Arulumaya (Light)/Lore

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Official Profile





Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday, Captain. I'm glad to have this chance to travel with you.
The road ahead is obscured by mist, even for those who can gaze into the future.
But you won't let that stop you from striding ahead and seizing the day.
I'll be there to seize the day with you every day until your next birthday and beyond.


In life we walk a path shrouded in fog so thick you can barely see your hands in front of you.
There will be times when you find yourself walking that path alone.
You will call for aid and receive no response. You will find yourself in the throes of despair.
But never forget. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there.
A place of warmth and light must surely await you.
So happy birthday. I hope my being here can provide some comfort to you during your journey.


To live is to choose.
And to choose means to give up something as well.
Where there's light, a shadow is born. And the brighter the light, the darker the shadow grows.
So if you ever find yourself troubled by the thing you didn't choose... or the shadow growing behind you...
I want you to stop and take a look around you. I'll surely be by your side, and I won't be the only one. Don't be afraid to ask for a shoulder to lean on.
With each passing year, it may get harder to rely on others for help...
But a grown-up who gives in to their heart is still a grown-up...
I wish you blessings on turning another year older!


Happy birthday, (Captain). I'm happy we were able to spend yet another year together.
Happy birthday, (Captain). I'm happy we were able to spend yet another year together.
But the promise of tomorrow isn't always guaranteed for everyone.
The skies are filled with an astounding number of risks that could strip tomorrow away from us at any moment.
How was this last year, you ask? There are times where I have to face harsh truths with my readings.
But even so, you should be proud to have come so far despite the future that awaits.
My heart rejoices that you've made it this far as your own.
As long as you keep moving forward with each and every day, I'll do what I can to protect your path toward a brighter future.


You've made so many memories this year... Good and bad, happy and sad...
I'm sure you've had moments where the pain threatened to get the best of you.
Even so, you've bravely put one foot in front of the other, all the way to today. I'm very proud of you, (Captain).
There will be tears ahead, and days when you can't find the motivation to do anything. And that's all right.
On those days, I want you to go easy on yourself, rest, and rebuild the courage you need to try again the next day.
Look back on everything you've accomplished and realize you've earned that leniency.
Happy birthday, (Captain). I'm so happy I'm here to say it.
I want to celebrate this day with you for years and years to come, so make sure you treat my favorite captain with care.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

It's the start of another year, (Captain). What are your resolutions this time around?
Hm? You want me to see if you'll complete them? Hehe, that's cheating, my dear.
Why, not knowing is half the fun. If you see the winner before the race starts, what would motivate you to run?
It's better to live in the present than worry about the future. Enjoy this year for all that it has in store for you. Believe me. You're going to like it.


Happy New Year, (Captain). That face you're making tells me you've made a resolution. And it looks like a good one.
Let me offer you some advice for the new year.
Whether you fulfill your resolution depends on your resolve. What's that? You wanted a fortune?
The future isn't so easily swayed. Which makes hard effort on your part indispensible.
That's what makes everything we do so important.
Remember these words well. They are far more important than any fortune.


This year may have its ups and downs... Ah, but I bet it will be a lively time, (Captain).
Oh, that wasn't a remark about your fortune. Just my own little prediction, you could say.
Many people will cross your path, and their intentions may be good or evil. It's all right if you end up influencing each other, but be careful not to be swept up by them.
And don't lose sight of what you wish to do... as well as what it is you must do.
Oh, listen to me going on and on! Lecturing you at the start of the year... Do forgive me!


Happy New Year, (Captain)! Let's have another good year together.
This year you'll travel even further to new horizons, making even more connections along the way.
A lot may happen, including times of strife and trouble... Let all of it become your wisdom. The important thing is to enjoy the journey.
Hehe, a vision? Not quite. More of a gut feeling.
The steps you'll take today will surely lead to a brighter tomorrow.


Hehe, since I have the pleasure of accompanying you on your first shrine visit of the year, I suppose I'll draw a fortune as well.
Wouldn't it be faster to make a prediction myself, you ask? Haha, not at all.
While it's true that I can glimpse the future, I can't see all the possibilities at once.
When a major incident occurs, for example, it can't be traced back to one single cause.
So it isn't wise to rely on premonitions alone.
Besides, the kind of fortunes we draw at the shrine are less about specific events and more about the state of mind we may require to face them.
Even with experience, there are times when it's difficult for me to accept the reality of my predictions. Sometimes I'd like to rely on these fortunes instead.
At times like those, I should rely on you?
Haha, thank you, (Captain). I promise, you'll be the first to know.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Valentine's, (Captain). These chocolates are for you. They're not handmade or anything, but I hope you like them.
I've heard that chocolates are a love drug. Supposedly one bite is all it takes to fall in love.
Hm? What about my chocolates?
Heheh... I wonder. Would it be inconvenient for you if they were? Or perhaps...


Is something bothering you, (Captain)? Don't tell me. You want me to predict the direction of your love life on this special day?
Asking that of me at a time like this is quite tactless, but... I wonder.
Wonder about what? Ah, yes.
Eat these chocolates while you think it over.
Do they taste sweet... or sour? It all depends on you.


Heh-heh, you're especially popular today, (Captain).
Hm? You came here because you thought you might find me? Really? You're like a fortune-teller, (Captain).
Sounds like to you... I'm quite predictable.
But being understood by someone doesn't feel so bad! Of course, that's because you're a special exception.
Now, as for the rest of your prediction... Here you go. Chocolate from me. You'll accept it, won't you?


Hmm? What is it, (Captain)? Ah, yes. Valentine's.
I'm sorry to say, I don't have any chocolate for you.
Yet, that is.
Hehe, aren't you adorable? No need to sulk—I was just about to start making some.
You know... If you'd like, I can have you be my taste-tester. What do you say?
After all, I'll be giving it to you. I want to make sure the flavor is to your liking.


Oh, (Captain). I'm sorry, did you hear me sighing?
I had rather a bad dream. Yes, it was premonition. About Valentine's Day.
The table in your room was positively overflowing with Valentine's gifts. It was easy to see that every one had been made with love and care.
You are well-loved by so many people, and, I assure you, nothing could make me happier.
But perhaps because it's Valentine's Day, I have to admit to a certain melancholy...
Well, since I had the premonition anyway, I decided to wrap my gift differently from all the ones I saw in my dream.
I'm going to choose to interpret the fact that I didn't see this gift on that pile as a good thing.
Of course, how you dispose of your presents is up to you. But please, forgive a woman her fantasies.

White Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Huh? This is for me? Are you sure? On a day like this...
It's precisely because it's today? Thank you. I'm honored. I shall treasure it always.
Heheh... Quite a happy turn of events, this.


Hello there, (Captain). Did something happen? Hee hee... Not that it matters. I'm more than happy to speak to you, regardless.
Hm? Are these... for me?
Oh, no. No. Of course I'm happy.
I mean... It's an honor to get something from you on a day like today. Truly.
It's just... I suppose I need some time to prepare myself emotionally.
Thank you. You've made me a very, very happy fortune teller.


This is a White Day present, right? I'm glad to get one from you, (Captain).
I don't feel as if saying I'm glad is enough to express how happy I feel...
But I don't know the words to convey it to you otherwise.
And that's just how happy I am... and a little embarrassed!


Thank you. I'm really glad you brought me something today.
Sorry... I mean, I made some cracks at you on Valentine's Day, didn't I?
Despite that, to receive something from you in return... I can't help but feel a little guilty.
I knew it would end up this way, but I wanted to tease you anyway... I'm not exactly a role model, am I?
Use me as an example of what kind of grown-up not to become, hehe.


Hm? Close my eyes and open my mouth? All right. Ahhh...
Munch, munch. Yes, it's delicious. Thank you, (Captain).
Just one question... Why did you ask me to sit on your lap? Not that I'm complaining—I just wondered.
You decided to spoil me because my thoughts run wild when you don't pay enough attention to me?
Oh... You're talking about my dream on Valentine's Day. I apologize. I really shouldn't have mentioned it to you. I wasn't trying to make you feel guilty.
No, I don't object to you spoiling me. In fact, monopolizing you like this makes me so happy I ought to feel guilty.
But rather than feel guilty over your consideration...
I think I'm better off repaying it by enjoying every moment.
And so, (Captain), feed me another bite, please. Ahhh...

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Halloween, (Captain). Trick or treat, which do you prefer?
Choose whichever you like. I really don't mind either one.
Hehe, or perhaps a trick is what you truly want?


Heehee. The ship's become full of surprises, (Captain). You should be careful—
See, I told you. Now who could've put that bucket of water up there to fall on some unsuspecting victim?
Aww, you poor, soaked thing. Let me get you a towel—
This is how you repay me for trying to be nice to you?
Heehee. Well, I guess I did start by pranking you first. I hope you're ready for the next one.


Now, now... You were trying to play a trick on me just now, weren't you?
You really got me last year. But I didn't want to get fooled again this year, so I was on the lookout.
Heh-heh! You look so disappointed! Were you really looking forward to getting me this year?
Maybe... because you really liked pranking me last year?
Goodness... You sure know how to keep things around here exciting. With or without pranks...


Happy Halloween, (Captain). Do you mind waiting a little for your treat? I'm actually preparing it right now.
I went to buy some wrapping, but there were so many adorable ribbons and materials... I ended up losing track of time.
I finally decided on one and brought it back just now.
Just like this... Right here, and... There. That's one wrapped.
This year's first treat goes to you. Enjoy Halloween to your heart's content, (Captain).


What? I could use my powers to avoid whatever tricks people try to play on me? Yes, that's true...
But then I'd be missing out on all the Halloween fun.
If I looked into the future to see the smiles on the faces of the trick-or-treaters...
Or what kinds of pranks they might play, it would be such a waste.
If some great calamity is approaching, I'll end up having a premonitory dream even without intending to.
But I haven't had anything like that this year, so I'm happy to be able to participate in the festivities alongside all of you.
Speaking of which, I believe you'll be my very first customer this year, (Captain).
Go on, then. Say the magic words. Trick or treat!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays, (Captain). Any plans for the night?
Would you mind if I spent the night by your side?
On a silent and holy night like this, there's nothing better than spending it with a good friend and good conversation.


Tonight we celebrate the holiday season with all our precious friends on the ship.
You may have a frigid, wintry fate ahead of you, but we'll overcome it with camaraderie.
Put another way... people can't do much on their own.
I can see the future, and you have a steady, unyielding resolve. But alone... we're nothing.
Heheh... I can tell you want a little more elaboration.
Let me put it this way. There's no better way to spend days like this than with those precious to you.
Heheh... I thought I would be included in that category for you, but perhaps I was mistaken?
Having memories of these quiet times with you is all I need to overcome any challenge the future poses.


Happy holidays, (Captain)! No matter how old I get, the holiday season always makes me giddy with excitement.
The best chefs in our crew have crowded into the kitchen to show off their skills. I just got back from helping out a bit.
And since holiday feasts differ on each island, we'll be sure to see a smorgasbord of dishes and desserts at the party.
A table full of good eats with everyone chatting happily... Heh-heh! I can't wait for tonight!
But I'm afraid I'll have trouble getting a seat right next to you. I have to admit that's a little disappointing...


Cinnamon, cloves, cardamom... I'll need some ginger, too...
Hmm? Oh, (Captain). I was just thinking about making some mulled wine. It's a spiced wine that's served warm.
The warmth from the heat and spices spreads through your body when drinking it—just perfect for winter, don't you think?
With everyone so busy for the holidays, I thought I'd make some. After all, you wouldn't want to catch a cold during this time of year.
Oh, that's right—you can't have any yet, (Captain). It may sound good, but you'll have to wait until you're an adult.
Hehe, don't look so glum.
See, I'll make some chai for you using the same spices.
Sharing a warm drink with your friends for a joyous night and occasion—what could be better?


Oh my, (Captain). What are you doing up so late? You'll run into Santa Claus if you're not careful.
What about me, you ask? Our holiday dinner was so much fun, I can't quite seem to settle down. I thought I'd take the night air to calm down a bit.
I'm so glad we all got to spend such a peaceful night together this year as well.
My only regret is that the seats beside you were so popular, I never had a chance to squeeze in.
But I can't complain. After all, I have you all to myself, now.
If you're in the mood for a little stargazing...
Why don't we shield each other from the night's chill? The night wind won't bite with me by your side.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

No Visions Allowed!

A short while after (Captain) and Arulumaya spend a relaxing day together, the crew arrives on an island Arulumaya once saved for a festival in her honor. After being presented with a handmade gown by the crew, Arulumaya renews her determination to use her powers for others. But that night, something strange happens.

Arulumaya is a fortune-teller who is possessive of infallible powers of premonition.
It is in a certain town that (Captain) and the crew first encounter her engaging in prophecy.
Hearing countless reports of her unerring divinations, a burning desire is ignited amongst the crewmates to learn of their own futures.
Arulumaya: I unfortunately cannot assist you. I use my powers for the people, not individuals.
Arulumaya: Besides, spending your days following prophecies robs you of your ability to think.
Arulumaya: What if I told you there are calamities ahead? Would you give up on your journey?
Lyria: No way! We'll go on no matter how hard it gets!
Arulumaya: In that case, there's really no need for my divination. I wish you the best of luck, Lyria.
Acknowledging that there is wisdom in her words, the crew moves on without troubling her further.
However, on that very night, Arulumaya makes her way to the deck of the Grandcypher, wishing to speak.
She heralds a great turning point in (Captain)'s future, one that could shake the very foundations of the world.
Desiring to witness the great turning point with her own eyes and extend any assistance she may, Arulumaya declares her desire to join (Captain)'s crew.
Vyrn: Well, as long as it's okay with (Captain), I don't mind if you join us, Ms. Fortune-Teller.
Arulumaya: Haha. Thank you. Allow me to introduce myself again. I'm Arulumaya, but you can call me Arulu.
Vyrn: Hey... What's with the sudden change in your tone of voice?
Arulumaya: I'm always very careful about how I speak when acting as an oracle for the people.
Vyrn: You were putting on an act for them?
Arulumaya: I just used the correct oracle voice. Since we're friends now, there's no need to put up walls between us.
Arulumaya: I'm counting on you, (Captain). Whatever path you take, I'll be watching you from close by.
And thus the crew gains an invaluable ally in Arulumaya, her powers unlike anything they have encountered before.
It would come to pass during their journey across the skies that she and (Captain) confront a most terrible of calamities.
Arulumaya shares visions of the islands of the skies crumbling and falling down, one by one.
Owing to her premonitions, the crew is able to evacuate the islands before harm comes to any.
Arulumaya: Everyone, please try to stay calm. I understand how upset you must be from the quakes.
Arulumaya: But that's why we must all come together. It's time to stand united to overcome this trial.
Arulumaya is able to utilize her powers to predict which islands would come to meet a terrible fate.
Owing to her indomitable spirit, the inhabitants of each island come together to face the adversity and evacuate before any loss of life occurs.
And so the march of time continues on...
A smile forms on Arulumaya's face, newly awakened by the pleasant songs of the early morning birds.
Arulumaya: Ah...
Arulumaya: Much to my chagrin, I am just not able to see anything of what's to come in your own future. As a professional, it's quite vexatious.
Arulumaya: At any rate, come, let us exchange our daily greetings on this beautiful morning, (Captain).
  1. Good morning!

Choose: Good morning!
Arulumaya: Yes, good morning! Seeing the usual spring in your step is most comforting. Now, to what do I owe the pleasure?
  1. Let's take it easy today.
  2. This is a wake-up call.

Choose: Let's take it easy today.
Arulumaya: Take it... easy? My, is there no work to be done today?
Nodding at Arulumaya's words, (Captain) suggests that they enjoy this downtime to the fullest.

Choose: This is a wake-up call.

Continue 2
Arulumaya: What a wonderful service you provide here! Though I must say, (Captain), I do wonder if I should admire the boldness it must take to wander into a lady's room unannounced.

Arulumaya: While I'm most happy to be greeted by your visage first thing in the morning, don't you think it's a little discourteous to come wandering into one's bedroom, (Captain)?
Arulumaya: Though again, I don't mind at all. Others may not extend the same sense of graciousness however.
Continue 3
Arulumaya: If there is perhaps something you wish to share with me, then I'm all ears. As a cherished friend, I wish for there to be no walls between us.
Dropping any pretense, (Captain) asks Arulumaya if they can take the day to hang out together.
Continue 1
Arulumaya: I'd never turn down the opportunity to spend some alone time with you, but something tells me it's not quite as simple as that.
Arulumaya: Well, now I'm wide awake. I owe it all to that ceaseless charm of yours.
Arulumaya: That being the case, I think I'll take you up on your offer.
Arulumaya: Can I count on you to be my escort for today, (Captain)?
At (Captain)'s behest, the two decide to spend their day together.
It is apparent that something is amiss, however, as (Captain) engages in a manner of odd behaviors.
In leading Arulumaya to spots with no people, it seems that (Captain) is making a concerted effort to avoid both Vyrn and Lyria, who are going about some work.
Seeking to put an end to the suspicious sneaking, Arulumaya calls out to her crew members.
Arulumaya: You all look awfully busy. Is there anything we may do to be of help?
Lyria: Huh? Oh, no, this is nothing!
Vyrn: That's right! Though we're pretty surprised to be seeing you around here Ms. Fortune-Tell—
  1. All good then!

Choose: All good then!
Lyria: Yes, we're all good here!
Vyrn: Oops. My bad.
Morphe: That was close...
Phoebe: Yeah, she almost found out about the surp—
Morphe: Ph-Phoebe!
Phoebe: Oops. My bad.
Morphe: And now you're just mimicking Vyrn. Come on, I think we all have some chores to do, right?
Lyria: Yes! Well, I think we should be on our way! See you!
Arulumaya: To think that even those twins, Morphe and Phoebe, would be in on this little caper.
Arulumaya: It would seem that I can't rely on seeing the future clearly when I'm with you. I suppose I must remain vigilant and be prepared for nearly anything to occur.
Arulumaya: Vigilant... Hmm, maybe not anything quite so dire. I know that none of you would ever do any harm.
Arulumaya: This is most exciting. I wonder... What could be in store for us?
Heeding no longer the peculiar behavior of the crew, Arulumaya resolves instead to spend a pleasant day with (Captain).
A few days pass, and (Captain) invites Arulumaya out to visit a certain town.
It happens to be a town on an island that was subject to the calamity some time ago.
Arulumaya: My... I had heard that the restoration efforts were proceeding well, but I never imagined I would see everyone return to such liveliness so soon.
Arulumaya: The people of this town surely possess great strength...
Arulumaya: Hmm?
Arulumaya: My name is printed on that banner...
Arulumaya: And goodness, what ever is written on that massive signboard...
Arulumaya: "Arulumaya Thanksgiving Festival"?
Mayor: Oh, Arulumaya! Everyone, Arulumaya has arrived!
Man: Mistress Arulumaya, welcome back to the village!
Woman: Please, rest easy and enjoy yourself today! Leave the cooking and the entertaining to us!
Arulumaya: Everyone... I am deeply grateful for your hospitality. You have my utmost thanks.
Arulumaya: Though I must ask, what is meant by this "Thanksgiving Festival"?
Mayor: Everyone on this island owes their life to you, Arulumaya.
Mayor: We wish to repay you for your gallantry in full.
Arulumaya: I do appreciate the gesture, but surely you know it was not by my hand alone...
Arulumaya: It is all thanks to the combined efforts of our crew, and to all of you for your swift action and cooperation under crisis.
Man: Now, now. No need to be so humble, Arulumaya.
Woman: If it weren't for your divinations, we would be long buried beneath the clouds.
Mayor: The reason we can even celebrate here today is all thanks to you.
Arulumaya: But...
Vyrn: You should just go ahead and accept all the praise, Arulumaya!
Lyria: Who knows what would have happened if you weren't around, Arulu! You really are amazing!
Arulumaya: Vyrn... Lyria...
Arulumaya: I see now... All that sneaking and scurrying about was in preparation for this festival, wasn't it?
Phoebe: Hmm... You're half right I would say...
Morphe: The other half is right here. Ta-da!
Arulumaya: This is... some kind of gown?
Vyrn: Hehe, we all pitched in to gather the materials and make it!
Arulumaya: ...!
Arulumaya: My... Thank you. To think you all would spend so much time and effort on such a gorgeous piece just for me.
Arulumaya: (Captain), could this possibly be the reason you insisted on spending so much time with me?
Arulumaya: I'm glad. It would have been no fun at all if I could just envision the surprise all on my own.
Phoebe: We wanna see you wear it, Arulumaya!
Arulumaya: Very well. It's certainly doing us no use merely draped over my arms like this. Please wait just a moment.
Arulumaya: It is most comfortable. The interwoven threads also serve as an excellent conductor of magic.
The Four: ...
Arulumaya: Oho? Could it be that it doesn't suit me after all? Your silence is greatly worrying...
Vyrn: No, no! It's the exact opposite! The words couldn't even make their way out!
Lyria: You're absolutely stunning! Even more so than usual, Arulu!
Phoebe: I'm glad I went all in on the white! You're beautiful...
Morphe: She's right, you know. It really suits you!
Arulumaya: Please... This is all too much, everyone. Even I cannot help but turn red in the face of so much praise.
Man: She's like a goddess...
Woman: Oh, Mistress Arulumaya!
Arulumaya: Come now, I am no goddess. I am just a simple fortune-teller.
Mayor: I disagree. With everything you've done for us, you're no different from a goddess in our eyes.
Mayor: I am certain that this will not be the end of your great deeds.
Mayor: Please, continue to watch over all of us who dwell under these skies with your divine visions of what is to be.
Arulumaya: ...
Arulumaya: I am afraid to say that I too am merely of flesh. There is a limit to what I will be able to do.
Arulumaya: However, I do believe that I can be of some assistance to those in need.
Arulumaya: I promise to use these powers of premonition for the benefit of all.
Arulumaya: (Yes... And for the happiness of everyone...)
Arulumaya: (For the happiness of (Captain), the crew... And for safety on our journeys... That, so much I can do.)
Arulumaya: (There's no doubting it. Seeing how all of these people were able to persevere even after my heralding of calamity... I know now what I must do.)
Gazing upon everyone, a slight smile forms across her face as she is at last able to recognize her path forward.
Satisfied with her decision, Arulumaya joins in the festivities.
Later that night...
Arulumaya: (Am I... dreaming?)
Arulumaya: (Did I pass out from sheer exhaustion? Perhaps I went a bit overboard...)
Arulumaya: (No, this is a dream.)
Arulumaya: (And could this be one of those dreams?)
Arulumaya recognizes that her surroundings are not of the waking world.
Though she is familiar with this place, it would have been impossible to access from the festival grounds. She sees herself take a book from off of a shelf.
Arulumaya: (No... This cannot be...)
Arulumaya: (Why am I... seeing my own future?)
Visions of her own future—this is unlike anything she has ever witnessed before.
But there is no mistaking that the person walking to and fro in front of her is some form of herself.
This only marks the beginning of her strange encounters...

Her Source of Power

On the night of the festival, Arulumaya's powers suddenly go out of control, causing her to see the past and future of everything she lays eyes upon. (Captain) and the crew panic, unsure how to save her from the information overload, when suddenly they are joined by an unexpected visitor.

Arulumaya: Ahh! Huff... huff...
Arulumaya awakens, her breathing strained. To others, her dream of taking a book off of a shelf would seem innocent enough.
But what she has just seen is unlike anything she has ever encountered in one of her dreams—a vision of her future self.
Arulumaya begins to sweat, and her breathing becomes even more labored.
Arulumaya: (What could this mean...)
Arulumaya: (Nothing terrible or even significant happened in that dream, but I do feel rather unsettled...)
Arulumaya: (There's no doubting that it was prophetic. I will surely find myself performing every action as it happened...)
Arulumaya: (But I must calm myself. Worrying about it won't help in any way.)
Arulumaya takes deep breaths in an attempt to calm her racing heart.
What she is about to witness, however, will not afford her even that.
Arulumaya: ...!
Everything around her begins to rapidly crumble.
The furniture and the walls—the room disintegrates, leaving her only with a view of the blue skies.
Arulumaya: Aaah!
Panicked, she grabs hold of the bed. However...
Arulumaya: This isn't my bed? And what happened to the airship?
Arulumaya: Wait, don't be silly. This is a bed. Yes, a great big one.
Arulumaya: Or at least, this mass of wood was surely once a bed.
Arulumaya: It would seem I am not merely viewing the future, but also the past...
Arulumaya: ...!
Arulumaya: What is this throbbing pain?
Arulumaya holds her head in agony. A splitting headache has taken its grip over her.
Arulumaya: What was that... just now? What is happening to me?
Lyria: Arulu! Are you okay?
Vyrn: Shouting out like that... Did you see a ghost or something?
Lyria, Vyrn, and (Captain) burst into Arulumaya's room.
Arulumaya: Yes, I...
Arulumaya: ...?
Arulumaya: (Captain)... Why are you...
Arulumaya begins seeing visions of (Captain) as a young child. Scenes of past and present fluctuate before her eyes.
Arulumaya: ...
Lyria: Arulu! Oh no, you must wake up!
Arulumaya: Urgh...
  1. Arulu!

Choose: Arulu!
Arulumaya: That voice... (Captain)?
Lyria: Oh, thank goodness. You're awake.
Arulumaya: It seems... I may have fainted back there. Does this mean that strange anomaly was not merely a dream?
Exhausted, Arulumaya closes her eyes and takes deep breaths.
Vyrn: Wh-what's wrong? Is it your eyes?
Arulumaya: It would appear... that I'm forced to see the past and future of everything I lay my eyes on.
Arulumaya: I must have fainted due to a sort of sensory overload. It's quite draining to see so much information about everything all at once.
Arulumaya: If I were to carelessly open my eyes again, I'm afraid there would only be a repeat of what happened back there.
Lyria: Oh no... What could have caused this?
Arulumaya: I wish I knew, my dear. It appears my power has begun to run amok.
Lyria: But that's... that's never happened to you before, right?
Arulumaya: And that's not the only abnormality. I've even begun to see visions of my own future.
Arulumaya: And truthfully, I have never been able to see the past before.
Arulumaya: Ah!
Vyrn: A-are you okay?
Arulumaya: Visions dance across my eyelids even now.
Arulumaya: This must be a vision of the future. I see a woman... a Draph woman... of large build.
Lyria: A Draph woman with... a large build?
Before they have a chance to ponder that description further, the doors to the bedroom swing violently open.
???: Is this where you are? No use hiding now!
Vyrn: Eh? Y-you!

Her Source of Power: Scene 2

The visitor turns out to be Fediel the Black of the Six Dragons. She believes Arulumaya's condition is due to Orologia, steward of cause and effect, and the source of Arulumaya's powers. After recovering thanks to Fediel, Arulumaya heads to the Hall of Knowledge as she did in her vision.

Lyria: You're...
???: Ah, I get it now. This is the Singularity's ship. Of course it'd have that rascal's mana coming off of it.
Arulumaya: What rascal?
Lyria: Oh, Arulu! This is...
Lyria and (Captain) explain that they first met the woman on Alster Island.
They go on to describe the role she played in saving Alster Island from the True Dragon onslaught.
Lyria: Oh, actually... Did you happen to mention your name at that time?
???: Eh? I guess I didn't tell you all. I keep forgetting that most wouldn't recognize me in this form.
???: This should help, right, Singularity?
  1. Fediel?

Choose: Fediel?
Fediel: The very one! Master of darkness, Fediel the Black of the Six Dragons, at your service!
Arulumaya: Wha... Of the Six Dragons? Just what is going on here?
In her shock, Arulumaya bolts upright. (Captain) grabs her back in support.
Fediel: Oh, so you must be the Singularity's partner!
Fediel: Impressive that you complete the dyad, over even the blue-haired one or the red dragon here.
Arulumaya: Dyad? You're mistaken, (Captain) and I are no couple...
Arulumaya: At least... not yet?
Fediel: Well. That's a letdown.
(Captain) asks a suddenly disinterested Fediel the purpose of her visit.
Fediel: To escape boredom.
Vyrn: Huh? Look, we don't really have time for this right now. Can we save the games for later?
Fediel: Haha, what could possibly be more important than my presence? Let's hear it. At least it should help allay my ennui.
Lyria: Well... Arulu here has the ability to see the future, but it seems that her powers are out of control...
Fediel: She can see the future?
Arulumaya: Yes. Usually I gaze into my crystal ball to divine the future, but sometimes it comes in the form of premonitions.
Fediel: Oho?
Fediel draws near and peers into Arulumaya's eyes.
Fediel: That's it! You must be a dyad with the rascal!
Arulumaya: Who are you speaking of now? And let me be clear I'm in no such relationship...
Fediel: Eh? Then why can I feel its presence from you—
Fediel: Aha, I see... That's a roundabout approach.
Vyrn: Hey, come on! You still haven't told us just what the heck you're talkin' about! Who is this rascal you keep bringing up?
Fediel: Hmm... Could it be an attempt to hide...
Fediel: No, this is no coincidence. My telling them must be taken into account already.
Vyrn: Now what, suddenly getting all quiet like that? Tell us already!
Fediel: Okay, fine.
Fediel: The one I speak of possesses a power equal in import to the world as that of the Six Dragons, stewarding the very flow of time, the rules of cause and effect.
Fediel: Its name is Orologia.
Arulumaya: Orologia...
Arulumaya: This, then, is who is causing my power to run out of control?
Fediel: That part is just your mortal frame unable to contain it, no? But if your power lets you see the future, Orologia must be its source.
Arulumaya: The source of my power... A being equal in standing to the Six Dragons, steward of cause and effect—Orologia...
Growing more concerned about Arulumaya's condition, (Captain) asks her how she is feeling.
Arulumaya: My, now that you mention it, I've been speaking with eyes wide open for some time now and haven't seen anything strange. It seems my headache has also dissipated.
Fediel: Even if some excess of Orologia's power crashed into you, it was at most a rogue wave. It likely broke against my presence.
Fediel: Sigh... No dyads, and no rascal either. So much for easing my boredom. I think I'll be heading out.
Lyria: Ah, please wait! If your presence is keeping Arulu's powers from going wild like that...
Lyria: If you leave, then she'll...
Fediel: It won't happen again so soon. Why don't you take this time to think about your next move?
Arulumaya: My next move?
Fediel: Mortals are small, weak creatures. There's naught for them to do but choose between the fleeting threads that life presents.
Arulumaya: The threads presented...
Arulumaya: Oh, of course... The book from my dream...
Arulumaya: That was a future occurrence, I can be sure of that. Why did I take that book?
Arulumaya: And at the Hall of Knowledge...
At these very words, Arulumaya's face lights up as she locks eyes with (Captain).
Arulumaya: I must go... I must go to the Hall of Knowledge and find that book right away.
Arulumaya: I cannot help but feel this is a matter of great importance. I'm sorry for this sudden development, (Captain).
Vyrn: Better let everyone know, (Captain)! Next stop—the Hall of Knowledge!
Vyrn: We're gonna find that book that Arulumaya saw... er, will see?
Fediel: Yawn...
After parting ways with Fediel, (Captain) directs the crew to their next destination, the Hall of Knowledge.

Her Source of Power: Scene 3

Led by the vision, Arulumaya picks up a certain book in the Hall of Knowledge, which contains information left for her by Orologia. Faced with the option to relinquish her powers, Arulumaya instead chooses to face the future head on. With her powers back under control, she continues again on her journey with (Captain).

(Captain) and the crew are swiftly granted access to the Hall of Knowledge, due in no small part to Arulumaya's past contributions.
Arulumaya: ...
Arulumaya: Eh?
Noticing that she is still a bit pale, (Captain) hoists Arulumaya up piggyback style.
Arulumaya: My, (Captain)? I appreciate the concern, but you really shouldn't worry so much about me. I can at least walk on my own two feet.
Arulumaya: Aside from that, this is just... a bit embarrassing...
  1. Can't let you overdo it!

Choose: Can't let you overdo it!
Arulumaya: Oh? All right then.
Arulumaya: I'll let you spoil me just this once.
Arulumaya: But really, thank you, (Captain).
Arulumaya: Now, let us seek out the shelf with that book.
Arulumaya: ...
Arulumaya: (The blessing of Fediel's presence from the other day has started to fade...)
Arulumaya: (I'm truly thankful that my condition hasn't regressed completely, however. If I just concentrate now, then maybe I can make effective use of my power.)
Arulumaya: (No... Now's not the time for hypotheticals.)
Arulumaya: (I must make use of these powers. For (Captain), for everyone...)
Arulumaya: Oh, I've got it now!
Arulumaya: (Captain). Please bring me over to section seventeen.
Arulumaya: I saw myself wandering deep into its recesses. Along the way, I'll attempt to see even further.
Lyria: Arulu, please don't push yourself too much.
Arulumaya: Thank you, Lyria. I'll be careful.
Vyrn and Lyria follow (Captain) and Arulumaya deeper into the hall of books.
Arulumaya: Take a left here. I saw a vision of a shadowy figure disappearing down this path. Perhaps it was a glimpse of the past?
Arulumaya: This is the place. Fifth shelf from the top.
Vyrn: Fifth from the top, got it!
Arulumaya: Vyrn, do you see any book there with new binding? There should be bits of metal attached to it as well.
Vyrn: Hmm... Oh, this must be it!
Vyrn passes what appears to be a brand-new tome into Arulumaya's hands.
Arulumaya: Yes, thank you, Vyrn.
Vyrn: Hehe, don't mention it! So? What's written in that book?
Arulumaya: ...
Arulumaya slowly opens the book as (Captain), Vyrn, and Lyria all gaze on.
Vyrn: Hmm? This book...
Lyria: It's just blank pages, right? It's more like a notebook then. Is there anything written anywhere in there?
Arulumaya: Eh?
Arulumaya: Vyrn, Lyria? And (Captain) too... Can you all not see the words printed on these pages?
She looks at them briefly in disbelief, but soon resumes her reading, tracing every word with her finger as she navigates the pages.
Arulumaya: (It does seem that the letters only appear wherever my eyesight falls.)
Arulumaya: (Could this be a reaction to my powers?)
Arulumaya: (That seems a bit too sophisticated even for myself, but I suppose if the powers of one so great as Orologia truly do course through me, it just may be possible...)
Vyrn: So only you can see what's written there, huh? What does it say, Arulumaya?
Arulumaya: Hmm, please give me just a few more moments. Let's see here...
(Captain) and the others keep a close watch over Arulumaya, who has since disembarked her steed.
Arulumaya: ...
Lyria: Huh? Arulu is... glowing? Is she using some kind of magic?
Vyrn: What if it's that book? Is it really okay for her to be reading that?
Arulumaya: Hmm...
Arulumaya: I'm sorry to keep you all waiting. My powers shouldn't be running amok any longer.
Lyria: But that light just now...
Arulumaya: Yes, that was one of the spells written in the book. Or perhaps it was something even more fundamental than a spell...
Arulumaya: The power that Fediel spoke of... Orologia's power... I feel as if I now have an even better grasp of it.
Lyria: So that must mean that Orologia wasn't attempting to exert any harmful influence over you!
Arulumaya: Yes, so it would seem. He... Though it could be a she... For now I suppose let's just use "they."
Arulumaya: They're no enemy of the world, that much we can be sure of.
Lyria: We can?
Arulumaya: They... Orologia is steward of time's flow, from the past and into the future.
Arulumaya: An omnipresent existence in the past, present, and future. Their manner of being is quite different from our own.
Lyria: The past, future, and even the here and now... That scale is pretty difficult to comprehend, huh?
Arulumaya: Yes... I dare say I haven't come to understand everything about them. That would be nigh impossible.
Arulumaya: But I'm sure that Orologia is working with the good of all the skies at heart.
Arulumaya: If they were to act erratically, the effects on this world would certainly be drastic. Truly, their power is on the same level as the Six Dragons.
Vyrn: Yeah, it seems that all they need to do is sneeze to totally destroy an island.
Vyrn: Though Fediel back there didn't really look the part.
Arulumaya: Hehe, yes indeed. I think Orologia is very aware of that fact.
Arulumaya: I believe they want this power to be used for the greater good, and that's why I was shown this book.
Arulumaya: People are a little like goblets though. If you pour too much in, a portion is bound to overflow.
Arulumaya: The ability to see into the future is very much beyond the capacity of a normal person, yes?
Arulumaya: As I continued to carry that power within me, it was bound to go out of control at some point. It just so happened to be at that time...
Arulumaya: Understanding this, Orologia presented me two paths forward, as written in that tome.
Lyria: Two paths?
Arulumaya: Yes. The first was abandoning this power entirely—a way to return to normal life.
Arulumaya: And the second...
Arulumaya: A path in which I continue facing the future, for the good of this world and its people.
Lyria: ...
Vyrn: Then Arulumaya, you...
Arulumaya: Heehee, nothing has changed in my heart. I'll continue to ensure those smiles. On (Captain)'s, yours, and everyone's faces.
Arulumaya: I made that decision some time ago, and I won't be wavering now.
Arulumaya: No matter the hardships I may encounter in my visions, I know that we can face them head-on and take all necessary precautions.
Arulumaya: It's my duty and my resolve, and I couldn't be more proud of this stance I've taken.
Lyria: Arulu...
Vyrn: I just wish that they would have given you that book sooner if he knew this was gonna happen.
Vyrn: You wouldn't have had to go through all that horrible pain, you know?
Arulumaya: Well, perhaps their judgment in timing was just right.
Lyria: Timing?
Arulumaya: Perhaps (Captain)'s existence inspired them, or the Six Dragons' awakening spurred them on.
Arulumaya: Or maybe it was in reaction to the primarchs relinquishing their positions overseeing the tetra-elements.
Arulumaya: ...
Arulumaya: (I believe that assisting (Captain) equates directy to saving this realm.)
Arulumaya: (But if it ever came down to choosing between the world and (Captain)...)
Arulumaya: (What would I do...)
Vyrn: Well, if this all means that your power won't be goin' crazy again anytime soon, that's fine by me!
Lyria: Exactly! I'm so glad you've returned to your usual self, Arulu.
  1. Let's head back, Arulu!

Choose: Let's head back, Arulu!
Arulumaya: Ah, (Captain). Yes, let's. Together.
Grasping (Captain)'s hand, Arulumaya puts the Hall of Knowledge behind her.
Filled with a new determination to face the challenges of the future while living every moment to the fullest in the present, she walks ever forward for the sake of others.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
これが結末だ This is the end.
やはりヒトは笑ってこそだよ It is all for the people's smiles.
私の力は人々のためにある My powers are for the people.
近いうち……彼に会うのだろうな Soon... We will meet him.
共に運命へ立ち向かおう Let us face this fate together!
私は私の正義を信じよう I believe in my own justice.
未来から目を逸らしてはならない I shall never avert my eyes from the future.
(主人公)には本当に感謝しているんだ You have my thanks, (Captain).
どんな力を得ようと私は人々の味方だ No matter the power I gain, I will always use it for the people.
(主人公)の未来を私が守ろう (Captain)'s future is mine to guarantee.
