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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 17
Height 156 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Playing the piano
Likes Grea, hot milk
Dislikes When her friends get hurt
Character Release
優れた魔法の才能を持つアンは、 過去の偉大な人物や精霊が昇華した「英霊」を召喚して戦います。
Character Release
Source [1] [2]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 17歳
Height 156cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies ピアノの演奏
Likes グレア、ホットミルク
Dislikes 仲間達が傷つくこと
Character Release
優れた魔法の才能を持つアンは、 過去の偉大な人物や精霊が昇華した「英霊」を召喚して戦います。
Character Release
Source [1] [2]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

So today's your birthday? Happy birthday, (Captain)!
Thanks for letting me know. I'll be sure to remember it next year.
And now that I know a little more about you...
I'd like to let you know a little more about me.
I was wondering if you'd come visit Mysteria with me sometime. I can show you around. You might just grow to love the place for the same reasons I do.


(Captain), do you have a minute?
It's your birthday today, right?
So I was thinking of getting everyone from Mysteria to help me throw a big party for you, what do you think?
Great! Then I'll go let the others know.
Wait! I forgot to say the most important thing!
(Captain), happy birthday!


(Captain), happy birthday!
Oh, and this can wait until after the party, but do you have a couple of minutes to spare?
Grea, Owen, and I picked out a present for you.
And we wanted to give it to you...
Thanks! Then we'll head to your room later, okay?
Hehe. The three of us put a lot of thought into this present, so I hope you like it!


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
I'm going to put my heart and soul into singing you the birthday song... Here goes!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear (Captain)
Ehehe... Singing in front of others can be embarrassing.
I practiced long and hard for you, (Captain). What did you think?
Your smile tells me ten out of ten! Whee! I'm so glad I put in all that work!
Me, Grea, and Owen got you a present this year too. I'm gonna go grab it from my room. Be right back!


(Captain), happy birthday!
Hehe, how many times have I wished you a happy birthday by now?
Not that the number matters. Year after year, saying happy birthday to a good friend is all I care about.
I mean, we hit it off right from the start and never looked back, yeah?
By the way, you better be ready for next year's birthday bash.
Because I've already started thinking about your present for next time.
Hehe, you're not going to believe your eyes when you see it!
That's right! Feel the excitement!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

New Year's Day is great isn't it? Starting the year off with a resolution is just perfect.
I guess my goal for the year is to get even better at my magic!
If I can do that, maybe I can keep even more people safe.
I don't want to put anyone at Mysteria Academy in harm's way ever again.
Say, (Captain). What's your New Year's resolution?


(Captain), happy New Year!
Do you have time after this?
Grea, Owen, and I are going to visit a temple!
Would you like to come with us?
Choose: Of Course.
Okay, just you wait! I'll go get them right this instant!
Oh! I forgot to say the most important thing!
(Captain), let's make this the best year ever!


(Captain), happy New Year! Are you excited? Because I sure am!
Speaking of, have you decided on a resolution yet?
Me? Yeah, I'm going to read three spellbooks a day... I think.
The plan's to keep studying magic until I'm strong—strong enough to protect everyone!
So, what's your resolution, (Captain)?


Mmm! New Year's morning is always so nice, isn't it?
Look, the sky's blue as far as the eye can see! Almost feels like you could just dive forward and swim in it!
That's an omen for a good year, if I've ever seen one!
Even if we get bombarded with requests and other stuff while we fly around! We can handle it all!


Oh, (Captain)! This is perfect! Owen's not with you, is he?
Phew. That's good.
Choose: Something wrong?
Kinda... Father told me to return home to the kingdom.
But I promised Grea and some others I'd hang out with them for New Year's.
I told my parents I couldn't come back for a visit.
That's when Father ordered Owen to bring me home no matter what.
Now I've been avoiding Owen ever since...
Wait, is that him?
Sorry, (Captain)! I gotta go!
Oh, I almost forgot to wish you a happy new year.
Well, happy New Year, (Captain)! I'm sure we'll have lots of fun together as always! See ya!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

I made some chocolates for you, (Captain)!
Huh? Surprised?
Humph! I can make chocolates too, y'know!
Ta-daa! Look! It's—
Eh-heh-heh... Looks like I left it back at my room...
Um, you wouldn't mind coming back with me to pick it up, would you? Pretty please?
Hey! Don't give me that face!
Trust me, one bite, and you'll never stop begging me for more!


(Captain), I made chocolates this year too. Would you like some?
Great! These are definitely my best yet!
Just put one in your mouth and taste. Let me know what you think.
I'm going to collect opinions and refine my chocolate-making process for next year.
So give it to me straight, okay?


Ah, (Captain)! Perfect timing!
Um, I've just finished making Valentine's chocolates. Mind tasting them for me?
Eh? Why haven't I asked Grea and Owen?
Well, I mean, those two will eat anything I make and say it's good.
But I'm looking for an honest opinion. So come on, (Captain)! Please?
Thank you! Okay, ready? Open wide!


(Captain), I tried improving my chocolates based on your feedback last year!
Can you tell me what you think of these? Pretty please?
Great! Open up wide.
You love it? Really? You're not just saying that, are you?
Hooray! That gave me the boost in self-confidence I needed!
Oh, and before I forget! I have a separate box properly gift-wrapped for you!
The contents are the same, so I'm sure you'll enjoy what's inside!
Always appreciate ya, (Captain)!


Right, so this chocolate is for Grea, this batch is for Owen...
And this is for—
Oh. Hi, (Captain). Sorry, I needed the galley for a bit.
Am I making personal chocolates for people?
Yep, you got it. Everyone has different tastes, you know?
By the way, I made these for you. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out.
I took all of your feedback and kept making tweaks.
Hehe. I can already picture you smacking your lips, and it makes me feel awesome.
So enjoy them, okay?

Mixed Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy White Day!
Hm? Are these for me?
Yay! Thanks, (Captain)!
I'm so glad you remembered! You're so much more dependable than me!
Hm? You even brought some for my spirit?
Hehe. Why am I not surprised?
Look! My spirit looks so happy!
Hehe. Thanks again, (Captain)!


Hm? Did you want to talk to me about something, (Captain)?
Oh, this is for what I made you on Valentine's Day?
Recently I learned that it's customary to give something three times in excess of what you were given...
Ahaha! But you don't have to worry about that!
Just getting any little thing from you is thanks enough.
Your appreciation of what I did for you on Valentine's Day is already a great gift to receive. Thank you, (Captain)!


You got me something this year too? Thank you, (Captain)!
Oh, speaking of. Did you know this?
Apparently, the different sweets you give out on White Day all have different meanings.
Hehe. I wonder what this box means!


This is thanks for Valentine's? A full three boxes?
You really took to heart what I said about paying back favors three times in excess!
Sorry, I didn't mean to push my ideas on you...
Then again, I love how you take things seriously! That sincerity is something I respect!
But it'd be a bit of a shame to keep all these chocolates for myself.
I know! I'll call on Grea and Owen so we can enjoy them together!
I picked up a nice bag of tea leaves too, so we could turn it into a little party!
Okay, I'll have to get ready! Of course, you're invited too, (Captain), so be sure to drop by my room again later. It's a promise!


Thanks for the gift, (Captain)!
Oh, that big bag behind me?
It's full of gifts everyone from home sent me. Just got delivered today.
Wait, are you free right now?
They sent me nothing but sugary stuff.
There's no way I could eat all of that.
So I was thinking about spreading the love and throwing a big party for everyone.
Wanna join us, (Captain)?
Great! Wait right here. I'll go get Grea and Owen.

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Today we've got a costume party at the academy.
You're coming too, right?
What? Why can't you come?
Huh? You're allergic to costumes?
I-I'm sorry! I had no idea!
Huh? Kidding?
Grr! Why you! I'm getting you back for this! Just you watch! And giving me candy isn't going to change my mind!


(Captain), trick or treat!
If you don't have candy, be ready for my trick!
Huh? You have candy on you? Grr... Too bad.
It's Halloween, so I was really looking forward to playing a trick on you...
(Captain), next year let me play a little prank on you, okay?


Oh, (Captain). Trick or treat, you say?
Hehe. Too bad for you, I've got some candy right—
Wait, what! Where'd everything go? I had some just a second ago...
Oh, right... I gave it all away to that group of kids earlier.
Eh-heh, (Captain), so... No! Don't! I'll bring some candy over, on the double!
So no pranks, okay? Pretty please!


Paragon Spirit?: Trick or treat... Give me something good to eat...
Anne: Ehehe, surprised? You didn't think I actually turned into a spirit, did you?
This is going to be my Halloween routine this year.
Here's a treat for being such a good sport.
Let's make this Halloween an enjoyable one!
Anne's Voice: Trick or treat... Give me something good to eat...


Hey, (Captain)! Trick or treat!
Hehe, too bad for you I already confirmed you don't have any treats left to give!
So you know what that means!
H-hey, get back here!
Spirits! Lend me your strength!
You're not getting away this year, (Captain)! Come hell or high water, I'm gonna prank you good!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

I sure hope the holiday party is a success!
Drinks: check. Food: check. One juicy turkey: double check!
Hm? The tree?
Um... Well, uhh... Of... Of course it's ready!
Look! A special spirit tree!
C'mon, let's put the ornaments on it together!
Hm? Dishonoring the dead?
What're you talking about! They don't mind! My spirits love being decorated!
Come on! Hurry now! I can't wait to wow everyone with this one-of-a-kind spirit tree!


(Captain)! Happy holidays!
What am I doing? I'm decorating my spirit tree.
You remember that's what I did last year too, right?
Everyone loved it, so this year I decided to do the same thing again.
Hehe! And this year, I'm going to be even more fancy with it!
I hope you get the chance to see my spirit tree!


Oh, (Captain). Did I wake you up?
Hm? What am I doing? Can't you tell? I'm being Santa!
I mean, it's the holiday season.
So I thought I'd leave a present by everyone's pillows, just like Santa.
That being said, happy holidays, (Captain)! This one here's from me to you. Don't be shy—take it!


Morning! Did you get a good night's sleep?
Oh, that box in your hands... Did you figure out what it is?
Yep, a present from me! I left it by your pillow last night. Was it a nice wake-up surprise?
You looked real cute while you were sleeping, by the way. Kind of reminded me of Grea... Hehe!
I have to go get the food ready for tonight's party, so I'll see you later. Your taste buds are going to be in for a treat!


Hey, (Captain)! Just the captain I wanted to see!
It's the most wonderful time of the year, and I need some gifts for Grea and Owen.
I've been thinking for days, but I still can't decide on anything.
Can you help me pick out presents for them?
Like they say, two heads are better than one!
Choose: Sure.
Thanks! Come on, let's hit the shops.
By the way, I'm getting you something too, so I hope you like it.
Hm? You want to know what it is?
Too bad! It's a secret!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Friendship is Magic

Anne must soon leave to study abroad, but she's had a nightmare of what might happen to the academy while she's away. Grea comforts her and the two spend their last night together in what's to be a very long while.

In the dark of night, after all the crickets have sung their song, a lone Anne walks the halls of Mysteria Academy's girls dormitory.
Her feet stop in front of a door, and she knocks.
Grea: Who is it?
Anne: Grea, it's me. Can I come in?
Grea: Anne? What're you doing up so late?
Anne: Sorry, it's...
Anne: I just couldn't fall asleep.
Grea: Can't sleep?
Grea: Mm, all right then. Come on in.
Anne: Thanks, Grea.
Grea: Want anything to drink?
Anne: I... could go for something warm.
Grea: The usual cup of warm milk?
Anne: Thanks. Sorry for the trouble.
Grea: So tomorrow's the big day.
Anne: Yeah...
Grea: Is that what has you up?
Anne: Mm-hm... I thought maybe a walk might do me some good.
Grea: Ooh. Never knew you were such a jitterbug, Anne.
Anne: Hey! Like you wouldn't be either! Anyone would get a bit of cold feet before a big day!
Grea: Sorry, sorry! Just trying to lighten the mood.
Anne: Humph!
And lightened it was. Before long they are back to their old banter, chatting as good friends always do.
Together they were not Anne the princess and Grea the half dragon, but simply best of friends and closest companions.
Grea: Here you go. One cup of warm milk.
Anne: Oh, yum! Thanks, Grea!
Grea: ...
Anne: What's wrong?
Grea: No, no. Nothing's wrong. It's just... I never thought I'd have a friend, much less have her visit for a midnight chat. But I'm glad I do.
Anne: Really? Well, I knew we'd be friends from the moment we met!
Grea: Haha. That's so like you, Anne. I have a hunch you'll have no problems making friends at your new school.
Anne: Mm... Thanks.
Anne: You always know how to make me feel better, Grea. To be honest, I've been pretty worried about that. But now I feel like it'll all be okay!
Grea: That so? Glad to hear it.
Grea: I can't wait to see how much you'll have grown when you finally come back.
Anne: When I'm done and come back here, my magic's going to be better than ever!
Grea: And I'll be here waiting for you.
A silence dawns. Grea tries to break it before the mood turns solemn.
Grea: You know, Anne, I never did get the chance to ask you about your magic. How does this summoning thing work?
Anne: Now that you mention it, I've never really told you much, have I?
Anne: Well, firstly... The spirits I summon are fallen heroes of a long-ago war in Mysteria.
Anne: Those heroes were revered by the people of Mysteria, so much so that their souls ascended and became divine spirits.
Grea: Wow. And how do you get them to help you?
Anne: The spirits sense the dormant magic inside me and my longing to protect something. That lets me make a pact with them to help me.
Anne: With the power of my summons, I want to lead the academy and all of Mysteria into a better future.
Anne: That's why I have to go away for a while, Grea. When I'm back, I'll have learned how to use my summons to the fullest.
Grea: You're amazing, Anne. Most people would just live life for themselves. But not you.
Grea: I'll be rooting for you.
Anne: Hehe. You don't know how much that means to me, Grea.
Anne: I'm... I'm really going to miss you.
Grea: Yeah... Me too.
Anne: Mm...
Grea: Anne? Hey, why the long face?
Grea: Don't be down. We'll see each other again someday.
Anne: It's just that... I can't shake the feeling that something awful is about to happen. Maybe it's just nerves, but...
Anne: I had a terrible dream. Everyone in the academy was gone. No matter where I went, it was empty and dark. That's why I couldn't go back to sleep.
Anne: If something happened to you and everyone at the academy, I don't know what I'd do.
Grea: Don't worry.
Anne: Grea?
Grea: Whatever happens, I'll protect this place. I'll protect all the memories and times we shared here.
Grea: You do your best at your new school; I'll do my best here.
Anne: I knew I could always count on you, Grea.
Anne: You're the kindest friend anyone could ask for!
Grea: Th-that's too much...
Anne: I'll be rooting for you too, Grea.
Grea: Thanks. I know you will.
Anne: So... promise we'll always do our best, even when we're apart?
Grea: Yeah. Promise.
Anne: For the future of Mysteria.
Grea: For the times we shared here.
Anne and Grea seal their vows with the most solemn and unbreakable of oaths: a pinky swear.
Grea: All right. Time for bed. Wouldn't want to be late for your trip tomorrow.
When Grea reaches to take away the cup on the table, Anne turns to face her with a shy expression.
Anne: Wait... Grea.
Grea: Hm? Everything okay?
Anne: Would you mind if I... slept here tonight?
Grea: Oh, Anne. You never change.
Anne: Hey! Are you laughing at me?
Grea: No, no. I'm not laughing, honest.
Anne: You better come clean right now, Grea.
Grea: Come on, it's late. I'm putting the lamp out.
Anne: Don't try to change the subject!
After another bout of banter, the two settle down and wish each other good night for one last time in what's to be a very long while.
Grea: Sweet dreams, Anne.
Anne: Sweet dreams, Grea.
Comfy and warm under the sheets, Anne snuggles up next to Grea.
The two spend their last night together in peace and quiet.

Mysteries of Mysteria

(Captain) and friends have come to deliver some materials for the academy's reconstruction. While there, however, a mysterious underground tunnel is discovered on campus. They accompany Anne, Grea, and Owen to investigate, but a magical trap in the tunnel's room turns Anne into a child, stripping her of her powers.

Mysteria Academy of Magic, leading institute of the arcane arts and recent subject to an abnormally high number of monster attacks.
During that time, (Captain) and the crew had assisted the student body in driving back the onslaught of monsters.
Though the threat was quelled, the academy was left in disarray.
Now (Captain) and company have come to deliver a batch of materials needed for the school's restoration.
Lyria: Anne! Grea!
Anne: Hm? That sounds like...
Anne: (Captain) and the crew! I had a feeling you'd take up the job!
Vyrn: We spotted a posting for a mission and took it the moment we saw the words Mysteria Academy!
Grea: We really appreciate the help. And it's so good to see all of you again.
Lyria: I missed you guys too!
Owen: Everyone's brimming with joy to see you here, (Captain).
After the group exchanges a few pleasantries, one of the construction workers steps in through the entrance.
Stoneworker: Your Highness. Where should we place these stone blocks?
Anne: Hmm. Take those to the lecture hall in the east wing.
Woodworker: And this lumber, Your Highness?
Anne: Hmm. That should go into the dormitories over there.
The renovations seem to be going smoothly under Anne's personal supervision.
Vyrn: Boy, you look like you were born to lead! Not bad for a kid in her teens! Guess that's a princess for ya!
Lyria: Wow! The things we brought are almost all gone now! Work sure gets done fast here!
Anne: All that's left is this. I'll just handle it myself.
Grea: Anne! Wait! Let me carry that!
Anne: Hm? No, it's fine, really. I can carry it on my own.
Anne resumes her attempts at carrying the load by herself, while Grea tries again to stop her.
Owen: To be honest, skyfarers, we're rather worried for the princess.
Owen: She keeps trying to do everything by herself.
Vyrn: Yeah, she looks like the type to do that.
Owen: Come now, Princess! Allow me to handle that for you!
Suddenly workers burst into the room.
Stoneworker: Pant... Pant...
Stoneworker: Your Highness!
Stoneworker: We've discovered something not on any of the blueprints! It seems like some sort of underground tunnel!
Anne: Underground tunnel, you say? Show me.
Led by the workers, Anne and the group go to where the tunnel was discovered.
Anne: Well, that's a tunnel, all right... We can't just leave it here without knowing what's in there. Could be danger lurking inside.
Anne: All righty then! I'll go in and have a look! Be right back!
Grea: You can't go alone! I'm coming too!
Owen: Then I shall escort the both of you!
Anne: But I don't want to put you guys in harm's way.
  1. Let's all go together then!

Choose: Let's all go together then!
Vyrn: Yeah! Maybe we can help!
Lyria: The bigger the group, the safer it is!
Anne: Thanks, you guys.
Anne: All right! Let's get going then!
Into the dark unknown they go.
At the end of the mysterious passage, they find a large, heavy door. They steel themselves and heave open the entrance.
Anne: This looks like... a sorcerer's workshop?
Grea: A really old sorcerer's workshop, judging from the dust on everything.
Owen: Could this have belonged to the academy once?
Anne: I doubt it. If it was part of the academy, it would have been in the blueprints.
Anne: I've heard there was once a sorcerer in the academy who studied shadow magic in secret.
Anne: Maybe this is where he or she practiced the dark arts.
Grea wanders about the room, not being too careful of what she touches.
But when she approaches a suspicious-looking altar, a dark mist erupts from it.
Grea: ...!
Anne: Look out!
Anne: Aahh!
Anne jumps in front of Grea and is enveloped by the mysterious mist.
Grea: ...!
Anne! Anne!
Owen: Princess! Are you all right?
Vyrn: Hey! Hang in there!
Lyria: Anne!
(Captain) and company gather around Anne.
Anne: Nn... Nnn...
Grea: Anne! I'm so glad you're... okay?
Anne: Hm? What's wrong?
Owen: P-Princess! You're...
Anne: Huh? I'm what?
Vyrn: You're a pipsqueak!
Anne: Hm? What?
Anne: What did you just call me!
Lyria: Oh no! What do we do! She's turned into a little girl!
Anne looks at her body. The truth finally sets in.
Anne: Wha... What the!
Anne: What's going on here!
Anne's voice seems to activate a rune circle nearby, and it starts to glow.
???: ...
Grea: Looks like that wasn't the only trap in this place!
Grea: Everyone! Don't let that thing get to Anne!
Owen: Stay behind me, Princess!
Anne: I can handle it myself! My magic's more than—
Anne: Huh? Wuuh? I can't use my magic!
Vyrn: What! You lost your powers too?
Owen: This cannot stand!
Owen: Come, (Captain)!

Mysteries of Mysteria: Scene 2

The group return to the surface and bring Anne to Mr. Bertrand in hopes of finding a way to reverse the spell. The curse is revealed to be forbidden shadow magic, breakable only by an altar hidden deep in the academy's labyrinths.

Having braved the traps of the mysterious room and returned to the surface, (Captain) and company put their heads together to figure out what to do about Anne.
All their efforts, however, are to no avail.
Grea: Ohh, what're we going to do? This is all my fault. If only I'd been more careful...
Anne: No, Grea. It's not your fault. Don't cry.
Owen: That's right. The fault is mine! If only I had been more vigilant in protecting her!
Owen: The responsibility of raising you falls to me, Princess.
Anne: Um... I don't think that's the answer, Owen.
Owen: But I can't stand idly by while—
Anne: Why won't you listen! Dumb-dumb Owen! Go away!
Owen: D-dumb-dumb...
Vyrn: Whoa. Temper tantrums and name-calling? Guys, I don't think her body's the only thing that got babified.
Lyria: And is it me or does she seem like she's getting smaller by the minute?
Anne: Aww... Why can't I use magic...
Grea: Let's ask Mr. Bertrand. Maybe he can give us some advice.
The group hunts the teacher down and explains the situation.
Mr. Bertrand: My... If I had to guess, I'd say this was the work of the forbidden arts.
Mr. Bertrand: Regression magic, one might surmise.
Grea: Regression magic?
Mr. Bertrand: Yes... A type of shadow magic that causes the affected to grow younger and younger, both in body and mind.
Anne: C-can't we do something about it?
Mr. Bertrand: I'm afraid such a rare hex as this is beyond my abilities to dispel. Difficulties in reversal is likely what deemed it forbidden to begin with.
Owen: This cannot be...
Mr. Bertrand: That being said, there might still be a way.
Mr. Bertrand: Within Mysteria Academy's underground labyrinth is an altar of light. That altar might well be your only hope in dispelling this dark magic.
Grea: Light altar!
Grea: Got it! Come on, we don't have any time to lose!
Owen: To the labyrinth! Whatever we might encounter, I shall defend the princess with my life!
Anne: But it sounds dangerous down there. Are you sure?
Vyrn: Don't worry about it! You got us, remember?
Lyria: It's not so scary if we all go together!
Anne: Aww...
Anne: You guys are the best!
And into the labyrinth they descend.

Mysteries of Mysteria: Scene 3

The group encounters the guardian of the altar. Grea attempts to defeat it on her own, but Anne convinces her to work with the group as a team.

(Captain) and the crew continue to explore the labyrinth below the academy.
Grea: So these are the underground tunnels... Be on guard for anything.
Owen: This place feels very... austere somehow.
Anne: Yawn...
Owen: Gasp! The princess is getting ready for sleepytime!
Grea: I'll carry her!
Owen: No... The duty is mine!
(Captain) steps forward to intervene.
  1. You do it, Grea!
  2. Owen? I guess?
  3. No! I'll do it!
  4. Let's all draw straws!

Choose: You do it, Grea!
Owen: Ngh... If you must insist, (Captain), I will concede.
Grea: C'mere, little Anne! Come to Grea!
Anne: Greaaa...
Grea cradles the little one in her arms.
Thus, under the protection of (Captain) and company, Anne peacefully drifts off to sleep.

Choose: Owen? I guess?
Grea: W-well... If you say so, (Captain)...
Owen: Come here, Your Little Highness. Climb on to my back.
Anne: Owennn...
Owen valiantly piggybacks little Anne.
Thus, under the protection of (Captain) and company, Anne peacefully drifts off to sleep.

Choose: No! I'll do it!
Grea: Huh? You'll carry her? B-but...
Owen: We... wouldn't want to burden you, (Captain).
Vyrn: It's fine! Might not look like it, but (Captain)'s pretty good with kids!
Anne: (Captain)...
Little Anne clambers onto (Captain)'s back and snuggles into place.
Thus, under the protection of (Captain) and company, Anne peacefully drifts off to sleep.

Choose: Let's all draw straws!
Grea: Draw... straws?
Owen: I see. That would indeed be the fairest way to go about the matter.
(Captain) nods and asks Lyria to hold the straws.
Lyria: Um... Okay, everyone. On three!
Whoever draws the longest straw will be the one to carry little Anne.
Anne: Sleepytime...
Thus, under the protection of (Captain) and company, Anne peacefully drifts off to sleep.
Continue 1
After fending off several monsters, they finally arrive at the innermost depths of the tunnel complex.
Grea: That's it... The altar.
Owen: The magic in the halls we passed through is nothing compared to the concentration of magical energies here.
Vyrn: Somehow it feels kinda nice though.
Lyria: That must be the power of the holy magic working.
Anne, now awake, starts to walk toward the altar.
Anne: Yawn... Nice and warm...
Grea: Anne! Don't go up to it alone! It could be dangerous!
Owen: Princess! I'm coming with you!
Grea: I can feel Anne's magic weakening by the moment.
Owen: We need to dispel the shadow magic—and quickly.
Clay Golem: ...!
Summoned by the room's protection runes, a guardian emerges to protect the altar.
Grea: I'll take care of this guy!
Owen: Grea! Don't try to fight it alone!
Grea: There's no time! I'll keep it busy while you
A diminutive figure totters up to Grea and hugs her leg.
Anne: It's okay, Grea. You're not alone.
Grea: Anne...
Anne: We can all help each other. And make the bad guy go bye-bye.
Grea: Mm... Yeah!
With Anne's words in her heart, Grea turns to face her comrades.
Grea: (Captain)! Owen! Will you help me?
Owen: Grea, for you and the princess...
Owen: I'll do anything!
Vyrn: You can count on us! Right, Lyria, (Captain)?
Lyria: That's right! We're all in this together!
Clay Golem: ...!
Owen: Now!
Grea: Let's go, everyone!

Mysteries of Mysteria: Scene 4

Having defeated the guardian, they bring Anne to the altar and break the spell. Anne later shares that the experience has taught her the value of teamwork and relying on your comrades.

Clay Golem: ...
(Captain) and company successfully defeat the guardian.
They waste no time in carrying Anne to the altar.
Owen: Quickly! This way!
Anne: Pant... Pant...
Grea: Oh no! There's almost no more magic left in her!
Anne: It's okay... Don't cry.
Grea: Anne! Anne!
Anne: G... Grea.
As if directed by Grea's thoughts, a blinding light flares out from the altar.
Grea: Aahh!
Owen: What fierce light.
Vyrn: Boy, that's bright!
Lyria: Is this the power of the light magic?
The white light concentrates and envelops Anne.
Anne: Nn... Nnn...
Grea: Anne! Anne!
Anne: Grea... I...
Grea: You're back to normal... Thank goodness.
Anne: Thank you, Grea.
Grea: Anytime.
Owen: Now then, everyone. Let's head back to the surface.
With Anne's body restored, (Captain) and company return to the world above.
And after some rest, Anne soon regains her former magical abilities.
Several days later, Anne and Grea are walking together amidst the academy's reconstruction.
Anne: I get it. I understand now.
Grea: Hm? Understand what?
Anne: It took me being turned into a little girl again, but I finally realized we shouldn't try to do everything by ourselves.
Grea: Yeah, I think you're right.
Anne: From now on, I'll be sure to rely on my friends more.
Grea: Anne...
Anne: Will you help me, Grea?
Grea: Of course, Anne. I will.
As the two share a tender moment, (Captain) and company watch over them.
Owen: Sob, sob... This is wonderful. Oh so wonderful.
Vyrn: Uh... You okay?
Owen: Ah, pardon me. It's just so moving to see the comradery between Anne and Grea.
Lyria: Sob... It's beautiful.
Owen: And it's all thanks to you and your crew, (Captain)!
Anne and Grea rejoin the group.
Anne: Hm? What's wrong, Owen?
Owen: N-nothing... Nothing at all!
Anne: Oh? Uhh, okay, if you say so.
Anne: Anyway, it looks like the reconstruction's still got a long way to go.
Anne: What do you say we all grab a bite?
Vyrn: Sounds like a plan!
Lyria: I'd love that!
Grea: How about I cook, then?
Anne: Oh! I can help!
Owen: Then allow me to gather the cookware for you!
The fun times they share pass in the blink of an eye.
Anne redoubles her efforts to restore the academy to its former glory.
And she will continue to walk with her comrades forever more. Together as one.

Bridging the Rift

Hanna has roped Anne, Grea, and Owen into assisting the student council with preparations for the upperclassmen's graduation party. But the work proves to be too much for the council to handle alone, causing Anne to suggest asking Tsubasa's class for help. The other student council members refuse, stating they can't accept help from delinquents. This bias does not sit well with Anne, and with Grea's encouragement, she sets out to heal the rift that has formed at Mysteria Academy.

Deep within the grand halls of the Mysteria Academy of Magic, a gaggle of students sit around a table.
Anne, Grea, and Owen have joined Hanna and the rest of the student council to process an endless mountain of paperwork.
Anne: Grea, are you done yet?
Grea: Sorry, I think it's going to be a bit longer.
Owen: I'm finished with my stack. What's next?
Hanna: Perfect timing! Would you mind running this document to the teacher's room?
Owen: As you wish.
Anne: One second, Owen! Could you take this one too?
Grea: Heh. And this one three?
After collecting the papers, Owen nods dutifully and turns to leave the council room.
Anne: Sigh. I wasn't expecting the graduation party preparations to be such a headache.
Anne slumps in her chair as she recalls the events of a mere few hours.
Anne: How's the party planning going?
Hanna: Let me put it this way: it's going to happen one way or another, but we're way behind schedule.
Hanna: And now that you mention it, I was juuust about to ask if you three could lend a hand.
Grea: Huh? Why us?
Hanna: A little birdie told me your class was already finished with its duties...
Hanna: A little birdie named Ms. Miranda, that is.
Hanna: Not to mention you've never been so much as tardy, so the student council feels at ease with you.
Hanna: How about it? Lend your fellow students a hand?
Anne: I don't mind helping.
Grea: Sure, why not? The council has always been there for us.
Owen: I'll do whatever the princess requires of me.
Hanna: Thank you.
Now, if you will all kindly start by sifting through these.
Hanna drops a fat stack of papers into Anne's arms.
Grea: What's this?
Hanna: That would be our master schedule and all of our outstanding work orders...
Anne rifles through the stack, finding lists, calendars, letters to vendors, and even security proposals.
Anne: Wait... There's this much left to complete?
Hanna: Indeed. Which is why we better divvy up tasks ASAP.
Without a moment's hesitation, Hanna begins assigning jobs to her newfound gofers.
Grea: Anne, are you okay? Do you need a break?
Anne: No, I'm fine. It's just...
A bead of sweat appears on Anne's brow as she stares at the unyielding pile of documents.
Anne: Do you think we'll finish in time?
Hanna: We have to...
Anne: I wonder if there are any other students with their hands free?
Hanna: ...
Ms. Miranda: Is everyone doing their bestest? Here's a sweet treat from Mr. Bertrand and I!
Ms. Miranda: Sugar is sure to perk you right up after a long day of paperwork!
Mr. Bertrand: Haha, we thought you kids could use a break. Rest is the foundation of a healthy mind, after all.
Hanna: Thank you, Mr. Bertrand and Ms. Miranda.
Hanna: We'll take a breather when Owen gets back.
Grea: I like this idea.
Anne: ...
Ms. Miranda: Aww, what's the matter, Anne? Is something bothering you?
Ms. Miranda: I'm all ears for my precious students!
Anne: It's just... do you know of any other classes that are finished with their tasks?
Ms. Miranda: Looking for more helping hands, are you? Let's see...
Ms. Miranda: Ah! That's right! Tsubasa's class should be done already!
Anne: Really? We could ask them for help!
Council Member 1: ...
Council Member 2: ...
Anne: Huh? What's wrong?
Council Member 1: Princess, those students are delinquents. We couldn't possibly ask them—
Suddenly, the door to the student council room swings open, marking Owen's gallant entrance.
Owen: Princess, Madam President, I've given the documents to the teachers at your behest. What shall I—
Owen: Did something happen while I was away?
Hanna: What? Of course not.
Hanna: More importantly, Ms. Miranda and Mr. Bertrand brought us a snack, so we were just about to take five.
With the matter settled, Hanna heads to the tea stand in the corner of the room and begins brewing a fresh pot.
Anne, however, sits with her arms crossed and brow furrowed.
A few hours pass, and the committee is no closer to finishing.
Mr. Bertrand: Kids, look at the time. Surely we can call it a day?
Mr. Bertrand: Burning the candle at both ends is not a healthy way to lead one's life.
Hanna: You're right, Mr. Bertrand. Let's—
Anne: Wait, Hanna, before we officially adjourn for the day, could I speak with you in private?
Hanna: Of course. Everyone else, you're free to go home.
The teachers and other students shuffle out of the room, leaving princess and president to talk shop.
Hanna: So, Anne, what would you like to discuss?
Anne: It's a bit sensitive, but...
Hanna: Let me guess—Tsubasa's class?
Anne: Yes... When I brought up asking them to help, everyone seemed so against it.
Anne: Why is that? If you don't mind me asking.
Hanna: It's true that the council members don't think very fondly of that class...
Hanna: Actually, I had already proposed the same solution myself.
Hanna: I asked, would it be so bad to have their help?
Hanna: But the other members insisted working with such unsavory characters would sully the reputation of our student council.
Hanna: Some people can't let bygones be bygones, I suppose.
No version of Tsubasa in crew

The remedial class at Mysteria Academy is infamous for bad grades and worse attitudes.
At such a premier institution, these qualities have endeared the class to no one, earning its students a reputation for delinquency.
A reputation which persists, unfortunately, to this day.
Anne: And you just let that slide! Are they not also students of this school? It seems so unfair.
Hanna: I hate to break it to you, but not everyone is as forgiving as you, Anne.
Grea: She's right. You're a rare one.
Owen: Forgive me for speaking above my station, but I am forced to agree with Grea.
Anne: ...
Though everyone around Anne seems to readily accept the situation, defiance burns in the young princess's heart.
That night, Anne finds herself—once again—knocking on Grea's dormitory door.
But this time she can't muster even a smile to greet her bosom buddy.
Anne: ...
Grea: What's wrong, Anne? You look upset.
Anne: I suppose I am...
Grea: Are you still thinking about what Hanna said?
Anne: Yeah. It doesn't sit right with me. Why are those poor students so mistrusted? Are we not all united under Mysteria's banner?
Grea's heart breaks at the sight of a troubled Anne, but she manages to crack a sympathetic grin.
Grea: Anne, too many people see this world in black and white. Those student council members are no exception.
Painful memories begin to resurface for the half dragon, and she instinctively traces her fingers across her tail and horns.
Grea: Remember how it was before we met? The other students treated me like I was a freak, like I didn't belong here.
Anne: And I'm still mad about that... None of those people have taste! Everyone should appreciate what a catch you are.
Grea: Th-thank you.
Grea: But that's beside the point. I'm trying to say this might be beyond our control.
Grea: It's natural for people to focus on differences, to hold biases.
Anne: But things changed for you, didn't they?
Grea: Yeah, they really did. It seems like the others finally accept me now.
Grea: But that's only when you and Owen became my friends.
Grea: Your friendship proved to the others that I'm not some freak to be feared.
Anne: We proved all that?
Grea: Yep. Even though you're the picture-perfect girl, you decided to become my friend.
Grea: If the princess herself was willing to let her guard down around me, then everyone else could too.
Anne: ...
Grea: The fact I've found some happiness now, it's all thanks to you, Anne.
Grea: So, well... Thank you. For always being my friend.
Grea: Heh... Here I am saying it again. I'm such a mess, aren't I?
Anne: Oh, Grea...
Unable to ignore the beautiful display of emotion, Anne brings Grea in for a tight squeeze.
Anne: (I know that Tsubasa's class is infamous for their bad marks and raucous behavior.)
Anne: (But they've recently turned over a new leaf, haven't they? They're even focusing more on their studies.)
Anne: (Even Ms. Miranda said they were good kids—if not a bit odd. But that just makes them more interesting, right?)
Anne: (That doesn't sound like a bunch of ruffians to me.)
Anne: (But it's seems the council members won't even try to understand them. They'll dismiss them as delinquents, and that will be the end of it.)
Anne: (I need to prove that Tsubasa's class is just like any other class. Then maybe the council won't fear them so much.)
Anne: (But first I'll need to learn as much as about the remedial class as I can.)
Anne: (But where to begin...)
Grea: Anne, did you think of something?
Anne: I sure did!
Grea: Great. Count me in—whatever it happens to be.
Anne: Thank you, Grea! I'll explain more—first thing in the morning.
Anne's sunny disposition returned, she releases her affectionate vice grip on Grea and cheerfully bounds out of the dorm room.

Bridging the Rift: Scene 2

The following day, Anne—with Grea and Owen in tow—heads to the remedial class, where she formally requests help from Tsubasa and the others. When she's met with apprehension, she announces she and her friends will be joining the remedial class. After some icebreaking shenanigans, a friendship forms between Anne and the Red Wings, and the remedial class begins to assist the student council with graduation party preparations.

The next day arrives quickly.
Anne, with Grea and Owen flanking her sides, walks with confidence as she traverses the academy halls.
Anne: Owen, don't be so jittery. We've only come to ask a favor.
Owen: I will try. But I can't hide my discomfort.
Grea: They're not going to react well if you seem scared.
Anne: That's right. Try to smile.
Owen: Sigh. Very well.
Anne: Good. Well, let's go.
Once they arrive at the door to the remedial class, Anne takes a breath and slides it open.
Anne: Good morning, everyone!
Delinquents: Huh?
All eyes turn to her, piercing her with frosty gazes.
Killa Taiga: Yo, Princess. Sure you're in the right room?
Anne: ...
Sensing open hostility, Owen's hand instinctively finds his sword hilt, but Anne gestures him back.
Owen: ...!
Anne: Owen, we mustn't.
Owen: But, Princess...
Anne: Don't make me repeat myself.
Owen: As you command.
Killa Taiga: Hey, look at that! You taught your pup to heel! Where can I get me one of them dogs?
Anne: Ahem. Could we please not tease each other?
Anne: We've come to discuss something important.
Anne: So if you'll hear us—
Killa Taiga: What's there to discuss between a princess and a buncha toads?
Killa Taiga: Get outta here, you royal pain in the—
Tsubasa's Voice: Yo, dumbass! You're cruisin' for a bruisin'!
The voice comes rumbling from the back of the classroom, spreading silence in its wake.
Tsubasa: ...
Killa Taiga: Haha! You punks hear that? He's gonna beat you silly if you don't scram!
Tsubasa: Sigh... Taiga, seriously, man? I was talkin' to you.
Killa Taiga: Bruh! What did I do?
Yung Rintaro: Hm? Holy crap, men! I just realized somethin'!
Yung Rintaro: This chick's that famous princess!
Yung Rintaro: And that dude behind her is s'posed to be hella strong! What's his nuggets? Owen or somethin'?
Killa Taiga: No freakin' way! This dude? Damn... He coulda knocked me flat...
Tsubasa: Sorry. Ignore Taiga. He's a few gears short of a cycle.
Anne: Owen.
Owen: As you command, Princess.
Tsubasa: 'Preciate it.
Tsubasa: So? What can we help you with?
Anne: The student council is hard at work with the remaining graduation party prep, but we're a little shorthanded.
Anne: I was wondering if your class wouldn't mind helping us out? We could use the support.
Tsubasa: Huh!
Collective shock spreads over the remedial class at the absurdity of her question.
Anne: I know your class excels in PE, and with all the heavy equipment that needs to be carried around, you would be making an invaluable contribution. What do you say?
Tsubasa: Hmm...
Grea: We don't mean to pressure you, of course. But we really are in a bind. Would you at least think about it?
Tsubasa glances at Anne, then Owen and Grea. He sighs before continuing.
Tsubasa: Look, to be real with you, we don't mind helpin' out, but it's those prissy council members.
Tsubasa: You sure they wanna be seen with a bunch of gutter rats like us?
Yung Rintaro: Right? We may all go to the same school, but our lives couldn't be more different, ya heard?
Anne: I won't disagree. But be that as it may, we'll still struggle to finish without you.
Anne: I recognize there are many at this school who find your class unpalatable.
Anne: But that's only because they've never really gotten to know you.
Anne: Then again, it's the same with your class, isn't it?
Anne: You've never taken the time to understand the student council or where they're coming from.
Anne: I apologize if that sounded brash, but we're all floating in the same boat here. And I, for one, do not wish to watch it sink.
Tsubasa: ...
Anne: So how about it? Will you help me make this the perfect opportunity for our student body to finally come together?
Tsubasa's tough facade melts at Anne's sincerity.
Tsubasa: Eheh... You really go for the throat, don't ya?
Anne: I beg your pardon?
Tsubasa: It was a compliment.
Anne: Hmm... I guess I'll need to learn your colloquialisms if we're to become friends.
Owen: Princess, please don't commit such aggressive words to memory. They're unbecoming of your station.
Anne: Oh, come on...
Grea: He's right. It doesn't suit you, Anne.
Anne: Aww...
Anne pouts before quickly returning to her normal self.
Anne: Ah, that's right. There was one more thing I wanted to mention.
Anne: We'll be joining your class for the time being.
Anne: Hope you guys have some open desks!
Da Boys: Huh!
Tsubasa: Hold up, what?
Anne: If we're to become closer, then it's important we spend as much time as possible together.
Anne: Working on the party prep would likely turn us into acquaintances, but that's not nearly enough.
Anne: We need to really understand one another to change this school!
Anne: I believe spending most of our time on campus around one another would accelerate that process!
Anne: Hehe... What do you think? Have I gone for your throat?
Tsubasa and the other remedial class students are stunned by Anne's proposition.
Grea and Owen, however, can only awkwardly smile at Anne's antics.
But they immediately set her plan into motion by asking Mr. Bertrand permission to join the remedial class.
In the coming days, Anne's cheerful and honest disposition endears her to her new classmates.
Over time they grow close enough to ask for tutoring sessions.
Anne: So you see? If you apply this formula...
Yung Rintaro: Whoa! I get it! These formulas are like cheat codes! You're the math goat, Anne!
And after a true bond is formed, the Red Wings—Tsubasa's gearcycle crew—invite her to crash one of their rallies.
Anne: Hehe! What do you think? Pretty neat, huh?
Killa Taiga: Yeah, baby! Lookin' swanky, Anne! Since when did you get a beast?
Anne: That's a secret! If Owen finds out, he'll never let me hear the end of it!
Tsubasa: All right! This is Anne and Grea's first rally! Turn up, my men! It's time to bounce!
Red Wings: Yeah!
Anne: Hold on tight, Grea!
Grea: Um, Anne... M-make sure you obey all traffic laws!
Anne: Of course! Who do you think I am?
Anne revs her gearcycle, causing hot flames to spit from the turbine reactors.
Anne: Let's boogie!
Grea: Anne, w-waaait!
Tsubasa: Wah! Slow your roll!
Yung Rintaro: Holy hell! You ever see a beast burn with such passion?
Killa Taiga: Man, her magic is on a whole nother level!
Anne: There's a trick to fire magic! I'd be happy to teach you guys later!
Tsubasa: Pfft... Save the tricks for later! We got rubber to burn! Move out, Red Wings!
Killa Taiga: (I hope Grea notices me... She's a mega cutie... Hehehe...)
Grea: ...
Anne: What's wrong?
Grea: Nothing. I just felt a prickling on the back of my neck...
With new friendships and the scent of burning rubber lingering in the air, Anne's plan has come to fruition.
Now the graduation party preparations can proceed, but more importantly, the rift between Mysteria's student body comes that much closer to dissipating.

Bridging the Rift: Scene 3

Thanks to the efforts of the Mysteria Academy student body, the graduation party is a great success. Back in the student council room, the organizing members are having an after-party when it suddenly dawns on Anne that she, too, will in fact graduate one day. This thought depresses her, as she realizes all of her friends will likely go off on their own paths. Grea notices Anne's crestfallen expression, but is unable to guess what is eating at her friend.

Thanks to Tsubasa's class's support, the Mysteria Academy students manage to finish preparations for the graduation party.
Their efforts were rewarded with a happy celebration of the graduates' accomplishments.
After the festivities die down, Anne and the others return to the student council room for a postmortem.
Anne: Thank goodness that's over with.
Hanna: You can say that again. But everyone played an integral part.
Hanna: I'm proud of you all.
Sheepish smiles pass over the faces of Anne, Grea, Owen, Tsubasa, and all the other present committee members.
Anne: No thanks necessary. We all pulled through to make it happen.
Tsubasa: Heard. Gotta help out your fellow man.
Owen: That's the spirit, Tsubasa.
Owen: We were happy to assist you, Hanna. You have been a constant force in the princess's life.
Grea: You've been there for me too... So it feels odd to accept your thanks.
Hanna: Heh. The feeling's mutual.
Hanna gives a respectful nod to her fellow students.
Council Member 1: Um, Tsubasa... Could we say something to you and your friends?
Council Member 1: We're really sorry.
Feeling the weight of their shame, the student council members droop their heads.
Council Member 2: We called you delinquents, but you guys didn't deserve it.
Council Member 2: And despite our name-calling, you still got us out of this pinch.
Council Member 2: Thank you, from the bottoms of our hearts. We hope you'll forgive us.
Tsubasa: Nah, bruh, no apology necessary. We had our own beef with y'all too.
Tsubasa: It's all water under the bridge. We're good.
Council Member 2: Thanks. If you need anything, don't hesitate to come to the student council for help.
Council Member 2: We'll do whatever we can to assist you.
Tsubasa grins and accepts the offer, while Anne and Grea can only watch as the rift between Mysteria's students seems to grow smaller.
Grea: Hehe, that worked out. Just like you planned, Anne.
Anne: Of course!
Tsubasa: Oh yeah. Yo, Princess, we've got another rally comin' up. You game?
Anne: Wait, I'm invited again?
Tsubasa: Uh, duh. We're buds, right?
Anne: Okay, count me in!
Owen: Princess... What sort of "rally" is Tsubasa referring to?
Anne: Eep! Um... Nothing you should concern yourself with, Owen!
Anne: It's just a small public appearance! Pinky swear!
Owen: ...
Tsubasa and the Red Wings. Anne and her entourage. Hanna can't help but smile wearily as she sees two disparate groups becoming one.
Hanna: After all the trouble we've been through, Tsubasa's class's reputation should greatly improve.
Grea: I think so too. No one will tease them anymore.
Hanna: Long have I seen the growing division in our student body.
Hanna: Try as I might, I could never correct the academy's course myself.
Grea: ...
Hanna: But Anne has accomplished the impossible.
Hanna: I can't hold a candle to our princess.
Hanna: At this rate, perhaps I should step down as student council president...
Grea: What can you do? We're talking about Anne here.
The girls exchange knowing glances and small giggles.
Ms. Miranda: Aww, my precious students! You were all such little troopers, working so hard on the graduation party! Well done!
Mr. Bertrand: My thoughts exactly. When it's your time to graduate, it'll be hard to top the show you put on.
Anne: Our own party?
Anne: (That's right. We're going to graduate too.)
Anne: ...
Ms. Miranda: Anne? What's the matter, sweetheart?
Anne: Ah, it's nothing. I was just imagining what it's going to be like. To graduate, I mean.
Ms. Miranda: Hehe, I bet you can't wait, huh?
Anne: Y-yeah...
Grea: ...
Although Anne's smile is magnanimous, Grea notices an unusual tension in her friend's countenance.
After the postmortem, Anne finds herself wandering the school grounds in a feeble attempt to clear her head.
Anne: ...
Anne: (I've never thought about leaving the academy before...)
Anne: (After we graduate, everyone's going to go their separate ways, aren't they?)
Anne: Sigh...
???: Hey, you. What's with the long face?
Anne: Grea!
Anne, shocked that she's not alone, turns to see Grea.
Though her friend is a welcome sight, her presence does little to dispel the princess's fresh concerns.
Anne: Sheesh, don't scare me like that. I thought you were a ghost!
Grea: Haha, sorry.
Grea: It's just not like you to be down in the dumps. What's got you worried?
Anne: Umm, nothing much. I guess my head is going all over the place now that we don't have the party to distract us.
Grea: Ah, I see. We have been busy.
Anne: Yeah...
Grea: ...
Anne: ...
Anne: Hey, Grea. Are you doing anything else tonight?
Grea: Not at all. What did you have in mind?
Anne: I feel like playing the piano. Would you like to come with me?
Grea: Of course. Is the piano in the music room okay?
Anne: Yeah.
Anne: (I think... I don't want to graduate. I don't want to leave everyone...)
Anne: (It would be amazing if we could stay here forever...)
As Anne and Grea walk to the music room, the princess can't suppress this new, impossible hope.

What the Future Holds

When the school passes out career assessments to everyone in Anne's grade, she is forced once more to confront her future. She realizes her time with Grea and the others is short—depressingly so—and begins to wish they could all stay at the academy forever. The next day, Anne seems to have overslept, but when Owen and Grea go to her room to investigate, they find the usually upbeat princess splayed out on the floor, claiming she can no longer summon her paragon spirits.

A few days have passed since the graduation party.
The students of Mysteria Academy return to their regular daily lives.
Anne: My career path?
A stressed sigh escapes Anne's lips as she looks at the paper in her hands.
Printed in bold letters across the top is "Career Path Assessment."
Anne: (I wonder how Grea and Hanna will answer this.)
Grea: What's the matter, Anne? You've got that look on your face again.
Hanna: Something bothering you?
Anne: Oh, it's nothing...
Anne: I was just wondering what you two thought of this whole career path thing.
Grea: I suppose I'm still thinking it over myself.
Grea: Of course, I want to talk to Dad and Mom before I make any big decisions.
Grea: But it would be nice to do something involving the piano.
Hanna: I plan on continuing my studies. I need to get an advanced degree if I'm going to teach at an academy.
Grea: I didn't know you wanted to be a teacher.
Hanna: Yep. Though I have my doubts whether I'll make a good one...
Anne: Both of you are already thinking of after graduation. I haven't even made it that far.
Anne: What am I going to do?
Grea and Hanna: Hm?
Grea and Hanna turn at Anne's unusually conflicted display.
Grea: What do you mean? Won't you be queen?
Hanna: Yeah, isn't it your duty to oversee the country as part of the royal family?
Anne: Yes, but you see... It's just...
Anne: ...
Grea: Anne?
Anne: Sniff... It's nothing. I think I'll head home now.
Anne picks up her bag and exits the room.
Hanna: What got into her, you think?
Grea: Poor Anne...
A distressed Grea looks on as the suddenly sorrowful Anne exits the room.
It's evening when Anne finds the strength to consider her future options once more.
She sits at her desk, contemplating the career assessment.
Anne: Graduation, careers... There's so much ahead of us.
Anne: (But I'm part of the royal family. I'll have to return to the castle, won't I?)
Anne: (And then I'll inherit the throne from my father and become queen.)
Anne: ...
Anne: (I don't have much time left to enjoy my freedom, do I?)
Anne: (More importantly, I don't have much time left to be with Grea or my friends...)
Anne: Ooh, I just wish things didn't have to change.
Anne's plea fades into the silence of the room.
Anne: Sigh... I should go to sleep. Stressing out like this won't help me come up with a solution.
Mind still wandering, the princess lies down for a night of fitful slumber.
After she finally drifts off, a paragon spirit materializes by her bedside and regards her with a stern but curious expression.
The next morning, Owen is quick to stop by Grea's room.
Owen: Forgive me for waking you so early. Do you have a spare moment, Grea?
Grea: Owen? What's the matter?
Owen: The princess has yet to wake...
Grea: And?
Owen: And, forgive me for the impertinence, but would you kindly go rouse her?
Owen: I'm not allowed to enter her quarters without permission.
Grea: Ah, all right.
Owen: Thank you.
Owen bows to Grea, and they head off together toward Anne's dormitory.
Grea: It's strange for Anne to oversleep.
Owen: I thought so myself. She never once overslept at the castle.
Grea: Something must be really bothering her...
Owen: ...
Grea: Would you happen to have any ideas, Owen?
Owen: Forgive me.
Owen: Though I have noticed something troubles the princess, I have not ascertained the source of her concerns.
Grea: I see. So she hasn't told you then.
Owen: Actually, I thought she would speak to you if anyone.
Grea: Hmm... I asked her a few times to spill the beans, but she never told me.
Owen: I see...
Owen: Well, if she wouldn't divulge her problems to you, I have no chance.
Grea: Why wouldn't she confide in me?
Grea: Doesn't she know I would do anything to help her?
Owen: (Grea certainly cherishes the princess.)
Owen: (I'm thankful they have each other.)
When they arrive in front of Anne's room, Grea gives the door a firm knock.
Grea: Anne, time to wake up. You'll be late if you sleep any longer.
Her call goes ignored.
Grea: Looks like we'll have to take desperate measures...
The half dragon reaches into her pocket and retrieves a key.
Owen: Grea, where did you get that key?
Grea: Anne gave me a spare to her room. Just in case.
Grea: But I never thought I would be using it to wake her up.
After twisting the key, Grea gives the door a shove and steps into the room.
Grea: Anne, wake—
Grea: Wait! Anne, are you okay?
The princess is splayed across the floor, her eyes dazed and slow to find Grea.
A soft yelp escapes the half dragon's lips as she rushes to assist her best friend.
Owen: Forgive me, Princess. This is an emergency, and I will be entering your quarters.
Owen, too, abandons his decorum to rush to the princess's aid.
Anne: Grea, Owen...
Grea: Anne, talk to me! What happened!
Anne: I'm not sure... But I feel weak, and... I can't call my spirits...
Grea: What!
Owen: What!
Though Grea and Owen have confirmed Anne's health doesn't seem to be in dire straits, her revelation still leaves the pair speechless.

What the Future Holds: Scene 2

A few days after losing her abilities, Anne's parents, King Roswell and Queen Leisha, pay Mysteria Academy a visit. The king reveals that the paragon spirits are the ones who choose the next monarch, and that their abandonment of Anne means she has been found unworthy of the crown. Unless she can find a way to restore their faith in her, she will never become queen. Later that evening, she confides her troubles to Grea.

After regaining a bit of her strength, Anne is depressed and dumbfounded by the fact that she can't use her spirits.
Grea and Owen take her to Ms. Miranda and Mr. Bertrand for support.
Mr. Bertrand: You woke up and couldn't summon your spirits anymore? Truly?
Anne: Yes... They seem to be gone without a trace...
Grea: Um, Mr. Bertrand, Ms. Miranda... Do you know what's happened to Anne?
Mr. Bertrand: ...
Ms. Miranda: ...
Ms. Miranda: I'm sorry, dears. I'm afraid we don't have a clue.
Ms. Miranda: Those spirits are beyond our expertise.
Grea: B-but you're teachers!
Mr. Bertrand: Yes, but those paragon spirits are considered top secret magic, whose knowledge is closely guarded by the royal family.
Mr. Bertrand: They are invoked only to protect this land.
Mr. Bertrand: As Ms. Miranda and I are simple educators, our knowledge of the paragon spirits is woefully limited.
Anne: Ah... I see.
Anne: Thank you anyway, Mr. Bertrand, Ms. Miranda.
Anne: I'm sure this is just a fluke. Who knows? Maybe I'll be back to normal by tomorrow.
Mr. Bertrand: Just to be safe, we'll study up ourselves and see if we can't help find a solution.
Anne: Thank you.
Anne gives the teachers a weak but polite bow before turning to leave the room.
Mr. Bertrand: That's quite the pickle...
Ms. Miranda: Isn't it? And Anne's the type to deal with problems by her lonesome, so she must be suffering more than she lets on...
Mr. Bertrand: Grea, Owen. I'm sure you know this, but Anne's condition isn't likely to improve on its own.
Mr. Bertrand: I'm trusting you two to give her the support she needs.
Mr. Bertrand: I'm afraid her anxiety may become crushing... That we may never see her smile again...
Mr. Bertrand: But as her friends, you have a chance to prevent the worst from transpiring.
Owen: Leave it to us. It's my duty to protect the princess—body and mind alike.
Grea: We won't let her down! Anne is too important to give up on!
Mr. Bertrand: Your enthusiasm comforts me.
Mr. Bertrand: Well, Ms. Miranda, shall we start our research? We need to help these kids as much as we can.
Ms. Miranda: Right away!
Ms. Miranda: Bye, Grea! Bye, Owen! Best of luck with Anne!
After Ms. Miranda and Mr. Bertrand leave the room, Grea and Owen exchange a determined nod.
A few days later...
Anne is attempting her latest in a long string of experiments to force her paragon spirits to return.
But no matter how hard she tries, it seems her powers remain inert.
Grea: No luck?
Anne: Zero. Up 'til now, I could call the paragon spirits like casting regular magic, but it's no use...
Grea: Stick with it...
Owen: Princess!
Anne: Owen, what's got you flustered?
Owen: The king and queen have come to the academy!
Anne: What! Mother and Father? What for?
Owen: I don't know the details... Only that they wish to have an audience with you.
Anne: I see. I'll go to them immediately!
Anne: Sorry, Grea! I'll be right back!
A flustered Anne rushes to the academy's reception hall.
Owen: I'll be here if you need anything, Princess.
Anne takes a moment to gather herself before knocking on the reception hall door.
Roswell: It's been too long, Anne.
Leisha: We haven't seen each other like this since your return.
Anne: Um, yes... It's been too long.
Anne: But more importantly, Mother! Father! Why have you come to the academy?
Roswell: A serious matter has occurred that could shape the future of our country.
Roswell: As king of this nation, it naturally falls upon me to investigate.
Anne: You mean...
Leisha: Anne, we know you've lost the ability to call the paragon spirits.
Anne: ...!
How did you find out?
Roswell: Never mind that.
Roswell: Anne, do you know who the paragon spirits once were?
Anne: Yes... They were the brave heroes who brought an end to the conflict which plagued Mysteria long ago.
Anne: Those heroes were revered for their bravery, causing their souls to bond with the land and become guardian spirits.
Roswell: That's correct. And they have stood watch over our country ever since.
Roswell: But in safeguarding our domain, they also serve a different role.
Roswell: It is they who choose the next monarch.
Roswell: Though there is power in our royal blood, it is ultimately up to the spirits to determine who sits upon the throne.
Anne: ...!
Roswell: The paragon spirits favored you. You were destined to become queen.
Roswell: But now that you've lost that favor...
Roswell: You've lost your divine claim to the kingdom. So the spirits have decreed.
Roswell: Thus, as the current king, it falls upon me to recognize their authority and officially revoke your claim to the throne...
Anne: ...
Roswell: However, as things stand now, we've yet to hear reports of the paragon spirits choosing another.
Roswell: This presents us with a bit of a grace period.
Roswell: Reclaim their favor before they elect a new monarch, and all will be well within our family.
Roswell: But if you cannot... You will never be queen.
Roswell: I hope you treat this situation with the importance it deserves.
Anne: ...
Leisha: Anne, I believe in you, dear. Those spirits will choose you again.
Roswell: Yes, I believe in you too. Just... be prepared for whatever may come next.
Anne: Yes, Father...
Though it has been ages since Anne last saw her parents, their words offer her no comfort.
As the queen and king cross the reception hall threshold, they turn back and look at their despondent daughter with a mixture of longing and pity.
After the overwhelming meeting with her parents, Anne returns to the music room where she can release her complicated feelings into the piano.
But the melody she plays is disorderly, as if her fingers can't help but fumble over one another.
Grea: This is rare. I didn't think you liked avant-garde music.
Anne: Grea...
Grea takes a seat beside Anne and begins to play in harmony with the disparate melody.
Grea: ...
Anne: ...
Grea: Hey, Anne. Why didn't you tell me anything?
Grea: Something's going on, right? You can come to me, you know.
Anne: ...
Grea: Have I been a bad friend? Would me knowing hurt you more?
Anne: It's not that!
Grea: Then tell me what you're thinking! I want to help!
Grea: We're... we're best friends, aren't we?
Anne: ...
Grea: I've never seen you in so much pain... I just want to help.
Anne: Grea...
Anne: Okay.
The princess, though hesitant at first, forces herself to divulge her conversation with her parents to Grea.
Grea: They'll cut you out of the lineage?
Anne: Yes. That's why I have to convince the paragon spirits I'm worthy.
Grea: ...
Anne: What would you do if you were in my shoes, Grea?
Anne: I always thought I would just become queen, you know?
Anne: But now... everything's changed...
Anne: I'm not sure what I want anymore. It's all so confusing.
A single tear wells in Anne's eye, caresses her cheek, and falls to the ground.
Grea: It's okay, Anne. You don't have to be scared.
Grea: I—no—we are going help you through this.
Anne: Grea...
Grea: Anne, let's talk to the others, okay?
Grea: If two heads are better than one, then I'm sure we'll find a solution if we discuss this with all of our friends.
Anne: Okay... Thank you, Grea.
Anne embraces Grea with a heartfelt squeeze. The half dragon tenderly pats the princess's head in response.
Though their troubles are many, as they sit together on the piano bench, somehow everything seems to become surmountable.

What the Future Holds: Scene 3

Taking Grea's advice, Anne seeks help from the rest of her support system at Mysteria Academy. After she explains her predicament, they conclude that her fear of the future is likely upsetting the paragon spirits. To help ease her worries, they insist that everyone will always be friends, even if they begin to walk different paths in the future. Back in her dorm, Anne successfully calls a paragon spirit and insists she's a stronger person for facing her fears. The spirit acknowledges her growth and returns her powers without further incident.

The next day...
Anne decides to take Grea's advice and has invited a chorus of familiar faces to a classroom.
She clears her throat before detailing the situation.
Owen: I can't believe this...
Hanna: They'll cut you out of the running for the throne? That's horrible!
Tsubasa: Yeah, is this some kinda sick joke or what?
Mr. Bertrand: Things are certainly more dire than any of us could have expected...
Ms. Miranda: Oh dear, I think I'm feeling faint...
Hanna: Well, at least we have the gist now.
Hanna: Tell us how we can help, Anne.
Anne: I want to call the paragon spirits once more, but so far I've failed trying to convince them on my own.
Anne: I'd like to request your cooperation—though I'm not sure what that looks like at the moment.
Agreement is immediate and unanimous.
Anne's mood is immediately bolstered by the show of support from her friends.
Tsubasa: For real though, the next time you're hurtin', speak up faster.
Hanna: Sigh... I second that motion.
Anne: Um...
Tsubasa: Princess, I'mma say this once: Real friends are ride or die, no matter what happens.
Owen: I couldn't have said it better myself.
Hanna: Exactly. Ride or die... I offer you what support I can.
Mr. Bertrand: Haha, likewise, I would be happy to help. It's nice to feel useful.
Ms. Miranda: That's right, Mr. Bertrand. We'll do our best to see you through this tough time, Anne!
Anne: Thank you all!
Though her cheeks flush, her embarrassment is mild in comparison to her sense of gratitude.
Grea: That was brave, Anne.
Anne: Thanks. If you hadn't convinced me to ask everyone, I would still be struggling with this alone.
Grea: I know. You always hold your cards close to your chest.
Anne: Oof...
Anne: B-but you're just as bad as me!
Hanna: Hah. I'd say you two are peas in a pod.
Anne and Grea: ...
Mr. Bertrand: Anne, asking others for help—and, indeed, receiving that help—is not something to feel embarrassed about.
Mr. Bertrand: Trying to tackle everything alone, on the other hand, that's the real problem.
Mr. Bertrand: Whenever you're in trouble, go to your friends. We all want to help you.
Mr. Bertrand: Please never forget that.
Anne: Yes, sir...
Though Anne knows Mr. Bertrand means well, she can't help but feel chastised.
Later, Anne and the others have begun weighing options.
But no matter how much they strategize, no one can come up with a concrete plan to resummon the spirits.
Tsubasa: Yo, Princess. Let's go over the basics one more time.
Tsubasa: Why can't you call your spooky dudes?
Anne: I'm not sure myself. I woke up and then suddenly they were gone.
Tsubasa: Maybe you royally screwed up something and didn't notice?
Owen: That's unlikely.
Owen: She could call the spirits during the graduation party prep. Nothing exceptional happened afterward either.
Hanna: And yet the spirits saw something in Anne that made them think she wasn't worthy of the throne.
The Trio: ...
Mr. Bertrand: Anne, just to be sure, were you able to call the spirits up until the party?
Anne: Yes.
Mr. Bertrand: But after the party, you weren't? What happened in the meantime?
Anne: I can't think of anything in particular...
Grea: Ah!
Ms. Miranda: Grea! Was that a spark of intuition I saw flash across your face?
Grea: It's just a hunch, but... Anne, something's been bothering you since after the graduation party, right?
Grea: Do you think your concerns might be the source of the problem?
Anne: Well...
Owen: With all this commotion, I forgot something was bothering you. That does seem likely.
Owen: It matches the timing of your condition as well.
Hanna: Now that you mention it, you definitely weren't your usual self.
Hanna: This business with the paragon spirits was just so distracting, it completely slipped my mind too.
Anne: Ah...
Anne: (I didn't want everyone to leave after graduation... And I wished we could stay together forever...)
Anne: (Could that be the cause?)
Anne: ...
Anne: (Hah, it must be. Even though it seems too simple of a reason for the spirits to abandon me...)
Anne: (But if that really is the reason, I'm not sure I can be the princess they require.)
Anne: ...
Mr. Bertrand: Anne, what did we just discuss? Won't you tell us what's on your mind?
Mr. Bertrand: Of course, don't feel forced if you're not comfortable.
Anne: ...
Grea: Anne...
Anne: ...
Anne: Okay.
Anne takes a deep breath before giving voice to her troubles.
Anne: Everyone... I, I was worried about what's going to happen after graduation.
Tsubasa: Hm? But you're set up for life, right? Once you become queen and all that.
Tsubasa: So why are you worried about somethin' stupid like a career path.
Anne: That's... not really it. I know my future is secure.
Anne: It's the fact we're all destined to go our separate ways.
Grea: Ah...
Anne: I first realized it after the graduation party.
Anne: Someday soon, we won't be together anymore.
Anne: What if we never see each other again?
Grea and Tsubasa: ...
Hanna and Owen: ...
Anne: I don't want to leave the academy.
Anne: I want things to stay as they are.
Anne: Even though I know that's not possible...
Anne: Sigh. I like the way things are. Why do things have to change?
Mr. Bertrand: I understand your feelings.
Mr. Bertrand: But I can see why the paragon spirit might be hesitant to choose you.
Anne: Yes. I see it too.
Tsubasa: Huh? How's that make her unfit for the royal chair?
Tsubasa: She's just feeling the same crud we all are?
Mr. Bertrand: Yes, but the royal family is fated to guide the future of a country and its people.
Mr. Bertrand: Yet Anne's vision of the future is plagued with uncertainty.
Mr. Bertrand: If a future monarch were to fear the very thing they're supposed to forge, where does that leave their kingdom?
Mr. Bertrand: Such hesitancy could lead a country to ruin. Or at least that's what I believe the paragon spirits have concluded.
Anne: ...
Hanna: Huh, this is the first time I've considered that perspective...
Hanna: Though I must admit I'm surprised this issue is troubling you so much.
Grea: Same here. Anne, are you really that concerned?
Anne: Of course I am! This is a serious matter!
Grea: Anne, it's true that we'll all go our separate ways after graduation.
Grea: And it won't be as easy for us to see each other.
Anne: ...
Grea: But that doesn't change the time we've spent together.
Anne: ...
Hanna: Exactly. Just because we're apart doesn't mean we won't be friends.
Tsubasa: Yeah. Ride or die, remember? Bros are bros for life.
Tsubasa: And you'll be our bro even if you become queen.
Anne: You guys...
Hanna: See? There's nothing for you to worry about.
Grea: No matter how far apart we are, Anne, we'll always be your friends.
Anne: Thank you...
The support of her friends is exactly the reassurance Anne needed.
Her concerns about graduation all but dissipate from her chest.
Where once her shoulders were downcast and joyless, she now holds herself high, secure in the support of her friends.
Though Anne no longer feels conflicted, the paragon spirits have yet to return.
But this only fills the princess with a new determination.
Anne: Still not satisfied, huh?
Anne: I thought they would come back if I resolved my worries...
Anne: Sigh... But of course worrying itself wasn't the problem.
Anne: It's just like Mr. Bertrand said.
Mr. Bertrand: Yes, but the royal family is fated to guide the future of a country and its people.
Mr. Bertrand: Yet Anne's vision of the future is plagued with uncertainty.
Mr. Bertrand: If a future monarch were to fear the very thing they're supposed to forge, where does that leave their kingdom?
Mr. Bertrand: Such hesitancy could lead a country to ruin. Or at least that's what I believe the paragon spirits have concluded.
Anne: (Am I truly in the wrong?)
Anne: (Is fearing the future truly so blasphemous for a monarch?)
Anne presses her face into her palms before collapsing onto the bed.
Anne: Hey, if you're still there, would you come out for me?
Anne: I need to say something to you.
Anne: Maybe I'm not worthy of the throne.
Anne: Maybe you'll find someone better to become the monarch, and I accept that. So, please... Heed me?
Anne: Heh. There's no way that would work, huh?
Despite Anne's doubts, a lone paragon spirit materializes before her.
Paragon Spirit: ...
Anne: ...
Anne, flung awake by the sudden appearance, sits dumbfounded.
Anne: You... You answered?
Paragon Spirit: ...
The spirit responds only with a steely gaze.
She sits up and prepares to spill her heart to the heroic specter.
Anne: First off, let me say thank you. For appearing before me just now.
Paragon Spirit: ...
Anne: You can't predict the person I'll become, so you have to judge me for who I am now, right?
Anne: And if I am to forge the future of this country and its people, I need to be a strong ruler...
Anne: So, by your standards, I must never be caught wavering, correct?
Paragon Spirit: ...
The spirit nods.
Anne: I won't disagree.
Anne: But I need you to know: stopping to examine one's life is a strength.
Anne: To stand and reflect, to look back on what was...
Anne: So many of my friends have helped me, made me into the person I am today.
Anne: It's only thanks to their influence that I hold any qualities of a ruler at all.
Anne: Shouldn't my hesitancy to leave them be a testament to my judge of character?
Paragon Spirit: ...
Anne: I know that I've struggled.
Anne: But it's because of my wonderful friends that I have the courage to walk forward.
Anne: It's true I'm going to miss them a lot when we have to depart this academy...
Anne: But this isn't the end. We'll still have the memories of the time we spent together.
Anne: They taught me that.
Anne: But it's because I've struggled and overcome my hesitancy that I've grown stronger.
Paragon Spirit: ...
Anne: Fearing the future is not a problem.
Anne: But boldly crossing into the unknown with nary a care? That sounds far worse to me.
Paragon Spirit: ...
Anne: I'm not sure if you will accept my thinking.
Anne: But if you do, I want you to return to me...
Anne: So we can build the best future together.
Paragon Spirit: ...
The spirit is unresponsive. Seconds seem to grow into an eternity, but Anne refuses to budge.
Eventually, the spirit nods and gives the princess an affectionate pat on the head.
Anne: Huh?
Paragon Spirit: ...
Before Anne realizes what has happened, the spirit dissipates into her body.
Anne: ...
Anne: I don't know for sure what you require of me.
Anne: But I can promise you this: I will protect this country that you so adore.
Anne: Thank you. For believing in me.
Princess and paragon are joined again.
And with their reunion, Anne is no longer plagued by doubts of the future.
Instead, her previous uncertainty has been replaced by a deep desire to shape that very same future.
A desire which the spirits of the land will see come to fruition, come hell or high magic.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
ごめんねっ!そこをどいて! Sorry! Coming through!
英霊よ!力を示せ! Spirits! Lend me your strength!
仲間は傷つけさせないよ! I won't let you hurt my friends!
さぁ先へ急ごう! Onward we go!
私はマナリアのみんなが大好きっ! I love everyone in Mysteria!
みんな大丈夫? Is everyone all right?
またグレアと連弾したいなぁ… I miss playing the piano with Grea...
オーウェンって心配性だよね… Owen's such a worrywart.
(主人公)さんも学院に入学してみる? Ever thought of enrolling into the academy, (Captain)?
(主人公)さん!ここは私に任せて! Leave this to me, (Captain)!

Other Appearances

Rage of Bahamut


Anne, Belle of Mysteria

Click to reveal card data

Fanfare: Summon a Grea the Dragonborn and evolve it.

Are you new to Mysteria Academy? I'm Anne, and this is Grea! Looking forward to studying together!


Whenever this follower attacks, deal 1 damage to all enemy followers.

I love this academy! Nothing would make me happier than if you learn to love it too!

Class Runecraft
Trait Mysteria
Card Pack Rise of Bahamut
SV Portal Anne, Belle of Mysteria
Language Play Attack Evolve Death Enhance Other

Anne, Mysterian Prodigy

Click to reveal card data

Fanfare: Choose - Put either an Anne's Summoning or an Anne's Sorcery into your hand.
Whenever you play a Mysteria card, subtract 1 from the cost of this card.

For the academy and everyone in it, I'm going to unleash my true power—no holding back! You're gonna see what I'm made of!


I'm not scared of a fight... What frightens me is the thought of my friends getting hurt. So I'll protect them, whatever it takes!

Class Runecraft
Trait Mysteria
Card Pack Omen of the Ten
SV Portal Anne, Mysterian Prodigy
Language Play Attack Evolve Death Enhance Other

Anne's Summoning

Click to reveal card data

At the end of your opponent's turn, banish this follower.

When the spellweaver's incantation echoes, a great spirit answers her summons.
"O, spirit of war! Heed my call!"


(Same as the unevolved form.)

The great spirit is faithful to his mistress, protecting her from all of her foes.
"Okay, spirit buddy! Give 'em everything you've got!"

Class Runecraft
Trait Mysteria
Card Pack Token
SV Portal Anne's Summoning
Language Play Attack Evolve Death Enhance Other

Anne's Sorcery

Click to reveal card data

Deal X damage to an enemy.
X equals the number of other Mysteria cards you've played this match.

"I use my powers for the sake of others—I'll protect Mysteria Academy no matter what!"
—Anne, Mysterian Prodigy

Class Runecraft
Trait Mysteria
Card Pack Token
SV Portal Anne's Sorcery
Language Play Attack Evolve Death Enhance Other

Rage of Bahamut: Manaria Friends

Anne was set to appear as a main character alongside Grea in the anime series Rage of Bahamut: Manaria Friends. It was originally scheduled to premiere in April 2016, before being postponed. The anime was later released in Winter 2019 season.
