UnboostedWeapons that have skills that are not boosted by any summon aura. Skill Supplemental Weapons

Ewiyar's Beak

Notable Optimus Skill Supplemental Weapons

Magma Rush

Twelfth Vertex of the Passel

Knight of Ice

World Ender

Radiant Rinne

Skeletal Eclipse

How to Choose Your Main and Support Summon

Setups will choose which summons to bring based on their grid. If the grid uses weapons with skills that are predominantly boostable by the summon's aura, then running double aura main summons (e.g., setting Leviathan Omega as main and friend support.) may be more beneficial. Vice versa, if a grid is using more weapons that possess skills that cannot be boosted, running an Elemental summon in one or both slots may be more optimal.

Aura boosting summons tend to be used with:

  • Grid setups that want to reach 100% critical hit rate, boosting skills like Celere and Verity.
  • Grid setups that want a more HP without using Weapon Awakening, boosting skills like Majesty and Aegis.
  • Weapons with skills that have low base skill numbers and prefer being boosted:  Oblivion's TemperingBig boost to dark allies' skill DMG cap / Big supplemental boost to skill DMG or  Ventosus's GloryBig boost to wind allies' C.A. specs and chain burst specs
  • Weapons with skills that have aura boosting thresholds such as  Scarlet EnforcementBoost to Fire allies' ATK and DEF (Activates when either Fire Omega or Fire Optimus weapon skills have a boost of 280% or above) or  Divine Water's Ruination40% boost to Water allies' ATKMultiplier: EX, 7% boost to DMG cap, 25% boost to double attack rate, and 25% boost to triple attack rate.
    AmplifyMultiplier: Special normal attack DMG by 10%.
    (Activates when either Water Omega or Water Optimus weapon skills have a boost of 280% or above.)
Weapon Skill Boosting Summons
% boost to (elemental) weapon skills
Elemental Summons
% boost to (all) elemental ATK
Transcendence Lvl 1
Transcendence Lvl 1

Other things to consider are summons that provide more utility even if their ATK boost is lower or lacking. Listed below are some examples of these cases:

Summon Notes

  • Provides the ability to reset all allies' skills on call.
    • When set as support summon, this summon can be called on turn 1.
  • Boosts skill damage and cap up.

  • Provides the party with 30% charge bar meter at battle start.
  • Boosts charge attack damage.

Kaguya (Summon)
At 4★ uncap
  • 30% boost to item drop rate and EXP gain.
  • Strong boost to multiattack rate which is useful for hitting guaranteed MA for certain setups.
Transcendence Lvl 5

  • Outside of his strong Elemental ATK boost, he also provides an automatic debuff clearing effect upon enemy special attacks at Lv 250.

Weapon AX and Weapon Awakening

Some weapons can come with random AX Skills or have the ability to be awakened in different styles similar to Character Awakening. These can either add a small bonus to the weapon or completely change its role in the grid.

Weapon AX Skills

Weapon AX skills do not provide very significant bonuses and are largely a min-max feature. However, there is a priority in terms of which AX skill to aim for.

In nearly all scenarios, max roll Stamina +3 will perform the best for damage when compared to all other AX skills. A max roll ATK +3.5% will perform better than a Stamina +1 but will lose to a Stamina +2.

Be sure to farm all 4 copies of a weapon before uncapping it, in case a copy with a better AX skill drops. Please read the full article's section on the inheritance system for information on how to transfer AX skills between copies of a weapon.

Weapon Awakening

Weapon awakening is a unique mechanic that adds additional boosts to the weapon depending on the type of awakening. Each weapon series has a different set of stat boosts for each awakening style. For information on what exact stats each awakening gives, please see the full article. Below is a rough suggestion of which awakening to pick for each series:

  • Ennead Weapons
    • A majority of the Ennead weapons do not come with an ATK modifier, so Attack is strongly suggested.
    • A few weapons like Bigeh and Edfu and Esna can make use of Defense due to their Enmity playstyle, but these weapons are inherently niche and not strictly required.
  • Proven Weapons
    • Weapons with Elemental Arts weapon skills Ushumgal
      Daur da Blao
      Phantom Fangs
      (Boost to Skill DMG Cap) synergize well with both Special and Attack. 2 Special awakened copies can cap the grid's Skill DMG Cap Up when used alongside a Dark Opus Weapon's β Pendulum. Attack awakening will raise the weapon's EX modifier to similar values of a fully leveled Astral Weapon.
    • Other Proven weapons have unique uses and will have different Awakening priorities. For details, see each individual element's page for information on their usage, or lack thereof.
  • Revans Weapons
    • Revans weapons are unique in that both Attack and Defense awakenings are incredibly strong options. For weapons used in the grid and not as mainhand, typically Attack is a good choice, but be sure to check out each individual weapon below or on their respective elements' pages for more information.

Player Rank Progression

As you rank up, you will gradually gain access to raids and useful weapons.

Rank 120+


Upon reaching rank 121, players will gain access to the Ennead Raids and the Ennead Weapons they drop, which have access to Weapon Awakening. Below is an overview of which Ennead Weapons see common use:

Weapon Copies Notes

  • 2 ATK awakened copies are core for any charge attack-focused grids.
    • Provides unconditional 800,000 C.A. Supplemental DMG (400,000 per copy) along with 30% C.A. DMG Cap (15% per copy).
  • Recommended Weapon Awakening: Attack

1 - 2
  • One fully-awakened copy is a strong addition to burst setups, due to its combination of Preemptive Fire Blade and providing up to 30,000 supplemental damage.
  • Two copies see use for adding more supplemental damage. Running three copies is likely to result in a net damage loss due to its lack of actual damage modifiers.
  • Recommended Weapon Awakening: Attack

0 - 2
  • Provides up to 60,000 enmity-based Supplemental DMG.
  • This weapon can be used in some niche enmity-based setups, but it fills the same role as Wamdus's Cnidocyte, which provides general critical-based Supplemental DMG instead.

  • This weapon is not used in any notable content.

1 - 3
  • One fully-awakened copy is a strong addition to burst setups, due to providing up to 30,000 stamina-based Supplemental DMG.
  • For Titan players, up to 3 can be used in Landslide Scepter grids.
  • Recommended Weapon Awakening: Attack

1 - 3
  • Provides up to 60,000 enmity-based Supplemental DMG.
  • Can be used in niche enmity setups or as a Dagger mainhand for its teamwide 10% Bonus Earth DMGDeals bonus earth DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
    Strength: 10%Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
    On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.
    upon charge attack (unlocked at 4★).
  • Recommended Weapon Awakening: Attack

Abu Simbel
1 - 2
  • Provides up to 60,000 enmity-based Supplemental DMG.
  • A decent Melee mainhand or grid weapon for short fights or burst setups.
  • Multiple can be used in certain enmity-focused grids.
  • For Zephyrus players, this can serve as 1x Creepy Claw grid replacement.
  • Recommended Weapon Awakening: Attack

1 - 3
  • One fully-awakened copy is a strong addition to burst setups, due to providing up to 30,000 stamina-based supplemental damage.
  • One of the few useful Axe mainhands or auxiliary weapons in Wind.
    • An easily accessible source of DelayReduce a foe's filled charge diamonds by 1
      on charge attack.
  • Recommended Weapon Awakening: Attack

  • 2 ATK awakened copies are core for any charge attack-focused grids.
    • Provides unconditional 800,000 C.A. Supplemental DMG (400,000 per copy) along with 30% C.A. DMG Cap (15% per copy).
  • Recommended Weapon Awakening: Attack

  • Provides up to 30,000 stamina-based Supplemental DMG.
  • Functions as a Harmonia Supplemental DMG filler.
  • Running multiple is likely to result in a net damage loss due to its lack of actual damage modifiers.
  • Recommended Weapon Awakening: Attack

  • Provides up to 30,000 stamina-based Supplemental DMG.
  • Functions as a Pain and Suffering supplemental DMG filler or as a sustain Dagger mainhand.
  • Running multiple is likely to result in a net damage loss due to its lack of actual damage modifiers.
  • Recommended Weapon Awakening: Attack

Bigeh and Edfu
0 - 2
  • Provides up to 600,000 enmity-based C.A. Supplemental DMG.
  • A worse Fediel's Spine that requires your party to be at low HP levels for it to matter.
  • Can be used in setups where you regularly sit at lower HP, where running two Fediel's Spine is less effective.
  • Recommended Weapon Awakening: Defense or Attack

Malice and Menace

Upon reaching rank 121, players will gain access to the Malice and Menace Raids and the respective Malice Weapons and Menace Weapons they drop. Many of these weapons have become outdated or were never used but there are a select few that are worth mentioning:

Weapon Obtain Copies Notes

Magma Rush

Legion Void (Raid)
Up to 2
  • Optimus Only Weapon
  • Can be used in Agni grids for high level content that wants more healing cap with characters that deal skill damage, most notably Fraux.
  • It has very low priority and usage in any other content as skill damage-focused grids have mostly fallen off for Lord of Flames and Crimson Scale stacking grids

Dark Thrasher

Phronesis (Raid)
Up to 2
  • Optimus Only Weapon
  • Can be used for HP filler and Garrison in Varuna grids for high level content, but is generally pushed out for Calamitous Aquashade for defensive options.


Luminiera Malice
2 - 3
  • Water's earliest source of C.A. DMG Supplemental.
  • Directly replaced by Schrodinger once available.
  • Generally only 2 are used, but up to 3 can be used for setups that want to fully max out C.A. DMG Supplemental.


Anima-Animus Core (Raid)
  • Provides 100,000 Skill Supplemental DMG per copy, up to a max of 200,000, unlocked at level 120.
  • Running two copies is core to skill damage-focused Dark setups.

Rank 150 / 151


Upon reaching rank 151, you will gain access to the Six-Dragon Raids, the Ancestral Weapons they drop, and the 5★ uncap for Omega Summons. Below is an overview of which Ancestral Weapons see common use:

Weapon Copies Notes

Wilnas's Finger
0 - 1
  • This weapon rarely saw use even when it first released, as enmity-based setups were awkward to run, especially in Omega grids.
  • Keep 1 copy for potential mainhand use should you need a Melee weapon.

Wamdus's Cnidocyte
  • Provides 50,000 supplemental damage for critical hits up to a max of 100,000, so only 2 are required.
  • This weapon does not come with any ATK modifiers, so rolling a good AX stat is strongly recommended.

Galleon's Jaw
1 - 3
  • Provides up 400,000 unconditional C.A. Supplemental DMG.
  • One of the few charge attack-boosting weapons for Earth.
  • Due to the presence of Caim in most Earth teams, only 1 copy is realistically used.
  • Up to 3 copies can be run in niche burst setups that utilize Landslide Scepter.

Ewiyar's Beak
  • Provides a strong Normal modifier and 100,000 Skill Supplemental DMG per copy, up to a max of 200,000.
  • 2 are core for skill damage-focused teams.

Lu Woh's Horn
0 - 1
  • Provides normal attack-based Supplemental DMG.
  • A relatively decent Axe mainhand for its teamwide Bonus Damage on charge attack, but due to its lack of ATK modifier, actually slotting it in a grid is questionable.
  • This weapon is directly replaced in grids with Harmonia, which not only provides more Bonus Damage per copy but also comes with strong EX ATK modifiers and, at 4★, Damage Cap Up.

Fediel's Spine
  • Core grid slot for any charge attack-focused team, due to its strong Stamina modifier and up to 600,000 Supplemental C.A. DMG per copy to a maximum of 1,000,000).

Astral Weapons

Astral weapons provide an Unworldly EX attack modifier, making them some of the strongest single-slot EX weapons in the game. Once an Astral weapon is uncapped to 5★, its second weapon skill loses its mainhand requirement and takes effect even when the Astral weapon is placed in the grid.

Here's a recommendation for their priorities based on their current usage in grids:

The materials needed to trade for an Astral Weapon overlaps with those required to unlock Arcarum Summons and their respective Evokers.
Double check the required materials before trading them in.
Weapon Priority Skill Type Notes

Sol Remnant
Bonus DMGAlso called "Echo(es)" or "Chaser"
  • 10% Bonus Fire DMG effect to Fire allies' triple attacks is extremely valuable in Fire burst compositions, which revolve around triple attacks.
    • The Bonus Damage from this skill does NOT stack with Chain of Falsehood's 20% Bonus Damage passive or other A-Sided Bonus Damage passives. Only the highest value takes effect. For more information, see Bonus Damage#Effect_Stacking.
  • This is the only Astral weapon without a skill that overlaps with the second skills of Dark Opus Weapons and Ultima Weapons, which provide variations of cap up. (Identical types of cap up from Astral, Dark Opus, and Ultima weapons do not stack with each other.)
  • Synergizes naturally with two weapons core to Optimus Fire grids: it qualifies for Crimson Scale's Axe Voltage II and, combined with Fire's Dark Opus weapon, makes it easy to meet Lord of Flames' four-of-the-same-weapon-type requirement.

AutoAlso called "One-Foe Attack" or "Normal Attack" Cap
  • One of Water's best Sword mainhands due to its 15% Bonus Water DMGDeals bonus water DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
    Strength: 15%
    on its Charge Attack.
  • This weapon is mostly used for its large EX attack modifier or as a mainhand, so its Auto Attack-based Damage Cap Up is just an added bonus.

Yggdrasil's Bough
Skill Cap
  • A decent Staff mainhand with an easy-to-activate Skill DMG Cap Up skill.
  • As Earth's current meta revolves around charge attacks, γ Pendulum (C.A. DMG Cap Up) can be safely run on the Dark Opus weapon without conflicting with the Astral weapon's Skill DMG Cap Up.

Innocent Love
AutoAlso called "One-Foe Attack" or "Normal Attack" Cap
  • Harps are seldom used as mainhands, so this weapon is mostly just used as a large EX modifier.
  • Shines the most in auto attack-based burst setups, and especially with Narmaya (Grand).

Skill Cap
  • This weapon is pushed out of endgame grids by other strong EX modifier options like Harmonia and Sword of Pallas Militis. However, for players that do not have these other weapons, this weapon is still a very strong grid slot.
  • It can be used as a niche mainhand option when Mirror ImageNext one-to-one attack received will be ineffective
    (Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack)
    is needed.
  • Its Skill DMG Cap Up does not stack with β Pendulum, which is the most commonly run second skill on Dark Opus Weapons.

Claws of Terror
Low* - Medium
AutoAlso called "One-Foe Attack" or "Normal Attack" Cap
  • This weapon is pushed out of endgame grids by other strong EX modifier options like Pain and Suffering and Weapon Awakened Bismarck, however for players that do not have these weapons, this weapon is still a very strong grid slot.
  • The multi-attack-based Auto-Attack DMG Cap Up can be useful for players who do not have access to 5★ Ultima Weapons looking to build burst setups.

Other Raids and Weapons

At rank 150, players gain access to two additional raids that have a chance to drop a Gold Brick. Bricks only drop from Blue Chests, which themselves have a chance to drop based on the amount of honors earned during the raid, so certain grids and teams are made specifically for reaching the minimum honor requirement to guarantee a Blue Chest drop.

Hollowsky Weapons

  • Hollowsky weapons are similar to Ultima Weapons in that they only provide a boost to allies with the specified weapon specialty. Hollowsky Weapons also come with a conditional supplemental skill, which stacks with general supplemental damage weapon skills up to a maximum of 100,000. This makes their grid viability questionable in current grid setups. Picking up any of the Hollowsky weapons should not be a priority unless a specific setup requires it.

4★ Cosmos Weapons

  • Cosmos weapons boost the ATK and HP of other weapons in the grid that share its weapon type. They become more useful at 4★, which upgrades its stat boost and unlocks a damage cap up skill.
  • Generally, Cosmos weapons should not be used unless there are at least 5 of the specified weapon type in the grid, including the Cosmos weapon itself.

Draconic Weapons

  • Draconic weapons are very solid defensive weapons, but the biggest tradeoff is that they cannot be equipped alongside Dark Opus Weapons.
  • Generally not recommended to invest into these weapons when your grids are still developing as they require a lot of weapon fodder and upgrade materials like Damascus Crystals.
    • Draconic weapons do not unlock their 3rd weapon skill until lvl 200 which is the most important skill for slotting this weapon into your grid.

Rank 170

5★ Dark Opus Weapons

At rank 170, players will gain access to the Lucilius (Hard) and Belial (Raid) fights.

Clearing Lucilius is required to uncap Dark Opus Weapons to 5★, and for purchasing Pendulums with Tears of the Apocalypse to equip in the Dark Opus's third weapon skill slot.

Belial drops Cunning Devil's Horn, which can be traded for specialty Chains, which can be used in a Dark Opus weapon's third skill slot instead of Pendulums.

A 5★ uncapped Dark Opus is a very substantial power increase for any grid due to the variety and strength of the pendulums and chains available.

5★ Uncap Materials

Below are the most commonly used 3rd skill keys. For the full list of available keys, see #Guiding Gospel.

Key Nickname Notes

Pendulum of Strength
  • Adds the Stamina weapon skill to the weapon.
  • The most widely used Dark Opus key due to how universal it is.

Pendulum of Prosperity
  • Not as commonly used as the other keys in this table, but can be used when the grid already has a multitude of modifiers and the raid lasts several turns.
  • Also provides Bonus DMGDeals bonus DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
    Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
    On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
    on its charge attack.

Chain of Falsehood
Echo Key
  • Provides a 20% Passive Bonus Damage effect to all allies regardless of element and Double StrikeAttacks twice each turn
    on its charge attack in exchange for a 100% hit to charge bar gain.
  • The core piece to many burst setups by using the Dark Opus weapon as mainhand and using skills like  Splitting SpiritConvert caster's HP to charge bar3% charge bar for every 250 HP consumed, up to 100% charge bar.
    (Consumes up to 50% of current HP.)
    and charge bar gain boosting skills to continuously give Double StrikeAttacks twice each turn
    to allies.

Chain of Temptation
Freyr Key
  • Provides various buffs50% ATK UpATK is boosted
    Strength: 50%Multiplier: NormalDuration: 4 turns

    50% DEF UpDEF is boosted
    Strength: 50%Duration: 4 turns

    10% DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted
    Strength: 10%Duration: 4 turns

    35% DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
    Strength: 35%Duration: 4 turns

    25% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
    Strength: 25%Duration: 4 turns

    20% Dodge Rate UpChance to dodge DMG and debuffs
    Strength: 20%Duration: 4 turns

    20% Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted
    Strength: 20%Duration: 4 turns

    80% Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted
    Strength: 80%Duration: 4 turns

    20% C.A. DMG UpCharge attack DMG is boosted
    Strength: 20%Duration: 4 turns

    30% C.B. DMG UpChain burst DMG is boosted
    Strength: 30%Duration: 4 turns

    20% C.B. DMG Cap UpChain Burst DMG Cap Boosted
    Strength: 20%Duration: 4 turns

    Veil (1 time)Debuffs will be nullified (1 time)
    Duration: Indefinite"Veil" is an unofficial name used by the wiki for this status effect. Its actual in-game name is "Immune."

    Dispel Cancel (1 time)Effects that remove buffs will be nullified (1 time)
    Duration: Indefinite
    at the start of battle for 4 turns.
  • Ideal for short burst setups.
  • This effect applies to all allies regardless of element, so some players may use an off-element Dark Opus to save on trade materials.
  • This chain is sometimes called "Freyr chain" or "Freyr key" due to its similarity to the buffs gained from Freyr (Summon).

Chain of Glorification
  • Adds the Glory weapon skill to the weapon. Ideal for any charge attack focused setups.

Chain of Forbiddance
Apple Key
  • Provides very strong charge attack related boosts while also dealing 10,000 plain damage to the ally that charge attacked.
  • Most commonly used in charge attack focused OTKsOne-turn-kills in event battles like Unite and Fight Extreme+.
  • This effect applies to all allies regardless of element, so some players may use an off-element Dark Opus to save on trade materials.
  • This chain is sometimes called "Apple chain" or "Apple key" due to its similarity to the Forbidden FruitC.A. specs are boosted / Takes plain DMG upon using charge attack (Can't be removed / Ends upon using charge attack)
    status found in Dark Rapture.

Chain of Restoration
  • Adds the Majesty weapon skill to the weapon. Used in any situation that needs more HP, in exchange for a slight damage loss from not running Stamina instead.

Rank 200

Revans Weapons

At rank 200, players will gain access to Revans Raids and the Revans Weapons they drop, which have access to strong Weapon Awakening. Below is an overview of Revans Weapons and their common uses:

Weapon Copies Mk II Upgrade Notes

Extinction Blade
1 - 2
1 - 2
1 - 2
  • Its Craft weapon skill that provides 20,000 supplemental damage synergizes naturally with AES crit grids.
  • For Agni grids, this weapon serves as a strong defensive option where its Garrison weapon skill can be boosted by Agni's aura.
    • A fully ATK awakened copy serves as a very strong raw damage weapon that can be used in nearly any grid that needs it,
    • A fully DEF awakened copy can serve as a strong Defensive option when more defense and HP is desired.

Mortality Bow
0 - 1 0
  • A useful weapon in theory, but in practice doesn't see too much use in properly built grids.
  • When used in double-sided aura boosted setups, it will gain a bit more damage boost, but this weapon can be used in unboosted setups if the damage cap up is more desired.

2 - 3
1 - 2
2 - 3*
1 - 2*
This is a relatively new weapon with high material requierments. Please wait for further testing before forging.
  • Water's better source of C.A. DMG Supplemental due to it being able to cap with just 2 copies, though running more with Weapon Awakenings isn't bad either.

?*This is a relatively new weapon with low availability. Please wait for further testing before uncapping. ?*This is a relatively new weapon with high material requierments. Please wait for further testing before forging.
  • Primarily used in double aura-boosted setups.
  • Weapon Awakening makes this weapon a very efficient grid slot depending on what type of boost you need.

Fang of the Dragonslayer
1 - 3
1*This is a relatively new weapon with high material requierments. Please wait for further testing before forging.
  • A generally strong weapon that can be boosted in Yggdrasil grids, or serve as a generally strong Omega ATK modifier in Titan grids.
  • 2 copies can be used in high end Titan burst setups.

Claw of the Dragonslayer
1*This is a relatively new weapon with low availability. Please wait for further testing before uncapping.
1*This is a relatively new weapon with high material requierments. Please wait for further testing before forging.
  • Primarily used in double aura-boosted setups.
  • Weapon Awakening makes this weapon a very efficient grid slot depending on what type of boost you need.
  • Forging this weapon to Mk II will allow two of this weapon to be run in Caim "Highlander" grids due to their different weapon IDs.

Sette di Spade
3 - 5
2 - 4
  • A charge attack-based weapon that wants multiple Sabre weapons in a grid to run optimally.
  • This weapon's skills are not locked to any specific element.
    • Grids can run upwards of 5 awakened copies in grids, so obtaining multiple is recommended.

Spada di Vento
0 - 1 0
  • A useful weapon in theory, but in practice doesn't see too much use in properly built grids.
  • When used in double-sided aura boosted setups, it will gain a bit more damage boost, but Sette di Spade is generally preferred as a grid slot.

2 2
  • A decent grid piece in unboosted grids for certain setups.
  • Can serve as a defensive option for Zeus grids especially with Efes.

2 2
  • A solid raw attack weapon for unboosted aura setups despite its weapon skills.
  • Omega Light can utilize its 1st weapon skill while Zeus grids will prefer to run better weapons like Imperious Fury.
  • Weapon Awakening makes this weapon a very efficient grid slot depending on what type of boost you need.

Forbidden Agastia
2 - 4
1 - 2
  • A very strong weapon in Omega grids. Stacking 4 copies will reach 98.8% critical hit rate.
  • Forbidden Agastia Mk II can see usage in burst setups for both Omega and Optimus grids.

Forsaken Agastia
?*This is a relatively new weapon with low availability. Please wait for further testing before uncapping. ?*This is a relatively new weapon with high material requierments. Please wait for further testing before forging.
  • Primarily used in double aura-boosted setups.
  • Weapon Awakening makes this weapon a very efficient grid slot depending on what type of boost you need.

5★ Ultima Weapons

5★ Ultima weapons are a big upgrade to the previously seldomly used 4★ Ultima weapons due to the additional keys available at 5★.

Ultima weapons are typically used to replace Seraphic Weapons when equipped with the Tria key for their third skill, which provides 25% Seraphic DMG Amplification. This, combined with the Ultima weapon's selectable second skill providing a DMG Cap Up of choice, makes Ultima weapons more space-efficient in a grid than Seraphic weapons.

Choosing an Ultima Weapon Type

When deciding on which Ultima Weapon type to make, it's always best to consider what would benefit the teams that you use the most. Every player has different preferred teams and playstyles. The element the weapon is made into largely doesn't matter as Ultima Weapons are very rarely used as mainhands which is the only thing that would affect that choice. Check out the chart below in case you need some light guidance as to which one to make.

Hover over special icons to show specific usage cases.

Ultima Type Common Usage Recommended Element

Ultima Sword

Ultima Dagger
N/A Not recommended.

Ultima Spear

Ultima Axe

Ultima Staff
Ultima Type Common Usage Recommended Element

Ultima Gun
Used primarily in high-end Hraesvelgr burst setups.
Can be used in Relic Buster Blitz Raid burst setups.

Ultima Claw

Ultima Bow
N/A Not recommended.

Ultima Harp
N/A Not recommended.

Ultima Blade

Primarily used in Narmaya (Grand) burst setups.

5★ Uncap Materials

Key Nickname Notes

Gauph Key Tria
Seraphic Key
  • Amplifies all allies' superior elemental DMG by 25%.
  • This effect does not stack with Seraphic Weapons.
  • Affects all allies regardless of the Ultima Weapon element.

Gauph Key Dio
Healing Key

Other Gate of Omnipotence Gauph Keys can be considered for very specific setups.

Draconic Weapons Provenance

Upon crafting Draconic Weapons into their Provenance forms, these weapons will lose their Dark Opus Weapons restriction as well as gain the ability to be slotted into the additional weapon slots for Extra Party Teams. This will often free up weapons previously only used for defensive purposes in the grid or provide even more defensive utility for teams that need it.

Provenance Forge Materials

Key Nickname Notes

Oblivion Teluma
Amp Key
  • Amplifies the weapon element allies' DMG against null-elemental foes by 10%.
  • This effect stacks with 4★ Grand Order.

Salvation Teluma
HP Key
  • Adds a flat 10,000 HP to the weapon element allies final HP.
  • Arguably niche usage outside of weapons that require high max HP like Calamitous Aquashade and Imperious Fury.
  • Typically the standard elemental reduction telumas will function similarly when used for defensive purposes.

Additional Resources

Other Grid Resources